Embodied Mind



https://themindedinstitute.com/…/yoga-t herapy-skills-psych…/
Yoga Therapy Skills for Psychologists and Therapists
DATE22nd November 2018 - 25th November 2018... TIME:10:00 am - 6:00 pm LOCATION:The Minded Institute 220 Arlington Road, Camden London NW1 7HE United Kingdom
Event Details:
Basic therapeutic yogic techniques are being used increasingly within psychological therapies, and with good reason: Neuroscience research suggests that body-based practices increase neuroplasticity and improve affect regulation. In addition, mindfulness training promotes the inhibition of old habits, reappraisal of pre-existing assumptions, and the possibility to respond in novel ways. Yogic techniques naturally offer both improved mindfulness and greater emotional regulation making it a perfect complement to psychological work. Furthermore, as a holistic practice yoga attends to mind, body, behaviour and social interaction, thereby offering a biopsychosocial approach that nicely aligns with a growing appreciation that healing requires attention to all aspects of the person.
Yoga also offers potential benefits for therapists themselves; a growing area of research suggests that both mindfulness and yoga reduce burnout in mental health practitioners, supporting greater well-being and resilience. Interestingly, research has found that patients who work with psychologists who practice mind-body techniques report greater overall satisfaction with therapy.
In this 4-day CPD led by Dr. Samantha Bottrill (senior clinical psychologist and yoga therapist) and Heather Mason (founder of Minded, one of the world’s premier yoga therapy training organisations) psychologists and therapists can learn basic yoga practices that can easily be incorporated into their therapeutic work:
During the training you will learn:
The common neural correlates that span most mental health conditions Research that expresses yoga’s potential role in mental health and the neurological mechanisms that underline its curative effects Basic yoga practices that can be used in therapeutic work to promote greater emotion regulation and improved patient self-efficacy How to best talk to patients about including yogic practices in therapeutic work Which types of yoga classes will best benefit your patients based on their current presentation Yogic and mindfulness techniques to help you maintain or restore your own well-being
See more


lovely article on the power of self-study http://www.yogajournal.com/yoga-101/inqui re-within


Very excited to be venturing into the world of live Facebook videos!


Feeling very inspired after Lisa Kayley-Isley's 2 day workshop on yoga for eating disorders and emotional trauma. A beautiful weekend of weaving together yogic insight and modern understandings
http://www.theyogitree.co.uk/lisa-kaley-i sley/


Such a sad recent guardian article about how young girls feel under such pressure to look a certain way..
https://www.theguardian.com/…/girls-as- young-as-7-feel-pres…
Whilst yoga is not necessarily a panacea, it does offer huge potential to transform our relationship with our body. Join me at The Minded Institute to explore the theory and practice of using yoga to help heal eating disorders at our upcoming CPD course, 23rd – 27th November in Euston, London. See www.embodiedmind.co.uk for further info. Contact email@themindedinstitute.com to secure your place.


Another exciting research study investigating the role of Yoga in inpatient eating disorder treatment. The authors looked at the impact on mood and found that a yoga session before dinner each day helped to reduce negative mood http://www.tandfonline.com/…/…/10.108 0/10640266.2016.1237810
This has very much been my experience of working with young people with anorexia. A yoga class can help lift their mood to face the challenges ahead and is often the one time in their week when they are not ruminating about food. Join me to explore the theory and practice of using yoga to help heal eating disoders - next Yoga Therapy for Eating Disorders Training, 23rd – 27th November in London. Contact email@themindedinstitute.com to secure your place.


Yoga Therapy for Eating Disorders: A 5-day Professional Development Course
My next training is coming up soon... 23rd - 27th November in Euston


I've got a spare few minutes please do complete this UK yoga survey - it's crucial for ongoing researcha nd funding
https://www.westminster.ac.uk/…/sci…/ big-uk-yoga-survey-buys


Dr Melody Moore (founder of Embody love Movement) is coming to London - I'm really excited to be going to her workshops....


A great looking documentary - fingers crossed it comes to the UK https://bodyimagemovement.com/embrace-the -documentary/


Our latest mind-body-eating workshop is open and ready for bookings... Yoga & mindfulness can help us make small, brave steps towards understanding patterns around eating & body image...and towards self acceptance... The Well Garden �#�mindfulness� �#�eatingdisorder� �#�workshop�


Yoga and mindfulness exploring the mind-body-eating connection
A half day workshop run by Dr Sam Botrill & Piriamvada. Suitable for anyone who wishes to better understand their patterns around disordered or emotional eating and body image. A mix of practical exploration, discussion and presentation of the latest scientific research (and gong of course!), the next dates are Sundays 29th May & 25th Sept.
9.30am - 2pm at The Well Garden... £45 early birds, £50 thereafter. Www.embodiedmind.co.uk Sam - 07956357658
See more


Upcoming workshop… Mind-Body-Eating: Exploring the connection through yoga & mindfulness. Join Dr Sam Bottrill and Ali Gunning for a tailored morning of yoga and mindfulness practice plus discussion and gong meditation. 9.30am – 2pm, Sunday 29th May @ The Well Garden, Hackney. £50 per person, £45 early bird before 1st May. See www.embodiedmind.co.uk for further info


Such a beautiful reminder of the essence of yoga courtesy of Erich Schiffmann
http://www.movingintostillness.com/book/a sana_feeling.html

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