Em-Powered Fitness & Personal Training

About Em-Powered Fitness & Personal Training

Health is Wealth
I am a Qualified Level 3 REPS Personal Trainer
Please contact me for all things Fitness and nutritional
Keeping fitness fun



FULL STOP!!! And MAN did the campers work hard tonight!
A double bubble workout tonight 👇🏼
... 2 x 19 minute workouts 1 x Partner AMRAP
AMRAP P1: Run P2: 10 Goblet squats, 10 burpees, 10 KB swings, 10 Slam Balls Swap!
1 x 19 minute EMOM workout
Everyone did BOTH workouts tonight and SMASHED IT!
There was me worried about numbers as this week I had a lot of people away on holiday or otherwise engaged.... I needn’t of been worried because yet there was another great turnout! Some new members who turned up and did absolutely superb!
Every week I’m blown away by everyone’s loyalty and the numbers are forever growing. For that I thank you!
3 more Tuesdays before I go away so be sure to be there before you’re granted 3 weeks off 😂
Em x
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Another fab video for push up tekkers from Achieve Fitness! Take a look.... push up technique is SO important! https://www.instagram.com/p/BzjmZVonKOw/? igshid=4xsxi3qu57qq


I have been a bit slack with the bootcamp status and commendations this week and last 🙈 Apologies for that, no excuses apart from I’ve been so busy with one thing or another I forgot!
However, today’s bootcamp was wicked! Even tho we had a smaller group today due to holidays and weddings, they all beasted their workout in the sunshine and some even upped the anti where the weights were concerned!
... Amazing! Smaller groups are great as I can see a little more clearly what is going on and correct any tekkers that have fallen off the radar a bit üòÇ
Each and every one of them show up with a fab attitude and interact with one another: it’s great to see the campers building relationships and pushing each other thru the workouts. When the Nuts Challenge is here in September, they’ll all feel comfortable around one another as hands will be placed in places you wouldn’t expect 😂😂😂
Well done everyone!
My Saturday highlight 💪🏼😎
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Here she is! This is Shelley performing some TRX rollouts and Side dips. Transverse core exercise to get you all breathless 🤘🏼 Well done girl! At least the sun was shining ☀️💪🏼 #belikeshelley


This beauty was unleashed on the bootcampers last night at bootcamp! Travelling exercises and body weight! Run from cone 1 to cone 4... perform 20 reps. Run back to cone 1 and perform another 20 reps. Repeat but this time run to cone 3 and perform 15 reps. Run back to cone 1 and perform another 15. Finally run to cone 2 and perform 10 reps then back to cone 1 and repeat 10! Each round the travelling exercise changed and so did the exercise at the cones! 90 reps in total for most exercises and let me tell you, by the time they finished, they were DONE IN! Smashed it guys! Well done! #empoweredpt


Afternoon everyone,
A quick message for One to one clients....
If you haven’t already done so, could you please send me your holiday dates or any dates you’ll miss between now and September so I can pop them in my new diary 📔
... I will not be taking on any new clients until September so if you wanted an available slot and you’ve not got back to me, unfortunately you’re too late!
Clients will drop off around this time and I tend to pick new ones up so if you’re interested in sessions on certain days and times, let me know and I’ll see how the diary is between now and then or at least put you on my waiting list. If you’re already on the list and I haven’t contacted you, the chances are your session hasn’t become available. If you’re still interested, let me know and I’ll look into it.
I will be running 14 day intense sessions which will be advertised at a later date but again, not until September. Message if you want more info.
Last thing, if you’re attending these sessions but your heart isn’t in it, I will start to replace your sessions with people who are and have been waiting for me for a while. Be honest.... i’d rather my time wasn’t wasted but equally, I’m sure you don’t want to waste yours either.
This is not a bollocking.... I’m just reiterating👌🏼
Big love
Emma xx
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Adding in some superman push ups this week!


Thank you! Thank you to those who came and smashed tonight’s workout!
The traffic might of stopped a good few people turning up but for those that made it, you absolutely beasted it.
My heroes!
... See you next week!
I’ve heard the roads are still horrendous 😫 I hope you get home soon xx
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And you lot think my Bootcamp’s are bad! Check this out!
I would sob.... although secretly I’d like to give this a go.


EMpowered sports day will take place in a few weeks at Bootcamp! What are your favourite games?
I ran a sports day a few years back and it was HYSTERICAL üòÇüòÇ


Firstly apologies that I didn’t put my Bootcamp status up yesterday! I had one of those days where I woke up at half 6 then everything span until I got home at 1am this morning!
Secondly, I just wanna say how incredibly hard the bootcampers worked this morning! It was a tough 22 minute AMRAP for them, especially with the heat but the bottom line is that they went for it....Head down, grunts personified and they all finished!
5 exercises and a little run seem quite straight ...forward don’t they, but when you’re trying to get as many rounds in as you can with very little rest, it’s HARD!!!!
Well done everyone, every week you absolutely smash it!!
Just a heads up that there are 6 weeks of Bootcamp’s until I go on my holidays! Yaaaaays! I get 2 weeks off and you guys don’t get to hear my dolcit tones for a fortnight.... that doesn’t mean you’re not gonna miss me tho! So.... basically, you have 6 weeks to get your arses in shape before then!
See you next week!
Em xxx
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And boy did they work hard tonight!
A few boxing drills tonight for the Tuesday bootcampers and they beasted it!
The Combos in drill 2 ended up just being a load of made up punches but at least they worked hard and laughed in equal measure üòÇüòÇ
... Such a great bunch with such great banter! What’s not to love! 😍😍
See you next week when hopefully the sun will shine hard!!!
Em xx
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I love this... We put pressure on ourselves to give it 100% all of the time and sometimes we can’t. If you’ve missed out on sessions or eaten bad, have a word and just start again. There is no right or wrong way to do it. We all fall off the wagon sometimes but there’s always another day!
Don’t beat yourself up!
... Focus and carry on when you can
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Some squat variations! The first demo is fab for those who have never squatted before or who have poor tekkers. Chest up and arse to the grass! https://www.instagram.com/p/BynF4YAHkRT/‚ Ķ


I know I’ve said this before but I’m finally getting round to ordering more EMpowered merch. (That’s what happens when you have a spare hour in the day!)
I have the following: Alexandra Iordache - Zip Hoody and T shirt - M... Georgia Beslee - Pullover Hoody - M Caroline Fisher - Pullocer Hoody & Tshirt - L Lynne Stevens - T shirt - M (for Richard) Lucy French-Pounce - T-shirt & Pullover Hoody M Lucy Crowther - Vest & T-shirt - L Leanne Allum - Pullover Hoody - M Lisa Ayres MQ - Vest - L
You’ve got an hour to let me know....
I’ll finally place the order once I have confirmation 👍🏼
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Despite this weather making my job a little bit difficult when it comes to session planning, the fitfam took the workout I’d created and belted the life out of it....
Albeit the session was indoors which wasn’t ideal, especially as it was so hot even with air con (think of the calorie burn guys!), They absolutely worked together for 5 minute rounds on 6 stations in timekeeper fashion.
Love the motivation between them when they work together!
... Well done everyone, cross those fingers it’s back outside next week! 🤞🏼🤞🏼
Em xxx
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Bootcamp done! Proper farm bootcamp this morning as due to this ever changing, “catching you out at every opportunity” weather, I had to make the call as to whether we ran the session outside or not.
As I have a duty of care to all my campers, I made the last minute decision this morning to use the resources I have and run the session undercover!
... As the grass can be long and very slippery, the last thing I want is for accidents to happen.
Sometimes it’s not ideal but needs must! Wherever we are, the fitfam will always get a decent workout, even if it means they get their hands dirty! It won’t kill you! As it turned out, the weather was ok but it’s always better to be safe than sorry!
We were watched by heards of bulls and were greeting by the smell of manure but THAT is what it’s all about!
Thanks for changing venues at last minute and thank you for beasting your workout like you always do!
Empowered Heroes
See you next week
Em xxxx
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More about Em-Powered Fitness & Personal Training

Em-Powered Fitness & Personal Training is located at 14 Sandown Road, DA12 5EN Gravesend, Kent