Embodied Page

About Embodied Page

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Embodied Page Description

This is the world's most interesting Facebook group for coaches, trainers and HR managers - for inspiration, learning and community, and quite a bit of silliness. Posts by: http://www. integrationtraining. co. uk /trainers /

It is the home of business training and coach training providers Integration Training. Specialists in stress management, leadership and the embodied approach. Clients include Unilver, Liberty Global, Shell, The Police, The NHS, Virgin Atlantic, AXA, The UK House of Lords and UNICEF. Led by Mark Walsh and Francis Briers based in Brighton UK with associates in London, Birmingham, Amsterdam and New York.
http://www. integrationtraining. co. uk /

Integration Training trains coaches in the embodied approach to coaching, facilitation and leadership. They are European pioneers in this area: http://efc. integrationtraining. co. uk /
http://www. thebodyofleadership.com/



EYP teacher training Berlin :1) #embodiedyogaprinciples #embodiedyoga


Teaching this again yesterday: From: https://www.theembodimentbook.com/
These are the most common verbal mistakes I see people in this field make:
• Giving possible outcomes and metaphors, rather than clear methods, e.g. “Empty your mind”, or, “Have a mind like water”, versus “Bring your attention to the physical sensations of breathing”. This is known as non-operational language, as the clear method is missing and it forces people to guess what you’d actually like them to do!
• Starting instructions with, “Just . . .” This is a common verbal tic, which minimises the task, which may not be easy or trivial to your participants.
• Use of foreign, “spiritual” or anatomical/scientific jargon, as a way of claiming status; it often makes things less clear.
• Using an annoying breathy spiritual “yoga/dance voice” or even a different accent! Just speak normally! More broadly, practice use of tone matters, as this conveys your own embodiment.
• Use of “good”, “nice” and other value judgements, which suggest certain options are better than others (assuming you don’t want to do this). For example, “nice and deep into the stretch”, implying that it’s somehow better to go deep than not. Value judgements may be inherent in word choices such as, “Collapse the chest”, which sounds bad compared to, “Flex the upper spine”!
• Asking questions such as, “What happened in your body?” This frames people as passive victims of their own bodies. A better question that encourages personal responsibility would be, “What did you do in your body?”.
• Telling participants what they are seeing/experiencing and not letting them spot it for themselves, for example, “You are feeling relaxed”. Letting people spot it for themselves teaches them self-observation and responsibility for their own bodies.
• Not giving a reason for an exercise. This encourages blind faith, as opposed to healthy questioning.
• Not asking permission when touching. Or alternatively, asking but not really being okay with a “no”. This creates compliance.The ethical way is to gain explicit verbal consent, or at least a non-verbal indicator. ...cont in book
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Really enjoyed @janedancey2000 ’s session on embodied cycles and mensuration using Embodied Yoga Principles poses.
Important for all men to learn about I think (“what do you mean you’re not always the same!!?”) and also cool to see EYP used for a subject I don’t know much about. That’s the beauty of the principles based embodied work we do actually.


You know, I never thought I’d say this but I’m really happy with the direction yoga has been moving in over the last few years.
Trauma awareness and consent culture has become more normal, and while body beatific dishonest spiritual veneer yoga is still rampant I see more and more people turning to depth approaches and the somatic. Here in Germany for example I’m meeting lots of young but sincere and open minded students who have no interest in fancy poses and leggings. I’ve ...also not to judge a book by its cover as some people look like “shiny” Insta yogis and really are much more than that.
Maybe EYP was a bit ahead of its time and now it’ll get taken up more widely. Let’s see.
Of course there’s some selection bias with where I train and who my students are but I can’t help but be cautiously encouraged! Photo: EYP Berlin teacher training team wirh @janedancey2000 @meantosi @olga.berdikyan @chris_tina_moves @evaklein2412 (great guest class!) and @julia
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Back in Berlin. Shout if you want to get together and scowl and look cool. #berlinyoga


Embodiment practice vs nature
Often I feel more connected and restored by a day in the woods and mountains than a week in a yoga studio. The wind on my face, walking with a friend, the burn of happy working muscles outside, the soothing embrace of tress...all this brings me back home and I wonder why I spend so much time indoors, even to practice embodiment.
That being said, there’s a level of self-generated conscious embodiment, and subtler levels that are best explored in... more controlled human environments. And all comparisons are of course odious, so there’s no real “vs”, one compliments the other.
The ecology channel of the conference is already very strong by the way. Headed by Adrian Harris and with presenters such as Charles Eisenstein, Philip Shepherd and @david abrams too. Anyone know Joanna Macy by the way? Would love to have her join us.
Good to spend a day exploring beautiful Slovenia whatever 🙂 Thanks @evabrovinsky @ Jezero Jasna / Lake Jasna
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After just a few hours of training people begin (simple and safe) embodied coaching in Slovenia


Last call for our online training this evening. Three hours on working with the body in training and coaching - link in bio


Good day :-)


On now. Free! Google it.


Things I liked in London after two weeks up here:
The cheap and good somatic dance classes at Siobhan Davies Studio, also the Gaga there.
@benmedder and @wbrown7 classes.
... @audrey boss’s Open Floor and Christian de Sousa’s 5R class
Tibi Moravcik Systema
Devaraj Sandberg bioenergetics
Hanging out with Adam Wilder and other London friends.
Things I didn’t like: - Travelling around this big bloody city! - Rip offs - Noise - London agro unfriendliness at times. Quite an aggressive lonely place. - Lack of her royal kittiness
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Online training evening. Just £10 - link in bio


Ha! Cool new thing. Arrived at a course and found my book on the book table next to Martha Eddys, Anna Halprin’s and Bessel Ban Der Kolks. 🙂 Embarrassingly I’m wearing the same red jumper as on the cover. Getting harder and harder to be anonymous though.


On London. Shout if around, could do coffee today


Who else is in london? Around for two weeks


Early bird ending on all my upcoming events today including Euro tour (Amsterdam, Brussels, Berlin, Copenhagen, Slovenia) and EYP teacher trainings.
Brighton £10 one-day event almost sold out (50 max!) and infinite places left on the online taster (gotta love the Internet). Link in bio to city events, google “embodied yoga principles teacher training” for that.


OK, genuinely last call for super early bird from tomorrow, price will go up and less freebies. #embodied #embodiment #embodiedcoaching #embodiedfacilitator #lifecoaching

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