Empower Me Doula

About Empower Me Doula

Doula birth and postnatal services throughout London
Hypnobirthing one to one and group classes
Free breastfeeding support



I’m a bit late posting about this. But over two weeks ago I had the privilege to visit one of the farms that produces essential oils.
I can’t lie the powerful smell just made me completely numb for two days. Very very spaced out . A lot of things happened there a lot of movement and different emotions came and went changed and rumbled all over my body. The quiet the plants all forming one entity. The quality of the soil was amazing we all noticed. And it was such a nice exp...erience to be able to witness especially the distillation of German Chamomile turning from a plant to suddenly a deep beautiful dark blue oil.The essence, the essential of the plant. The protection, the uniqueness, the self healing. I’m studying in depth her sister Roman Chamomile . Who will be guiding me through the self discovery of its magical properties. On women, on babies but also on a general adult population. The main focus will be how this oil brings us back to childhood , to the inner , to the core, the innocence and the depth. Wish me good luck I need to find time.
#romanchamomile #germanchamomile #lavendulaangustifolia #essentialoils #essence #plants #plantlife #myrrh #frankincense #anthemisnobilis #antispasmodic #childhood #theinner #thetrue #unconsciousmind #healingplants #antinflammatory #inglenookfarm
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I’ve had a good time those past few days . Making the placenta essence, raw and steamed placenta capsules. Very full on. It all takes a couple of days and I can only work when my children sleep. The energy field is important . It’s important not to be disturbed to work with positivity and love and I’m happy to say this particular placenta has been charged with reiki (the steamed capsules) .
The top of the top is that I’ll be working with this mum postnatally and so looking f...orward to it.
Wonderful baby boy born two days ago.
#birth #childbirth #babyboy #placentaremedies #placentaessence #placenta #workingmum #4kidsworking #doula #postnataldoula #birthdoula #dueinjune
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Babies use my dresses and long skirts as hammocks. They actually like resting their little legs on the stretchy fabric.
I’m in a period of a very very busy postnatal support which means my main energy goes towards supporting the new mother but also looking after little babies. Help them settle once they are fed and allowing mum to rest and sleep. Or just do something else than holding baby.
From tips about feeding, to settling to baby carrying and different baby patterns. Y...ou know who to ask particularly if you’re interested in sensing your baby’s energy. I found it particularly interesting which might lead me into researching more into the energetics of the mother / child working possibly on both especially with babies who are very unsettled for no apparent reason.
The more the mother is unsettled / tired / frustrated the more baby feels it. They feel much more than we think. They feel when we don’t connect when we are too busy or too tired or distracted hence sometimes they just calm down with me. Not because I’m special but because I come with a new energy.
Don’t be scared to ask for support . To reach out . To look out there for who can help and support you . There is women/ doulas out there willing to help and support new mothers .
My approach is very gentle I do not sleep train, force a baby into a routine rather I try to tune into what they need , understand it and translate it to the parents who sometimes are clueless/ too tired.
#doula #newbaby #fourthtrimsster #baby #babyboy #babygirl #postnatalhelp #lookingafteryourself #peaceful #rest #babyenergy #newbornenergetics #pnd #postnataldepression #postnatalhealth #mentalhealth #getsupport #askforhelp #newmother #motherstruggles
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Cheers and congratulations to mama !
I’ve been so quiet as extremely busy with family, work and studies and trying to create some sort of balance .
I’ve just said goodbye to a very special client whom I was seeing during pregnancy, birth and four months postnatally. Today was the last session. Such a pleasure to see this little girl grow through the weeks (every Tuesday and Thursday).
... Today I’ll be working on the placenta from this new mama whom I’ll be seeing guess when ? Every Tuesday and Thursday. Isn’t that amazing continuity of life.
I had to say cheers by myself and celebrate with coffee (always alcohol free celebrations for me) and cheers to RLH !
#baby #congratulations #newborn #continuityofcare #doula #postnatalsupport #placentaencapsulation #placenta #sayinggoodbye #welcomebaby #goodbye #celebration #alcoholfree #fourmonthold #welcometotheworld #london
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Its been six weeks. Six weeks since a little human entered the world and changed someone’s life forever. I’ve been witness of this magnificent very often scary transformation of becoming a mother of becoming a parent 100% responsible or maintaining another’s persons life. Now think about it again and reflect. How much are you worth ? Is there a price tag on carrying and birthing then sometimes feeding another human ? What’s your price ? How much are you worth. Now look into t...he mirror and ask yourself . How much am I worth? You’re priceless. You’re a superhero. You’re absolutely utterly amazing. Im just facilitating this transformation in a gentle way and I absolutely love using Mizan Therapy as well as other Ayurvedic and traditional approaches to stress how important YOU are. You and not the baby. Everyone loves babies. Babies are cute . You matter too. Your body talks to me. Mind, body and spirit all connected.
Some women are more apprehensive than others more closed than others for various reasons. I do not force myself to enter your intimate space . I believe by the love and positive energy you may allow me to feel your pain and grief . There is loads of that during early motherhood. Again here the warming paste, the v steaming . All getting ready for the ultimate treat. And it’s not only about those two hours it’s about recharging yourself to be able to cope and move forward to move and push through the tiredness through the breaking point.
#mizantherapy #happysixweeks #sixweeksold #baby #newborn #fourthtrimester #selfcare #amazinghuman #youmatter #wonderfulwomen #raw #true #takeoffthemask #letgo #acceptence #surrender #doula #bestjobever
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What do you do for a living ? I’ve got 5 jobs and you? More seriously I never ask this question . Why would you want to know ? Would that improve your ego ? Know other people’s jobs ? Unless they tell me I won’t ask. Not my business . I love encapsulating placentas. It’s a long process. Picking up, preparing the space, washing , cutting , sterilising, dehydrating, waiting , washing washing washing grinding, encapsulating , counting , delivering . Congratulations to new mama... 💖 I was working on these with a positive energy and thought . May these be helpful for your recovery 😊
#placenta #thirdstage #fourthtrimester #placentaencapsulation #london #doula #rawcapsules
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I had a busy day planned ahead running from one place to the next. Then I got a last minute cancellation. The mother didn’t feel up for the treatment. Instead of getting upset about loosing income I just breathed in and out and realised I might do something worth more than a piece of paper with some numbers on it. How much is this view worth? Walking on the grass bare footed, breathing air dancing with the trees? It’s so priceless. Thank you so much for cancelling 🙏 blessing in disguise 🥰
#forest #forestwalk #nature #lovingnature #blendinginthegreen #blessing #greatful


This placenta has a story. A story I know. Every woman has one . Every couple shares some of it with me. What a privilege. This strong healthy placenta kept a little girl fed and well for 9 months. We honoured it. Mama had a smoothie and now raw placenta encapsulation. It gave us 82 amazing pills (the other half was consumed at birth. The rest was frozen in Individual smoothie bags . This half was also frozen. I told mama to consume her smoothies and once she ran out she knew... she could call me if she wanted to consume it in form of pills. And she did! Of course she did .
On top of that she had already 3 amazing postnatal mizan treatments with warming belly paste and golden milk.
Postpartum is tough. It’s raw. And so we help and support in the best ways we can. I can only say: I love what I do . 🥰
#placentalove #vibrationalenergy #energy #placenta #rawplacenta #smoothies #natural #asitshouldbe #amazingbodies #naturalhealth #fourthtrimester #mizantherapy #warmingpaste #postnatalbliss #thetruthaboutpostpartum #postnatalbodies #placentalondon #placentaencapsulationspecialist #energy
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Of course your body didn’t fail you. No matter how your baby was born you have done amazing .
I have been asked what’s the purpose of having a doula at a planned caesarean ? The answer is I don’t know. Am I here to convince ? Am I here to sell myself ? No. If you think you’ll need me I’ll be here. If you think you won’t then I’ll give you space. You can call me later. You can cry over my shoulder. I’ll open my hands. My love is limitless.
The body itself is amazing the fact ...it grows a baby. You grew a human being. The future of this planet.
Miracle in itself. The body’s self ability to heal itself is amazing. After a cesarean the body takes on the stitches embraces them and then seals back together. The muscles grow back, tissues regenerate and the scar tissue forms and hold the uterus well. Layer by layer. Step by step. It requires patience .
To all my clients and to all women who did have a caesarean I’d like to congratulate you on your bravery, on your courage , on your devotion, on your steadiness. You’re beautiful , you’re amazing and so worthy. Your body is strong and powerful. Wonderful flowers. Stand tall, grow and be fierce. I’ll grow with you as you teach me and I listen and learn.
Loads of love 💖
#cesareanbirth #csection #caesarean #birth #breech #scartissue #inductionoflabour #electiveceserean #unplannedcsection #babyboy #babygirl #heal #selfhealing #amazingbodies #womenpower #stepbystep #layerbylayer #nurture #healing #beautiful #women #superpower #doula #birthkeeper #positivevibes #love #limitless #openhands #openheart #opensoul
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There is no time. There is no space. There is them. There is me. There is nothing else in between.
#birth #babyboy #congratulations #londondoula #hypnobirthing #oxytocin #strong #courageous #epidural #freechoice #birthdoula #doula #birthkeeper


Really enjoyed looking after this placenta and preparing the capsules using the Traditional Chinese Steamed Method
It is believed to restore the warmth a woman has lost following birth, and therefore assisting in her body’s re-balance, promoting an equal amount of yin (cold) and yang (warmth) once more. This fine balance between yin and yang also helps with our immune system. It is believed that our body’s natural immunity, known as wei chi, is reduced post birth and is th...ought to be restored by adding heat. The steaming process itself directs heat at the placenta, in addition, heat is infused into the placenta through the use of lemon, ginger and chilli. Chilli itself is warming, lemon being a grounding remedy, which alongside ginger aids in circulation and the distribution of healing properties throughout the body. The steamed method of encapsulation will yield fewer capsules, the steaming process shrinking the placenta. From women’s testimonies to PRN it appears this method of encapsulation provides more calming effects and may reduce chances of post-natal depression. 💖
#placenta #placentaebcapsulation #traditionalchinesemedicine #chinesemethod #placentapills #placentaremedies #cord #baby #welcomebaby #congratulations 🌷🌷🌷
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Finally had the time to make my own butter from cream topped with ile de re sea salt. This is pure bliss. Love it love the taste and the process, the whisking and squeezing by hand. #homemadebutter #rawbutter #seasalt #iledere #organic #rawmilk #handmade #firstclass #greattaste


I’m often asked to cut baby’s nails. To which I reply with pleasure but I do wait until baby is asleep - drunk with milk and let’s me file the nails. I’ve also in the paste filed a baby’s nails while baby was breasted. Babies are born with surprisingly long yet fragile nails, if they aren’t cut they may scratch their little faces. A couple of days ago I went to see four little baby girls within 24 hours. A 3 day old, a 1 month old, a 2 month old and a 3 month old. It’s always... very interesting to see the differences between each stage and promise Mothers it will get easier. The disparity between a 3 day old and even a one month old is huge. There is always the light at the end of tunnel however we are not supposed to be coping alone. We are supposed to have support around, be it even emotional. I have found although my help is appreciated and often helpful I do have to say no sometimes in terms of availability . It’s been getting busier and busier my end . However I am working with some wonderful doulas and can always signpost a mum to be or a new mother to one of my trusted colleagues.
Today will be busy. As busy as it gets.
Have a wonderful day everyone 🙏
#babygirl #newborn #1monthold #2monthold #3monthold #postpartumsupport #babysmiles #babyfeeding #postnataldoula #babies #babymanicure
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Waking in the woods. Reflecting, blending with Mother Earth. Paying thanks to life. Gratitude.
#thankyou #peace #earth #woods #forest #ground #blendingwithnature #motherearth #greatful #grace #movingwiththewind


Dropping the needs, expectations, attachments,desires, wishes, fantasies . Letting go of the past, disappointment , nostalgia, grief. Accepting the present moment the now and then, each breath, deeply . Now now now not yesterday not tomorrow. But now. Smiling because life teaches me something new everyday. Each breath letting go slowly what I cannot change what I could have done differently or better. Every woman I meet is different. Celebrating womanhood. Celebrating the wil...d spirit within women, the strength , the power. Thank you for teaching me everyday, for sharing the most intimate, the raw, the truth, the cries. Look into my eyes and I’ll try to soften the mirror you see of yourself in me.
. Embrace. Accept. Love.
#mantra #lettingo #present #conscious #mindful #breathing #breathwork #ego #accept #love #empathy #mamabliss #mizantherapy #massage #postpartummassage #postnataldoula #baby #newborn #mamasupport #fourthtrimester #holisticlife #womanhood #spirit #
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When I go to a birth I live in a parallel world where time and space don’t matter anymore. It’s a place of in between. I can now announce I’m off call for 11 days . Above super healthy placenta made into Individual raw smoothies packs with red berries, bananas, apples, mangoes and pineapple. We made one on site that was and another five packs were taken by me “zombi doula” to the clients freezer. The other half with the cord has been frozen to preserve it for when they are re...ady to think further what they’d like to do with it. Picture on the right is vétiver . This oil deserves a picture . It’s thick dark green, slippery, heavy . This is the grounding heaven that takes you up and down deeply inside the core of the heart and chest . This oil easily travels through all the channels but I can mainly feel it in my hands, heart and throat. It’s so deep.
Basically I’ve been in fairy land today. It’s the secret I share with my clients . It’s very private and it’s very special . #goodnight tomorrow It’s newborn baby day . Visiting and looking after brand new mummies. Then studying at Neal’s yard over the weekend then Monday is new mama mizan bliss session. Again this is absolutely out of this world.
#congratulations #babygirl #super #power #roar #youmadeit #essentialoils #vetiver #chakra #throatchakra #headspace #birthpower #placenta #placentasmoothie #smoothie #fruits #berries #baby #womenpower #birth #babyday #diffuser #oilpower #nealyard
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Although hypnobirthing is focusing on the positive births it is important women understand how hospitals work. Considering a doula and a homebirth is something very Important . It reduces the chances of experiencing birth trauma .


We are co hosting this wonderful FREE event next week (10/4/19) with Lorrell please join us ❤️

More about Empower Me Doula

Empower Me Doula is located at Pan Peninsula, e14 9hn London, United Kingdom