Embodied Yoga - Therapies For Daily Life

About Embodied Yoga - Therapies For Daily Life

Restorative Yoga to relax and reconnect. Restorative Yoga taught in various locations in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire

Embodied Yoga - Therapies For Daily Life Description

Learn what happens when you slow down and check in with yourself.

Taught by Laura, British Wheel of Yoga Student Teacher and Occupational Therapist. Both as a Student Yoga Teacher and Occupational Therapist I am interested in what influences health and happiness.

My approach to practicing and teaching Yoga is inspired by studying both ancient yoga texts and contemporary research into the body and mind. I aim that my yoga classes are accessible and that what you learn on the mat you can use in daily life.

I specialise in Restorative Yoga, a style which emphasises the importance of relaxation and self compassion.

With the intensity of modern life, we can easily become disconnected. Restorative yoga is a delicious way for us to reconnect. Based on the work of Judith Lasater, the teaching combines philosophy and science. Using props to support the body in positions of comfort and ease, we explore the power of stillness and silence. The class opens with a slow flow to enable you to de-stress, progressing to a series of restorative poses for breathing and meditation practices. The class closes with an extended savasana to enable you to let go completely. By dedicating time to rest deeply, you will gain more energy, compassion and creativity.

Monthly Restorative Yoga Classes at Bamboo Yoga Studio in Arnold. 1: 1s and small groups can also be arranged.

Classes are suitable for those who wish to learn about yoga at an introductory level and are particularly beneficial for those who are seeking enjoyable strategies to manage stress.

Classes include:
Introduction of a philosophical theme.
Posture practices.
Breathing practices.
Meditation practices.
Use of music.

Classes last 90 mins - 2 hours.



I remind myself that courage isn't about not feeling afraid. I think about courage as carrying on when I'm afaid. My default is to tell myself I shouldn't feel my fear and often shame myself when I do. This fear and shame pattern came up with my birth experience. Noticing this pattern gave me opportunity to choose to be kind and reasonable with myself. Of course giving birth is frightening (even when there aren't any complications). And of course I'm allowed to have felt af...raid when giving birth and to feel afraid when remembering what it was like to give birth. So the first thing that I'm sharing about what helps with birth trauma recovery is: Give yourself permission to feel your fear and swap shame for pride.
#birthtrauma #positivebirth #traumarecovery #mentalhealthrecovery #selfcare #selflove #restorativeyoga
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Just over 6 weeks ago I gave birth. It was the empowering and transformative experience I wanted but not in the way I had expected. There were various complications and challenges. Whilst I'm enjoying caring and bonding with my baby, I also have post traumatic stress disorder or birth trauma. My experience of maternity care has been very mixed. did it was very skilled and sensitive and some of it was very unskilled and insensitive. Speaking to women in my circle I'm findin...g that many of them experienced similar difficulties that they didn't or couldn't talk about at the time. I'm having flashbacks, nightmares and panic attacks. They also described anxiety, depression, issues with the maternity care they received and difficulties accessing specialist support. I'm begining to work with my Doula to share my concerns and advocate for changes in our local maternity service. In the future I'd like to use my skills and knowledge as a mental health occupational therapist and yoga teacher to support women and raise awareness about birth trauma. In the coming months/years I'm keen to connect with those with similar interests and experiences. In the meantime I'm going to start sharing here what I'm learning along the way about birth trauma recovery.
#positivebirth #birthtrauma #mentalhealth #traumarecovery #mentalhealthrecovery #traumainformed #restorativeyoga #selfcare #selflove #womenshealth #occupationaltherapy
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Take a deep breath, release and start again. I've been feeling the pull of old habits recently. It's easy for me to get frustrated and critical when I get sucked back in. But it doesn't help. I know that my nervous system needs practice and love to rewire new habits. It's ok to notice that you've made the same mistake again. Congratulate yourself for noticing. Take a deep breath, release and start again. Each time you do you'll be supporting your nervous system to create the... pathway for your new habit. #selflove #selfcare #yogatherapy #bodypositivity #sensoryintegration #attachment #trauma #recovery
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Slow down to expand and create. I've arrived in my 2nd trimester of pregnancy. Over the past few months I've been practicing slowing down and resting even more. Challenging my unhelpful tendancy of overworking has not been easy. It's interesting to notice the thoughts that pop up telling me it's not ok to slow down and rest. The funny thing is the more I do slow down and rest the more capable I am of bigger and better things. Whether you're growing a baby, starting a new project or another challenge keep yourself fully charged with self care.


When things go wrong...love and care for yourself more not less. Normally when things go wrong, my unhelpful tendancy is to over think the problem, judge and blame myself, become critical and ashamed. Recently I caught myself as I was spiralling. I'd had a stressful week but I was ok. Then a minor car accident with an angry man meant that sudenly I wasn't. For a few days l felt unsafe and overwhelmed. My imagination created lots of scary stories about what could have happ...ened and what might happen. I've been there many times before, I've had lots of opportunities to learn what works for me and what doesn't. Even though it feels unfamiliar loving and caring for myself is what works. Here are some of the things that I use to bring myself back: asking for help and hugs, dancing, talking to someone I trust, walks in nature, crying, yoga, showers, wrapping myself in a blanket, singing, guided meditation, journalling, hot chocolate, using my favourite essential oils, listening to audio books and affirmations.
#selflove #selfcare #yogatherapy #sensoryintegration #trauma #attachment #bodypositivity #mindfulness #recovery
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While on my trip to Tucson, I loved seeing the saguaro cacti in flower. Something that excited me was their effortless balance of masculine and feminine qualities. I found myself asking myself how can I find more balance between how and when I express my masculine and feminine qualities especially between challenge - nurture and thoughts - feelings.


The power of humans coming together to support each other is limitless. I recently spent 4 inspiring days on retreat with some of the most courageous and loving women. It was a great opportunity to practice vulnerability. To test limiting beliefs that its not safe for me to share. Perhaps like me you'll get to discover that by sharing you might be loved more not less.
#selflove #selfcare #bodypositivity... #restorativeyoga #yogatherapy #dancetherapy
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I've been practicing courage. I'm about to fly to San Francisco. Whilst I'm so grateful for the opportunity to travel, for me traveling alone brings up lots of fear. I know I'll enjoy myself but first I have to overcome the fears that make my heart race, mind spin and think I should stay at home. This time I've been exploring how I can be more accepting of my fears and allowing myself to seek comfort. I've arrived in my seat taking a big exhale and telling myself I've done well.
#restorative yoga # self love # seasonal yoga


Sometimes by letting go of what it should be like you get to enjoy what it is like. The sun didn't shine but we still enjoyed our wet and windy trip to Cornwall.
#seasonal yoga #restorative yoga #selflove... #selfcare
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The more stressed and exhausted I am the more difficult it is for me to keep up my self-care. Its easy for me to slip into a cycle of over working. Fear arises and so do the thoughts that I haven't done enough work yet or my work isn't good enough yet. I find it really helpful to be around others who are commited to their self care. Being part of different groups and classes offers me support, inspiration and routine. Although slowing down and resting is sometimes difficult, it always feels so much better when I have. If you're looking for support, inspiration and routine with self care in the form of yoga. Join us Sunday 7th March 5.00 - 7.00pm at Bamboo Studio Arnold.


The energy of early spring is often associated with the quality of excitement. But this time of year also has associations sadness for me. Its a reminder for me to slow down and make space to be with all the feelings. Its an interesting challenge for me to become comfortable with tears of joy and loss. My yoga practice supports me with this, after all yoga is all about feeling and connecting to yourself.
Get comfortable and spend some quality time with yourself. Join us fo...r a 2 hour Self-Love practice in the form of Restorative Yoga. 5.00 - 7.00 Sunday 3/March at Bamboo Yoga Studio Arnold.
#seasonalyoga #restorativeyoga #selflove #selfcare
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Adventures of a Restorative Yogi... I'm in London again just about to start a Trauma Sensative Yoga Training at the Jamyang Buddhist Centre. The sun is shining and the prayer flags in the court yard are lit up and waving beautifully.


Try using your yoga practice to send your body some love... When this photo was taken over the summer my reaction to seeing my body was yuck! Posting it on social media was not a possibility. Less than 6 months of being more consistent with my self love and self care practices have resulted in a big change in how I now see my body in this photo (and in the mirror.) But more importantly big changes in how my body feels and how I feel about my body. Ask yourself what would cha...nge for you if you sent your body more love.
Get in touch for information about my group and individual yoga and self love services.
#restorativeyoga. #selflove #selfcare #bodypossitivity
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Get cosy and spend some quality time with yourself. Join us this Sunday for 2 hours of self love in the form of Restorative Yoga. 5.00 - 7.00pm Sunday 3/Feb at Bamboo Yoga Studio Arnold. #restorativeyoga #selflove #selfcare


If it's the season when you feel exhausted... give yourself some extra rest and love.
I find most things seem more manageable after I've made myself comfortable and connected to my body breathing for 20 mins.
I have a Restorative Yoga Class coming up this Sunday 5.00 - 7.00pm at Bamboo Yoga Studio Arnold. It's a great opportunity to spend some quality time with yourself.
... #yoganottingham #restorativeyoga #seasonalyoga #selflove
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Adventures of a Restorative Yogi. I love all the festival's this time of year and their reminders to celebrate the relationship between the light and the dark.
#restorativeyoga #seasonalyoga #embodiedyoga


Reflections of a Restorative Yogi. A few weeks ago I assisted at a Bodyfulness Workshop. Since I've been thinking a lot about the relationship I have with my body. Noticing when I'm critical and rejecting and when I'm affectionate and accepting.
#restorativeyoga #bodyfulness


Adventures if a Restorative Yogi...Back in Utrecht dodging bicycles, catching up with my Dutch yogi friends and assisting at another beautiful Restorative Teacher Training.
#restorativeyoga #embodiedyoga