Empowering Lives

About Empowering Lives

Healing and self-development practice

Empowering Lives Description

Healing through self-awareness and meditation using the ThetaHealing® Technique to instantly transform beliefs and change behavioural patterns.



Serenity and peace beyond words at Whitefish lake in Montana 💖


In this 2-day course, you will discover what may have been holding you back from abundance in all areas of your life – health, financials, personal growth and relationships. You will discover what may have been sabotaging you from stepping into your life purpose. You will realize that as you step into your true path and Divine Timing, everything you ever need comes into alignment.
The course is divided into two portions: finding your blocks and retraining your Mind. You will ...release self-sabotaging beliefs to allow yourself to be an open channel to receive from the Creator of All That Is.
Vianna says the biggest challenge is deciding what it is you truly want in life. If you don’t know what you want, you would never create it. Or you may believe that life is leading you rather than you leading your life. The truth is, it is possible to manifest the best the world has to offer if you decide what it is you want in your life.
​In this seminar, we will cover: > How to supercharge your manifestations in ThetaHealing – Theta state increases manifestations enormously. The spoken word is effective 30-40% of the time. Visualizing is effective 50% of the time. Theta wave manifesting is effective 80-90% of the time. > Do’s and Don’t’s of manifesting > Live demonstration of a manifesting digging session > Learn the meditations to manifest from 7th Plane > Discover what true abundance is and whether you are manifesting your heart’s desires > Remember your future using the ThetaHealing technique > How to enhance your surroundings and charge Objects with the desired intentions
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Digging work, or the process of identifying the root cause of an issue, is at the heart of the ThetaHealing technique. In this seminar, we will cover the 8 shortcuts of digging and how to find the bottom belief with grace and ease. Over two days, we will have a number of live demonstrations and you will practice your digging skills to become a clearer channel to the Creator as you allow yourself to be guided with the healing process. You will intuitively know how to discover ...the blessing in every situation which will transform your overall understanding of life and the healing work.
In this seminar, you will discover and learn: > The 8 shortcuts to digging and an in-depth explanation with live demonstrations. > What is important to remember when doing digging work as well as Do’s and Don’t of belief work. > How to identify the bottom belief faster and have a complete healing quicker. > How to detach from the outcome of a healing as you move beyond the client's drama and trauma to complete lessons and learn virtues. > Letting go of ‘controlling’ or ‘hoping’ for the healing to occur in order to allow yourself to witness Divine energy completing the healing.
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Digging work, or the process of identifying the root cause of an issue, is at the heart of the ThetaHealing technique. In this seminar, we will cover the 8 shortcuts of digging and how to find the bottom belief with grace and ease. Over two days, we will have a number of live demonstrations and you will practice your digging skills to become a clearer channel to the Creator as you allow yourself to be guided with the healing process. You will intuitively know how to discover ...the blessing in every situation which will transform your overall understanding of life and the healing work.
In this seminar, you will discover and learn: > The 8 shortcuts to digging and an in-depth explanation with live demonstrations. > What is important to remember when doing digging work as well as Do’s and Don’t of belief work. > How to identify the bottom belief faster and have a complete healing quicker. > How to detach from the outcome of a healing as you move beyond the client's drama and trauma to complete lessons and learn virtues. > Letting go of ‘controlling’ or ‘hoping’ for the healing to occur in order to allow yourself to witness Divine energy completing the healing.
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​The Advanced ThetaHealing course expands on the techniques learnt in the Basic Seminar. Learn how to clear old resentments, vows, and commitments that may be holding you back, how to heal with the “Baby in the Womb” and “Heal the Broken Soul” exercises. Receive energy downloads and feelings instilled in class that will bring profound healing to your life – such as ‘knowing how to appreciate the now’ and ‘what self-acceptance feels like from the Seventh Plane’.
​You will cont...inue mastering belief work and learn how to differentiate between the planes of existence and the knowledge in each plane through various exercises building on the information learned on the Basic DNA practitioner class.​
​In this 3-day course, you will discover and learn: > An in-depth explanation of the 7 Planes of existence > Advanced creation of feelings and ‘Feeling Work’ > Advanced digging for beliefs and fears, faster techniques > Receive hundreds of life enhancing downloads > Healing the Broken Heart – using sound and vibration > Mediumship – Ancestral Readings > Clearing and belief work on Non-Organic Material - Homes,Businesses, Land > Connecting to and speaking with your Higher Self
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Would you like to be able to change self-sabotaging life patterns instantly and step into your true potential as a creator of your own life?
At the heart of the ThetaHealing® Basic DNA Course is the practice of techniques that allow you to change subconscious beliefs and thinking patterns, either self-inflicted or externally imposed. Using the technique, you will learn to identify the subconscious beliefs that no longer serve you and change them instantly to transform all ar...eas of your life - health, career, financials, family and relationships.​
In this 3-day course, you will discover and learn: > What subconscious beliefs are and how they create our reality > The 5 brain waves: Alpha, Beta, Delta, Gamma and Theta > What the Theta Healing technique is and Vianna’s story > Energetically scanning the human body for blocks and illness > How to connect to the Creator of All That is (pure love) to co-create > The roadmap of Creation and how to witness a healing from Source > ‘Digging’ for a root cause of an issue > Muscle testing for subconscious beliefs through Applied Kinesiology > How to release trauma, resentments, regrets and all that no longer serves us > How to instil positive feelings through Source Energy > Connecting with Angels, Ancestors and other realms > Discover and receive DNA Activation and learn how to repair genes
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In this 2-day course, you will discover what may have been holding you back from abundance in all areas of your life – health, financials, personal growth and relationships. You will discover what may have been sabotaging you from stepping into your life purpose. You will realize that as you step into your true path and Divine Timing, everything you ever need comes into alignment.
The course is divided into two portions: finding your blocks and retraining your Mind. You will ...release self-sabotaging beliefs to allow yourself to be an open channel to receive from the Creator of All That Is.
Vianna says the biggest challenge is deciding what it is you truly want in life. If you don’t know what you want, you would never create it. Or you may believe that life is leading you rather than you leading your life. The truth is, it is possible to manifest the best the world has to offer if you decide what it is you want in your life.
​In this seminar, we will cover: > How to supercharge your manifestations in ThetaHealing – Theta state increases manifestations enormously. The spoken word is effective 30-40% of the time. Visualizing is effective 50% of the time. Theta wave manifesting is effective 80-90% of the time. > Do’s and Don’t’s of manifesting > Live demonstration of a manifesting digging session > Learn the meditations to manifest from 7th Plane > Discover what true abundance is and whether you are manifesting your heart’s desires > Remember your future using the ThetaHealing technique > How to enhance your surroundings and charge Objects with the desired intentions
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Learn the eight shortcuts of digging work and how to find the bottom belief with grace and ease
Digging work, or the process of identifying the root cause of an issue, is at the heart of the ThetaHealing technique. In this seminar, we will learn the 8 shortcuts of digging and how to find the bottom belief with grace and ease. Over two days, we will have a number of live demonstrations and you will practice your digging skills to become a clearer channel to the Creator as you ...allow yourself to be guided with the healing process. You will intuitively know how to discover the blessing in every situation which will transform your overall understanding of life and the healing work.
In this seminar, you will discover and learn: > The 8 shortcuts to digging and an in-depth explanation with live demonstrations > What is important to remember when doing digging work as well as Do’s and Don’t of belief work > How to identify the bottom belief faster and have a complete healing quicker > How to detach from the outcome of a healing as you move beyond the client’s drama and trauma to complete lessons and learn virtues > How to allow yourself to witness Divine energy completing the healing
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Digging work, or the process of identifying the root cause of an issue, is at the heart of the ThetaHealing technique. In this seminar, we will cover the 8 shortcuts of digging and how to find the bottom belief with grace and ease. Over two days, we will have a number of live demonstrations and you will practice your digging skills to become a clearer channel to the Creator as you allow yourself to be guided with the healing process. You will intuitively know how to discover ...the blessing in every situation which will transform your overall understanding of life and the healing work.
In this seminar, you will discover and learn: > The 8 shortcuts to digging and an in-depth explanation with live demonstrations. > What is important to remember when doing digging work as well as Do’s and Don’t of belief work. > How to identify the bottom belief faster and have a complete healing quicker. > How to detach from the outcome of a healing as you move beyond the client's drama and trauma to complete lessons and learn virtues. > Letting go of ‘controlling’ or ‘hoping’ for the healing to occur in order to allow yourself to witness Divine energy completing the healing.
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​The Advanced ThetaHealing course expands on the techniques learnt in the Basic Seminar. Learn how to clear old resentments, vows, and commitments that may be holding you back, how to heal with the “Baby in the Womb” and “Heal the Broken Soul” exercises. Receive energy downloads and feelings instilled in class that will bring profound healing to your life – such as ‘knowing how to appreciate the now’ and ‘what self-acceptance feels like from the Seventh Plane’.
​You will cont...inue mastering belief work and learn how to differentiate between the planes of existence and the knowledge in each plane through various exercises building on the information learned on the Basic DNA practitioner class.​
​In this 3-day course, you will discover and learn: > An in-depth explanation of the 7 Planes of existence > Advanced creation of feelings and ‘Feeling Work’ > Advanced digging for beliefs and fears, faster techniques > Receive hundreds of life enhancing downloads > Healing the Broken Heart – using sound and vibration > Mediumship – Ancestral Readings > Clearing and belief work on Non-Organic Material - Homes,Businesses, Land > Connecting to and speaking with your Higher Self
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Join me for the ThetaHealing® Basic DNA seminar and start the journey of conscious creation. Learn to identify the subconscious beliefs that no longer serve you and how to change them instantly to transform all areas of your life.


Would you like to be able to change self-sabotaging life patterns instantly and step into your true potential as a creator of your own life?
At the heart of the ThetaHealing® Basic DNA Course is the practice of techniques that allow you to change subconscious beliefs and thinking patterns, either self-inflicted or externally imposed. Using the technique, you will learn to identify the subconscious beliefs that no longer serve you and change them instantly to transform all ar...eas of your life - health, career, financials, family and relationships.​
In this 3-day course, you will discover and learn: > What subconscious beliefs are and how they create our reality > The 5 brain waves: Alpha, Beta, Delta, Gamma and Theta > What the Theta Healing technique is and Vianna’s story > Energetically scanning the human body for blocks and illness > How to connect to the Creator of All That is (pure love) to co-create > The roadmap of Creation and how to witness a healing from Source > ‘Digging’ for a root cause of an issue > Muscle testing for subconscious beliefs through Applied Kinesiology > How to release trauma, resentments, regrets and all that no longer serves us > How to instil positive feelings through Source Energy > Connecting with Angels, Ancestors and other realms > Discover and receive DNA Activation and learn how to repair genes
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