Emma Gibbs-Ng High Performance Thinking Coach

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Emma Gibbs-Ng High Performance Thinking Coach

I’m a leading High Performance Thinking Coach who helps ambitious High Performing Executives & Global businesses expand their confidence & performance to achieve limitless success & happiness across all areas of their life.

Emma Gibbs-Ng High Performance Thinking Coach Description

Hi, I’m Emma,

I’m a girl with passion, drive and determination. I’m a Mindset Success Coach, a mentor and a proud mummy. I love people; I’m fascinated by their stories, their decisions, their goals, their fears, their hopes and dreams. I firmly believe everything happens for a reason, and that even if you don't understand that reason, you can learn from the experience, using it to help you grow and become a better, stronger person; the person you need to be.

The person you want to be.

Most importantly though, I firmly believe that every woman, has the power and unique capability to create her dream life, to work with fear, to embrace it, challenge herself and to GO FOR IT.

Just five years ago, my life looked very different…

I had just been made redundant from my role as a Sales Training Manager at a large corporate business. I was shocked and scared but also, to my surprise…

I was relieved.

For a while I had felt exhausted, physically and mentally. I wasn’t taking care of myself and was constantly working long hours, with regular trips away all while struggling to conceive the baby we both desperately wanted.

I could feel the universe gently tapping me on the shoulder, pulling me towards a new purpose. Sub-consciously I had been begging for more time, less stress and more freedom to pursue my real passions.
I had asked and the universe had delivered.

So, I made a choice. Instead of mourning the working life I had just lost, I decided to embrace the change, grab the new opportunity I had before me and transform my life.

Instead of squeezing myself into a pre-existing corporate role I would create my own role and a life full of freedom, choice and opportunity.
Although I had always dreamt of running my own business, I didn’t have a clue how I was going to do it, or what it would involve. I was way out of my comfort zone. I felt exposed and vulnerable. Having always had the luxury of being surrounded by a big company and colleagues, now I was doing this on my own.

The emotions that followed were incredible. One minute I felt excited and free from the ties of corporate life, the next I felt lonely, lost, unsure and even guilty!

And then everything changed again.

After three long years of miscarriages and fertility worries we finally got the news we had been longing for.

We were having a baby!

I cried tears of joy and thanked the universe for its blessing. I threw myself whole-heartedly into pregnancy and then motherhood, determined to enjoy every moment with my wonderful, gorgeous, miracle son, Max.
15 months later the universe came calling again. The voice inside me that had been quiet for so long started to whisper… Your purpose is waiting Emma; it’s time to take action.

I had a new dilemma, I had gotten my miracle baby and I didn’t want to miss a single milestone, but I also had the urge to work and continue with my business. Talk about an emotional rollercoaster!

How was I going to be able to do both?

This question spun round and round in my mind along with feelings of guilt, frustration, feeling torn, a yearning to be independent again, low confidence and confusion.

After lots of soul searching (and a fair few large gulps of wine), I decided that I could do this, that I may need to be more organised (ok, a lot more), but I could and WOULD make this successful. I had to; I needed to, for me.

You see, life is about making choices and taking risks, about pushing ourselves to grow and develop so we can become the true person we want to be.

I love nothing more than working with amazing people, like you, helping you identify your "why", to take that leap of faith (like I did), to trust yourself and to really start to follow your dreams.

You can achieve anything you want, it just takes courage, strength and positivity, all of which you have within you, in abundance. It’s just a case of unlocking your internal resources, dreaming big and using fear to propel you forward, instead of holding you back.

So here I am today, balancing life in heels, juggling a 19-month old and an online business, making choices, helping people and doing what I love every day.

And if I can do it, so can you.

I’ll show you how.



It’s the first Sunday of the month so it’s the perfect time to reflect and review.... ⚡️what successes from last week/month do you want to duplicate? ⚡️what lessons did you learn from last week/month? ⚡️what do you need to put into place to achieve these goals? .... . . #mindsetgrowthacademy #maxrules #mindsetcoach #ambition #successmindset #podcasts #podcaster #mindset #mindsetshift #mindsetcoaching #personaldevelopmentcoach #businesscoach #mumboss #womenentrepreneur #podcastersofinstagram #podcastlove #mindsetiskey #changeyourmindset #goaldigger #inspirationalquotes #liveyourlife #livethelifeyoulove #bossbabe #theeverygirl #entrepreneurmindset #entrepreneurlifestyle #personalgrowth #mindsetreset
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Who has listened to this weeks podcast with the wonderful @catchingrainbowsfertility ?


What if I were to tell you that you could be happy today, this hour, this minute, and this second!⠀ Now, your mind is automatically going to push back and say ‘there’s NO way’ but just hear me out⠀ for a second...⠀ One of the most precious gifts is that you get to choose what you think. You get to choose how⠀ you feel. (Read that again!)⠀... Yes, the way you feel is a choice based off your thoughts.⠀ The reason you are feeling a certain way is because you’ve told your mind that it’s OKAY to think⠀ this way.⠀ If you keep looking for ways to use the external environment to make you happy, it’s a dead end⠀ road. —You need to change the root of the problem—your mind!⠀ The moment you start to take responsibility for your life (meaning the results you are witnessing in⠀ your life) you might be overwhelmed for a moment but then you will be amazed to see that you⠀ have the power to change everything in this human experience simply by deliberately choosing⠀ more ‘good feeling’ thoughts!⠀ One of my favourite sayings is ‘life is 10% what happens and 90% how you respond to it”!!⠀ So start by asking three simple questions:⠀ 1. How am I feeling today?⠀ 2. How do I want to feel?⠀ 3. What thought to I need to adjust in order to feel that way?⠀ ⠀ Keep doing this until there is absolutely NO room for any bad feeling left.⠀ Truth Bomb - your EGO and your mind will give you every reason in the book to NOT do this⠀ exercise. Why? Because the Ego likes to trick you into thinking that you are ‘safe’ because it⠀ doesn’t like change. Change makes it feel uncomfortable and you have been trained to think that⠀ uncomfortable means ‘un-safe’.⠀ Listen out for the push-back from your Ego-mind. By bringing awareness to the egos tricks allows⠀ you to identify triggers, patterns & behaviours, helping you to uncover your limiting beliefs and transition into a new way of thinking.⠀ You deserve to be happy. Know it. Believe it and act on it today.⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ #mindsetgrowthacademy #maxrules #mindsetcoach #ambition #successmindset #podcasts #podcaster #mindset #mindsetshift ⠀ #mindsetcoaching #personaldevelopmentcoach #businesscoach #mumboss #womenentrepreneur #podcastersofinstagram #podcastlove
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Proud moment alert!!! Feeling pretty chuffed to be a nominee for the “Business Mother and Professional Services Awards" category of the Successful Women In Business Awards 2019!
Thanks Gill Donnell Smith Founder of SWIB for the nomination and for always believing in me and supporting me xx


Mindset Growth Academy Podcast Episode 021 is now LIVE
https://itunes.apple.com/…/mindset-grow th-acad…/id1441788395
My vision for my podcast is to bring mindset to life in ALL areas of life and as a result I have had the privilege to interview so many amazing people from different industries and with different backgrounds.
... This week I am interviewing the lovely Lucy Coffin who is the founder of Catching Rainbows which is a fertility therapies business, helping women overcome the struggles of conception.
Today Lucy will be sharing how she came about setting up her business, the impact her own fertility has had on her life and success and how she has made it her mission to help others achieve their dreams of becoming parents.
This is a topic every close to my heart and is something that impacts so many people yet we often go through the emotional journey in private thinking not really knowing who to turn to for support.
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This week I have run 2 workshops on MAXimising your Success and I’ve been blown away with the breakthroughs that have occurred.
The thing is we all have something that holds us back, that internal voice that tells us to stay safe and play small! It can cause us to get confused about what really matters and can take us off track BUT when you take the time to call it out, you open yourself up to greater sense of clarity, that light bulb moment when suddenly everything makes se...nse! In that instant you take back the power and control giving you the opportunity to let go and rewrite those stories....
Results = breakthroughs in success, breakthroughs financially, breakthroughs in your business, breakthroughs in your productivity! 👊👍👍
I am opening up the chance to work with me on creating breakthroughs within your business. We will come together to get a clear thorough understanding of exactly... ✔️what is going on within your business and life right now, 😳what challenges & blocks you are facing, the impact this is having on your results, mindset and productivity BUT more importantly 👊HOW you can break the cycle by eliminating the internal conflict and get truly aligned and focused on the outcomes and results you are after.
To find out more book a call with me today and let’s get started..... https://calendly.com/emma-36
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May is just a day away people, what limiting thoughts and blocks can you consciously leave behind so you can enter the new month with a clear pathway to success?


What my date with Ant Middleton taught me


What Ant Middleton taught me


Becoming aligned with your true purpose
https://emmagibbsng.lpages.co/limiting-be liefs-workshop


Mindset Growth Academy Episode 020 is now live!! Head on over to iTunes to have a listen.... https://itunes.apple.com/…/mindset-grow th-acad…/id1441788395
The weeks episode is all about how journaling can help you to increase your success, income, happiness & energy levels. This amazing technique is a game changer and can transform your mindset within minutes. It really helps you to reconnect with what is important in your life so you are able to focus your attention on the im...portant areas of your life & business.
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Calling all local ladies, I have 2 spaces left for my live event happening next Monday at this workspace from 10.30am
If you would love to get experts eyes on your goals and work with you to help create the breakthroughs you have been working towards then this is for you.
Together we will work in identifying just what exactly is holding you back from achieving the success you desire by uncovering the root cause for these self doubts and create strategic plans that will elimin...ate them from you day to day life so you have the confidence and belief in yourself to create the success you know you can.
To take back control and start generating the results you want book your ticket today https://emmagibbsng.lpages.co/limiting-be liefs-workshop
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Episode 019 of the Mindset Growth Academy Podcast is now LIVE and this week I am joined by the lovely Marie Houlden.
https://itunes.apple.com/…/mindset-grow th-acad…/id1441788395
Marie is an EFT Practitioner and Energy Healer who works with entrepreneurs to help them to reduce Self Sabotage and create mindsets for success.
... Today she will be sharing how she juggles her growing online business with being a single mum juggling her 2 children. She shares with us the impact the seperation had on her confidence and how she had to make key changes to her life to manage her time, her energy and her mindset.
BUT also some amazing insights into the deeper elements of mindset that will blow your mind and help you to let go of old beliefs and help you to take control of your own happiness.
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Do you want to make more MONEY?
https://emmagibbsng.lpages.co/money-minds et


Are you ready to create breakthroughs and take their success up another notch? ... If you are running a service based business and want to MAXimise your Success Make more money Expand your time Become aligned with your true purpose Take control of your success Join me on Mon 29th April from 10.30am for a 2 hour workshop where I will be sharing with you how to program your Mind for success and create sustainable results!! One of biggest things I see holding us back from ach...ieving new levels of success and happiness is ourselves and the stories we tell ourselves in order to stop us from making mistakes, failing or even being judged. "I am not worthy of success" "Good things don't happen to me" "People will judge me" "Everything always feels like hard work" I don't deserve to feel happy/success/wealthy because...." During this Workshop, we will be looking at the impact these stories are really having on your overall life and business. I will work with you to delve deep into the BS and uncover the real reason you feel this way and what you can do to break these barriers down. I will be sharing with you just how to work your mind in a way that helps you to breakthrough old patterns, thoughts and behaviours so you can shift this stagnant energy you have been carrying around and give you the insights into why these blocks have been occurring so you know the signs to look how for and HOW to manage them effectively& quickly in the future. The workshop will be very interactive with the opportunity to receive personalised coaching with me in a safe environment. Using my experience I will help you to see where the blocks are coming from, how they are presenting themselves and the impact they is having on your life. I will challenge you to be honest and open so you can create the breakthroughs you need. We will work on increasing your energy by helping you to gain clarity, focus and direction so you have a clear strategic plan on what works for you and HOW to use it effectively. You will finally be able to break free from these limitations and create true impact & success in your life so you can show up with intention, consistently and get results! Keep the link below to find out more https://emmagibbsng.lpages.co/limiting-be liefs-workshop
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I am looking for 5 women who are ready to create breakthroughs and take their success up another notch...
If you are running a service based business and want to MAXimise your Success Make more money... Expand your time Become aligned with your true purpose Take control of your success
Join me on Mon 29th April from 10.30am for a 2 hour workshop where I will be sharing with you how to program your Mind for success and create sustainable results!!
Keep the link below to find out more https://emmagibbsng.lpages.co/limiting-be liefs-workshop
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Mindset Growth Academy episode 018 is now live.
https://itunes.apple.com/…/mindset-grow th-acad…/id1441788395
This week is a solo episode looks at the importance of preparing your Mind and body for success. In order to create peak performances we need to be mentally and physically ready - we need to be functionally at our peak. When you are out of alignment you can reach burnout and as a result productivity, focus and strategy all go out the window. Today I am sharing with yo...u how to furl your mind and body for success..
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If you are at a stage in your life when you are ready for more - more success, more opportunities, more happiness, more results but are unsure on how to make this happen join me at my Live events where I will be working with you to create breakthroughs, let go of internal limitations and achieve the success you desire.
Everything you need to achieve the life you desire is all within you waiting to be unlocked......
Tickets still available for my Program your mind for success ...workshop https://emmagibbsng.lpages.co/limiting-be liefs-online-works…
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Thought provoking and a good reminder to take time to Put yourself first as its easy to get lost on a treadmill of a very busy stressed lifestyle. Thank you


Meeting Emma was such a positive change in my life. I can't recommend her enough to empower you, to help you take control of your own life and to make you realise the importance of self care in this hectic, busy world.


I found Emma to be a positive and inspiring coach. She guided me and helped me leap over the final hurdle to face my fears!


Thought provoking and a good reminder to take time to Put yourself first as its easy to get lost on a treadmill of a very busy stressed lifestyle. Thank you


Meeting Emma was such a positive change in my life. I can't recommend her enough to empower you, to help you take control of your own life and to make you realise the importance of self care in this hectic, busy world.


I found Emma to be a positive and inspiring coach. She guided me and helped me leap over the final hurdle to face my fears!

More about Emma Gibbs-Ng High Performance Thinking Coach

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -