Empowerment Training Centre

About Empowerment Training Centre

Empowerment Training Centre is Results Driven Group Training Program.

No more guesswork and 'boring' workouts.

Our Core Strength and Conditioning Program provides you with all the answers with structure and fun.

Empowerment Training Centre Description

Strong is the new sexy.

emPOWERment is not just about fitness.

It's not just about lifting weights and making shapes.

It's about confidence and being the YOU that you've always wanted to be.

It's about empowering women to break the mould, ditch the scales and become STRONGER, forging a positive body imagine and healthy, happy life.

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The industry has come a long way in the past 10 years, women are slowly creeping out of their "women's only" gym with their puny and patronizing weights.

But we still have a long way to go. . .

Feel incredible. Be incredible.

Be you, only stronger.




So much positive stuff happening at emPOWERment at the minute, here are just some of the comments in our private group over the past few days... - - Together, we can change lives! -... - #ladiesgrouptraining #strengthtraining #empowermentfit #empowermenttribe #empoweringwomen #empowermentquotes #support #encouragement #fatlossjourney
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The amounts of times I have said this...⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ I’ll say it again - Carbs are not bad for you. They do NOT make you fat.⁣... ⁣ ⁣ You CAN eat them after 6pm⁣ ⁣ ⁣ Reducing your carbohydrate intake MAY be more preferable if you’re quite overweight and trying to lose body fat, as it’s been observed that these people can adhere to a higher protein and fat diet for longer⁣ ⁣ ⁣ When it comes to losing weight, calories and ADHERENCE is the most important thing!⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣#carbs #carbsarelife #evidencebased #weightloss #fatloss #cico #cfd #empowermentfit #empowermentribe #fatlosstips
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It’s only taken me about 2 months but I’ve finally updated our website:
I’m going to celebrate like Lucinda did by tipping a bottle of Prosecco in my mouth
... Please have a look, it’s still a bit shit but I’m kinda proud of it. Website making is not my forte
It’s not fully optimised for a mobile (yet)
Hope you enjoy it a lot more than I did making it (which won’t be hard)
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It was 2 years ago that I was probably in one of the darkest places in my entire life... - - I felt like that everything I had worked for had been pulled from under me and my back was against the wall. Sink or swim. -... - Without the genuine support of the people I’d been working with over the past year, EmPOWERment would not exist. - - To those who stuck by me, when we had no equipment, no money and no ANYTHING... thank you. I will never forget! - - @eringbasford stayed with me and supported me through this whole process. She deserves so much credit. - - What we have created is so special and it’s amazing to look back and see how far we’ve come - - I will always be grateful for those who stuck by me and believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself - - To those who sacked me off then came crawling back when we started to be a success...🖕 - - 2019, I am in you! - - #empowermenttribe #empowermentfit #strengthtraining #ladiesgrouptraining #empoweringwomen #thankful #grateful
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"Drive Like Your Calories" (<2mins)
A term used by no one else, that's because I've just made it up 💁‍♂️
... My goal for everybody that I work with is to live a life of freedom, happiness and health.
For me, 'freedom' isn't tracking my calories every day and monitoring each g of protein 💩
I don't track my calories, and I don't rigorously monitor my protein intake, but trust me - I've been there 🔫
I've been through the counting my pasta shells, and I'm now on the other side (and I couldn't be happier)
Do I know how much protein I have each day? Yes.
🔥 At least within -/+10g
That's because I've LEARNT what food is about
It's taken time, effort and practice.
I don't encourage telling everyone to "intuitively eat" because it's like asking somebody to "intuitively drive" because they've played Gran Turismo.
Learn to drive, practice the basics and then become autonomous - just like monitoring and being aware of what you eat.
Sounds easy? It is. You just have to take the time to practice and apply!
If you have any questions, drop me a message!
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People are stupid / misinformed. - - At emPOWERment, whether you like it or not, calories exist and are the over arching umbrella as to why you lose or gain weight -... - Whilst we’re at it: 🔹the tooth fairy isn’t real - 🔹 vaccinations work - 🔹 artificial sweeteners do not spike your insulin - 🔹 cucumber doesn't belong in sandwiches - - If you eat 10,000 calories, repeatedly (not just Christmas Day 🙈) - unless your competing in the CrossFit Games, you’ll get fat. Period. - - Morons. - - #ladiesgrouptraining #strengthtraining #truth #empowermenttribe #empowermentfit #evidencebased #teamscience #CICO
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The problem is there is a lot of bullshit advice and confusion. Case and point.
Carbs are not unhealthy nor are they the reason as to why ‘63% of the UK adults are considered obese’
... It’s a ridiculous to even state this based on poor, associative data. Poor show.
Here are a few of the (many) reasons why we are obese:
- increasing consumption of low nutrition / high density foods - convenience foods
- increase in sedentary lifestyle
- Decrease in the energy required to actually make food; you can order a PIZZA to your DOOR without even getting off the sofa. Huge energy discrepancy there.
- The trillions of dollars invested in the promotion of the above and a fraction of the relative cost in the promotion of ‘healthier foods’
No food is inherently healthy or unhealthy, nor are any macronutrients.
Kitavans consume 69% of their diet from carbohydrates sources yet have no indication of CHD diabetes, cancer or obesity. So it clearly isn’t carbs that are the issue - it’s the multifaceted approach to health and lifestyle which is killing us. Not carbs.
Educate people on food and the importance of balance and there lies the solution. Demonising foods and confusing people is not the way to go.
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Well, that escalated quickly... - - Looks like we held our ‘first ever’ #emPOWERment Minis this morning 😂💁‍♂️ -... - Half Term is usually a tricky time for parents, especially single mums (shout out to all you legends, by the way 💪) - - Usually the kids sit quietly and play on their phone when they are dragged to sessions, but not today! - - Although I totally didn’t prepare for this (and I now need a lie down) the minis were guided by their mums / role models to partake in some exercise! - - Very impressed with their behaviour, we had a lot of fun... maybe we’ll do it again sometime? - - #ladiesgrouptraining #empowermentfit #empowermenttribe #strengthtraining #empoweringwomen #parentsbelike #LTAD #healthyhabits
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☑️ ”Everyone couldn’t get over how much I can run and not get tired” - - ☑️ ”That’s legit emPOWERment that’s done that for me” -... - One of our netballers reaping the rewards of ‘proper’ training, progressive programming and strength based exercise - - Looking great is something we all strive for (or at least should), but being HAPPY and performing well in whatever it is that you do should be top of the list - - S&C is our 🍞🥖+🍦🍦 - - (I couldn’t find a butter emoji so I used an ice cream one instead, because everyone likes Ice Cream) - - #empowermentfit #empowermenttribe #strengthandconditioning #performance #netball #sheliftsbro #ladiesgrouptraining #englandnetball #netballgirls
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"How Do I Get Rid of Back Fat?"
Probably the most frequently asked question ever.
... The truth is, you can't
Soz 💁‍♂️
You can reduce your body fat by acknowledging and implementing an Energy Deficit.
However, instead of leaving it there I've taken it a step further, and I've tried (my best) to make it a bit more understandable.
If your calories are too low - you'll lose body fat, but you may also lose muscle - this will not help that 'toned' look that you are trying to achieve

By keeping your calories slightly higher (IE maintenance or VERY slightly above) this will improve a whole host of things, such as;
👌 Your ability to BUILD LEAN MUSCLE
👌The intensity by which you can work in the gym (gainz)
👌 The amount of muscle stimulation you can achieve / how much you can lift
👌How efficiently you can recover to do the above
If you want to be 'TONED,' you need MUSCLE & I'm afraid it's far harder to do that in an energy deficit (unless you're brand new to weight training)
You can't target fat loss. You need to train 'all over body exercises,' such as compound lifts, with a bit of accessory work thrown in there to stimulate 'problem' areas which will help build muscle in those areas.
- This will create the 'TONALITY' that you desire
Remember kids, don't compare yourself to Beyonce or some stupid Instagimps, be the best version of yourself, drink lots of coffee and bin all the cucumber you see 🥒🔥
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Wishing a bunch of our wonderful Tribe the best of lucking on running the MK 10k today! What a bunch of legends! - - #community #empowermenttribe #empowermentfit #womeninspiringwomen #ladiesgrouptraining #empoweringwomen #sheliftsbro #strengthtraining #miltonkeynes10k


We had a couple of awesome visitors this morning! - - Here is Arthur and Libby smashing some workouts with their mum -... - Regardless of what you think about yourself, your kids want to BE YOU. - - YOU are their role model. They want to be strong like mum. Prove to them that they can do stuff! - - Get them excited about training and exercising and you’re in for a lifetime of healthy habits and strong children! - - emPOWERment Kids anyone? 🥳🤪 - - #ladiesgrouptraining #empowermentfit #womeninspiringwomen #empowermenttribe #sheliftsbro #empoweringwomen #kidsworkout #LTAD
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Wise words from Aled; I saw somebody post about this already this morning and I took a deep sigh.
Associative data what most people quote as ‘science’ as it’s an easy to cherry pick and fit a bias - it’s so important to understand and take that with a morbidly obese piece of salt


“Best decision ever” - well done to DJ for completing 100 emPOWERment sessions! You’re amazing! - - Hump Day? What hump day! -... - #ladiesgrouptraining #empowermentfit #empowermenttribe #humpday #strengthtraining #womeninspiringwomen #sheliftsbro #empoweringwomen
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Not all Monday mornings are created equal... - - Rammed with awesome, strong and inspiring people!


Amazing post from one of the newest member of the Tribe, Charlee 🙌🏼
Charlee is 5 weeks in (new year new Charlee and all that jazz 💁🏼‍♀️) and is doing fabulously!
She always walks in with a big smile on her face ready to tackle her 6am sessions 👊🏼
... ... Her smile is currently even more noticeable due to her pearly whites and recent spray tan that would rival Ross from Friends... all ready for her friends 30th birthday this weekend 💃🏼)
Don’t worry Charlee, it will fade... we hope anyway 🍊😆
But in the mean time, keep doing what you’re doing and stay fabulous 💁🏼‍♀️
#empowerment #ladiesgrouptraining #empoweringwomen #ladieswholift #sheliftsbro #strongertogether
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Sorry for not doing many posts recently, but I do have a new mug 💁‍♂️


Loads of amazing things happening today. Very proud of the Tribe. Lush. - - And I got to wear ear muffs in the evening 🥳💁‍♂️ -... - Tribe, comment one of your WINS today >> share with the world! #proud - - #strengthtraining #ladiesgrouptraining #womeninspiringwomen #strengthtrainingforwomen #empowermenttribe #empowermentfit
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emPOWERment Fitness and Performance:
A lot of the time, we get asked about what we do...
I think [this] highlights some of the incredible work that we do
... ...and we're really damn proud of it
There is NOTHING OUT THERE that does what we do, the way we do it
We are mint.
Together, we are stronger!
Turn your sound up!
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Years of fad dieting & either all or nothing exercise... I am 8 weeks in and so pleased I plucked up courage to join empowerment! It’s such a welcoming environment, the tribe members are so lovely & encouraging & who knew I would come to love Weight lifting 7am on a Saturday morning ! After just 4 weeks changes in body shape were welcomed & actually I haven’t felt so alive in years. For the first time I believe I can change my lifestyle for the better & this is largely down to Tim & Jack our amazing coaches!!!


Wow I've nearly been at Empowerment for a year and time has passed by so quickly.

Firstly I couldn't have felt more welcomed to an all ladies tribe.

Everyone is so kind and supportive. They build you up when you are low and push you when you are holding back.

Since starting I push myself to be the best I can and it pays off. I feel more confident and happy with myself.

When training I zone out to problems and stress and for that one hour I am at one with myself. And after I am set to take on what ever life throws at me.

Tim and the ladies are my world xx

No one that has joined has ever said they've regretted taking that first step.


Tim, you have been the most amazing influence in my life this past year....I have lost 10kg in body fat and am now the strongest, healthiest and happiest I have ever been! Without your encouragement, I am not sure I would have lasted this long and achieved the things I have, but you gave me the support to work hard and make things happen! Amazing supportive trainer and friend! Even my children have found inspiration from you and are now competing at sports they have never tried and making better choices with their diets! �� can't wait to start the new programme and see even more changes!


Tim is an outstanding coach with an infectious passion for performance. You can't train with Tim and not feel safe, energised and educated. I've seen the results Tim has had with both male and female clients over the past 3 years and I can't recommend him highly enough to anyone looking to get fit and healthy. Not only will Tim provide you with the necessary tools to look good, he'll reshape your lifestyle and make you feel good, through his natural ability to engage with people. Contact him now to avoid disappointment! ��


This is just the best environment to achieve your goals! This isn’t about quick fix, this is about knowledge, information and support to implement and change things yourself. The strength based fitness and performance programme is like nothing else I have tried and the results speak for themselves! Under the programme the transformation was unbelievable. I was training in ways I would never have imagined, realising that weights don’t mean BIG, weights can help you lose fat and become lean. The group is made up of likeminded women who are all there with a common goal: to work hard and be the best they can. Highly recommend


One of the best decisions I’ve ever made!

I have been training with EmPOWERment for just over a year now so I think it’s about time I reviewed how amazing it is!

Tim is extremely knowledgeable in both fitness and nutrition and his passion shines through. He is always looking to improve his knowledge and will do everything he can to help you. He knows each and every one of us as an individual and our strengths and weaknesses. Alternative options are always available which I often need!

Tim makes everyone he’s around feel at ease which is great for a lot of us women who have body issues!

His energy is infectious! If you go to a session feeling a bit down or tired you are always buzzing by the end of it!

Most importantly, the results people have achieved is unbelievable!

I can’t recommend EmPOWERment Fitness & Performance enough, I absolutely love being a part of it and have made some great friends along the way


Never thought I'd say I'd be happy to get up for a 6/7am exercise session; even on those days when you feel a bit ugh or it's a dark morning; but I'm hooked! Literally like a drug!

My results speak for them self! In 4 months I've stripped nearly 10% body fat and 2 stone in weight! I was at uni when I last weighed this (20+ years ago �)!!

What I love is that wether or not you have the knowledge doesn't matter; Tim is there to demonstrate, guide and advise! I don't have to think about what exercise or set I'm going to do or how many reps; he does that bit! If you want to know the detail behind what you're doing he'll tell you; he definitely knows his stuff!

We all have busy lives and enough going on so for me it works as I just turn up, do the work and am encouraged by Tim and all of us training together and I'm home 5/10 minutes after we finish ready to start my day but feeling full of energy!

I don't feel embarrassed or worry what others are thinking when I'm here; I'm empowered by everyone else to aim to be the best me! And it's so true.... you get out what you put in!

No hesitation in recommending Tim and Empowerment Fitness and Performance!


Joined 8 weeks ago having not done anything for years. Nearly chickened out of the first session as so scared that I wouldn't be able to do it. But it's honestly the best decision I made. Tim and Jack are great trainers. I have some health issues but Tim is excellent at adapting exercises and working with me to push me the right amount to get results without any issues. The tribe are the most welcoming and supportive group of women I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. In 8 weeks I've notice not only physical improvements but mentally, I look forward to the sessions to clear my head and de stress. I'm sleeping better and my confidence in my physical abilities is higher than it's been in a very long time. It's hard to explain in words what emPOWERment is and does so the best advice I could give would be try it! You won't be disappointed.


I’ve been a member of Empowerment for over a year. As a working Mum of two young children I had to find a way of getting and maintaining exercise into my week. I train three times a week for 1 hour with Tim and the Tribe. Empowerment has all the benefits of personal training in that each training session is structured; designed to achieve complete strength and conditioning of upper and lower body in one session. Tim’s knowledge of the physiology of exercise and nutrition are phenomenal (He has a Masters don’t you know �). I truly believe that you wouldn’t get this level of support and guidance from most PT’s. This teamed with like minded women who train hard and motivate each other is what makes Empowerment so unique. I have a great understanding of nutrition because of Tim. I feel the fittest and strongest I’ve ever felt. In the year I’ve been a member I have achieved so much...I can deadlift 95kg, 50kg split squat and have managed to run a half marathon in sub 2 hours) to name just a few. Time is so precious and these 3 hours allow me to exercise hard but still get to work on time and enjoy my family... money which in my opinion is well spent!


It took me a while to pluck up the courage to apply for emowerment, but it is hands down the best thing I have ever done! I was very nervous for my first session, but was welcomed in and felt completely at ease. I have learnt an amazing amount about exercise and nutrition, Tim knows an insane amount of stuff and is always educating everyone. I always appreciate the no BS approach, and the honesty that comes with it. And I am never made to feel stupid, no matter how stupid the question is I'm asking!

The actual sessions are challenging and beyond anything I have ever done before, but Tim and the rest of the group are so supportive you are empowered to always go one better, and push yourself. I have seen amazing results in just four weeks, and that speaks for itself!!

I have no hesitation whatsoever in recommending Tim and Empowerment Fitness and Performance - it has been the best thing I have done for myself in a long time!


I've had a long battle with my self.. health issues have caused my body to change shape.. I'd lost confidence. I joined gyms and paid for membership for 12 months and did not attend. I felt i was being judged. I felt people stared at me. I first spoke to Tim in a very (very brief message lol) and then contacted him again a few months later. After about an hour's chat ( he does love to talk) I explained of my health conditions and what I've been through. He said she would love to help me. Help me find me again. He said the tribe were awesome.. (I didn't believe him) I joined.. I went for my induction. Still apprehensive. I arrived for my first session.. don't get me wrong It was tough.. I fought with myself to stay.. I can't do this.. when the words of encouragement came.. yes you can.. I ached I was saw.. it was GOOD! I couldn't wait for Thursday. Then Saturday.. And the girls.. the girls are just awesome. No one judges you. We are all there for the same reason. And Tim & Jack.. well they just put the power in empowerment. I have broken down once or twice.. but you know what instead of leaving me to it. They encouraged me to breath. Encouraged me to listen to my body. To say this is my greatest find is an understatement. Not only are my clothes fitting better. I'm finding my own confidence again. I'm finding me. It's an hour 3 times a week that I forget everything at the door and concentrate on me. Thank you to Tim, Jack and the awesome empowerment ladies for all of the above. I'm not finished with my journey, I loved this 8 weeks so much that I'm staying.. (that's if you'll have me) x


I've been working with Tim for 5 months and have seen amazing results in that time. I have never felt stronger or healthier. Tim is passionate about fitness and it shows through the energy and enthusiasm he brings to every session. His easy going, friendly personality creates a relaxed, comfortable atmosphere.He makes each workout challenging, creative and most importantly, fun! He also places a high value on correct form with each exercise. He motivates me to push past my perceived limits to get results. I have incredible energy, my balance and flexibility have improved immensely and I've got great new muscles. If you are serious about changing your life for the better, Tim will lead you every step of the way.

Thank you Tim, you are the best!"


I joined empowerment in June and I have just finished the 8 week transformation programme. It’s been absolutely fantastic, I have really looked forward to the training sessions, they are enjoyable and challenging. I have lost 5% body fat, I can see a massive difference in my photos and I feel amazing. I am more flexible and my aches and pains have gone, I feel like my body is working as it’s supposed to.

This is the best the thing I have done for my fitness and wellbeing. I would highly recommend Empowerment - it’s fab!!


I joined Empowerment In Feb of this year and I had a couple of goals when I started...to go down a dress size and to be comfortable in a bikini when I go on holiday. I am proud to say that as of June this year, I am proudly down a dress size in both my top and bottom half and in a few weeks time, I will be confidently strutting my stuff by the pool/bikini. Both goals smashed in the space of 4 months and feeling stronger and fitter for it. The welcome and support feom Tim, Jack and the tribe is absolutely amazing and I am now proud to be part of ii. My only criticism is one for myself.."why didn't I sign up sooner?" #BestDecisionIEverMade


I joined Empowerment 4 months ago and I am so glad I did! After having my 2 children I have struggled with my weight, body shape, self confidence and finding time for me. Empowerment has helped with all these things and I'm so grateful for this. I now feel much more positive both in my body and mind.

The Empowerment tribe are so friendly and supportive and Tim and Jack are amazing coaches making every session fun but productive. Empowerment has definately changed my life for the better xxxx


Giving Tim and everyone at emPOWERment 5 stars almost feels like an insult. There are not enough stars that could be given to justify how incredible what Tim offers to so many women. Both mentally and physically I have never felt stronger and I am capable of things I never imagined. I was very apprehensive when I started but it is quite simply one of the best things I’ve ever done. I know how to build muscle effectively, eat right and have said goodbye to crash dieting and guilt. My only regret is not doing it sooner because it’s changed my life.


Before I joined empowerment, I don't think I realised just how unfit I was (or just how much hard work I'd be for Tim and Jack!). They cater for every level of fitness and make sure your techniques are perfect. I leave each session knowing I have worked hard and put more work into one session than I ever did at any gym. These sessions offer so much variation and I couldn't have hoped to have met a better bunch of people. Tim and Jack have so much expertise and passion about exercise and nutrition and are just a message away if you have any query.


After endless gym classes never feeling any different or losing any weight i decided to join empowerment, being very nervous at the thought of lifting weights I couldn't be happier that I joined. 8 weeks in and I hold myself taller, have more confidence and am in shock with the change of my shape in such a small time. Tim and Jack are so knowledgeable and make every session such fun! The tribe are so friendly and great to work with and I feel like I have learnt so much already!

THE best thing I have ever joined and couldn't recommend Tim and Jack enough.


Absolutely the best thing i have ever done for me!! And most definitely life changing. No matter what your goals you have amazing coaches in Tim and Jack and not just that a whole super tribe of ladies to encourage, motivate and support you every step of the way!! The knowledge provided on both nutrition and exercise is second to none. If you are prepared to work hard, lift heavy, challenge yourself and have fun at the same time then this could be the place for you. I love � emPOWERment and as a result of my first few months am healthier (less body fat), fitter, stronger, can make healthier food choices and not only that....more confident in my own body and shape. If you are thinking about it then take the leap and get involved!! #Tribe #emPOWERment #fitness

More about Empowerment Training Centre

Empowerment Training Centre is located at Unit F2 Freehold Street, NN2 6EF Northampton, Northamptonshire