Enduro 1/ X- Fusion Southern Uk Gravity All Mountain Race Series

About Enduro 1/ X- Fusion Southern Uk Gravity All Mountain Race Series

Enduro 1 /X Fusion Gravity All Mountain Race Series

Enduro 1/ X- Fusion Southern Uk Gravity All Mountain Race Series Description

The Enduro 1 / X Fusion Gravity All Mountain Race Series has been formed to allow the general trail /all mountain rider to enter a competition that they can enjoy and is relevant to their type of riding. Not all of us including myself want or enjoy doing repetitive laps around a muddy course for hours on end or have the bottle or money to race downhill! Having raced motorcycle enduro’s in the past I always had in the back of my mind that the format would make for a great mountain bike race series. Having discovered in early 2010 that this form of racing had taken off in both Europe with their Avalanche series and in America with their Super D type enduro’s so, I set about trying to organize a UK event and here she is! For 2012 we will have three races spread across the Southern UK.

What is Enduro 1?

The format of our Enduro 1 series follows similar lines to the motorcycle type enduro but I have made a few changes to make for a better mountain bike format. The idea is for the competitor to tackle the course as if they are undertaking a new trail ride for the first time. The event takes the form of riding a route interspersed by timed or marked special stages. Special stages may not be pre-ridden the same as motorcycle enduro rules but may be walked. This will show your skill as a rider at reading and negotiating new terrain at speed and unlike many of the new type enduro events we have included skill stages similar to motorcycle trials to add variety. Each timed special stage has a bogey time which you are either awarded plus or minus points for coming over or under the time. The routes connecting the special stages are also timed but are ridden at an easier pace. The advantages of this new form of racing is that if you are already an XC, Trail or All Mountain rider you do not require a new type of bike as yours is already suited perfectly to this form of event. We are keen to get teams entered so if for example you are a local bike store, group of friends or MTB club then put a team together and lets see who will be the team to beat in 2012!

The format is a bit more relaxed than normal X country type events and hopefully will allow you to socialise with fellow competitors or team mates in-between special stages. Beware though, for every downhill Special Stage you will have to climb up again which, mixed with the adrenaline pump from racing the special stages, will ensure you have a good workout and no doubt feel it come Monday morning…. just like for real!



It is with deep regret that Enduro1 will no longer be running races. Unfortunately due to the amount of organisers holding Enduro races and dates clashing, entries have been too low to make holding races viable.
I would like to thank all of you who have supported the races over the years It's been a privilege to put them on and meet with you all.
... I would also like to thank all the volunteers, marshals and those of you who have helped me as without you it would have been impossible to have put the races on. Also a big thank you to all our sponsors as again, without their support, we wouldn't have been able to give such great prizes to our worthy winners.
Those of you who have entered the October race will receive a full refund.
I would like to extend my best wishes to you all and wish you many happy years blazing the trails!
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Due to another race being held on the same day in the area I have reluctantly cancelled the 4th September Race.
The first race of the Autumn/Winter series is now on the 2nd October and entries are now open on the website.
The rest of the 2016 series dates are as follows;... 6th November 11th December
You do not have to do the whole series if you do not wish to but those that do complete all three races will get a series standing and medals. Full details and how to enter can be found on the link below.
As always we need marshals so if you can help then please let me know and you will receive a free entry.
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Results are in!
Firstly a big thank you to Alver Coppard who kindly donated the land at Crowborough for us to race on. He loves all things mountain biking and is a keen supporter of racing and Enduro. The race proved a success with a great bunch of competitors so we will definitely be back there next year with a bigger course and four stages!
A big thank you to the Blackmans, whose son was racing, for stepping forward and helping marshal. Without marshals we can't put on race...s so please think about that if you're entering further races and can bring someone to marshal as you will get a free ride out of it.
As predicted the wins came from stage 2 'Cow Patt alley" which tested both fitness and correct line choice and provided great entertainment for everyone.

One of the competitors fathers has kindly taken pictures which you can access at the following link;
https://www.flickr.com/gp/95200648@N 05/697NJ5
Results can be seen here;
Cheers folks and thanks for coming down and having such a laugh! :)
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Entries are now closed but we have about 25 places left for entries on the day on a first come basis.
Looks like we are going to have good weather for Sunday and the course is holding up with a few wet bits in places but all looking good.
As always we need marshals so if you can help then please call me on this number as I will not be able to access emails over the weekend. 07791023935
... For those already entered you can get your race timings and rider numbers on the day. Practise starts at 9am until 12pm with the race starting at 1pm. It's restricted to only 50 riders and it's a short track so you will be finished early. Make sure you come and get plenty of practise in as the stages are great fun!
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Despite the rain the course is holding up!
Entries close tomorrow evening!
I won’t be publishing times or race numbers as you’ll get them on the day as I’m leaving entries open until tomorrow evening as I'm capping the numbers to 50 riders. There will be a few entries available on the day on a first come basis.
... Practise is from 9am until 12pm with the race starting at 1pm. It’s a short course with three stages so you will be finished within the hour so just come along for the morning practise and get as many runs as you can in as you'll have an early finish.
Cheers all,
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Entries for the Bulltrack race on the 26th June are now open!
This race is aimed at grassroots level to let people have a taste of enduro racing in a relaxed format whilst being able to socialise and hopefully soak up the sun! It will be held over three stages with practice in the morning and the race in the afternoon. I have reduced the entry fee to £26 to reflect the level of the race but rest assured for those seasoned Enduro riders you will still find the stages testing! ... Those of you who have transferred across from the last race I will refund you on the day.
There is camping available at the venue for Saturday night at a cost of £5 payable to the land owner. There will be toilets but there is no water or shower facilities, however Crowborough is on the doorstep in order to go out and eat etc. Gates open from 2pm Saturday so just turn up.
Riding the Track Saturday.
For those of you who are curious to see what Enduro is all about the landowner is allowing you to come and try the course on Saturday 25th for a £5 fee or for those camping it's included in your camping fee. Please note you will have to sign a disclaimer to ride as part of the Bulltrack rules and there is no medic cover as it is not part of the race. Gates open at 2pm and if you like it you will have the opportunity to enter on the day.
Go to the link below for further information and how to enter. http://enduro1.co.uk/forthcoming_race.php
There will be catering and toilets but there is no water available at the venue.
Important Announcement.
Due to having to cancel the last race due to poor entries I have made the decision I will not be running any races over the summer months but instead I will concentrate on the Autumn/Winter races and may well make them into a three race series to finish off 2016. The first race will either be Bagshot or Perham Down at Tidworth as it will be a shame not to use Perham this year but you do need it to be dry and the beginning of September will be our last chance. Those who have transferred entries to the July 17th race I will be contacting this week to refund you.
I apologise for doing this but I can't take the risk of having to cancel again once I've opened entries.
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It is with great regret that due to the lack of entries I have had to cancel the race on the 30th May! :(
With only 40 entries it's not financially viable to run the race I'm afraid. We don't seem to be having a good start to the season so let's hope the next race will make up for it and, rest assured, the next one will definitely run regardless of entries as the area is being kindly donated for use by the owners of the Bulltrack.
It's been pointed out to me that I have incor...rectly given the wrong venue in the previous newsletter. Just to clarify the next race is on the 26th of June at the Bulltrack at Crowborough, East Sussex. The Bagshot Summer Sizzler will be on the 17th July. Apologies for the confusion.
Those of you recently entered via Paypal for the cancelled race will be refunded. Those of you who have transferred from the first cancelled race I will contact individually for your bank details so I can do a bank transfer as Paypal only gives you a 60 day refund window.
Entries for the next race will open next week along with full details of the race on the website race page. There will be camping available on the Saturday night with a chance to try the course out in the afternoon. The race will be over 4 stages on the Sunday with practise in the morning and the race in the afternoon and don't forget you can now enter as a team.
Kind regards,
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Due to circumstances beyond our control the MoD have had to pull the 10th April venue for priority military training which unfortunately they have the right to do but is very rare for them to do so and they have explained that it is exceptional circumstances that they have had to do so. They have offered alternative land but it does not have the elevation to run an Enduro. I have been desperately seeking alternative local venues for the 10th but have drawn a blank. I’m afraid... therefore I have, with regret, had to cancel the race.
For those of you already entered I will be sending you over the next couple of days an email to see if you would like to transfer your entry to another race of receive a refund so please reply to the email with your wishes. Entries for round 1 30th May will open next Monday 4th April in order to give priority booking to those who have already entered the cancelled race.
The good news is we now have the rest of this years dates which are as follows.
30th May Round 1 of the series Perham Down Tidworth, Hampshire.
26th June Bagshot, Camberley, Surrey. Summer Sizzler race over a larger area
17th July Round 2 of the series. The Bull Track Crowborough, East Sussex sponsored by Proform-Tyre-Tool. There will be camping available on the Saturday night. Full details to follow
4th September Round 3 Final event of the series. Bagshot, Camberley, Surrey.
2nd Oct Bagshot, Camberley, Surrey. Start of the Autumn Winter races
These will all be 4 stage races with practise in the morning followed by the race in the afternoon. Please note you can enter any race regardless if you are intending to complete the series or not.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused and hope to see you at round 1
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Enduro1 is going back to grass roots racing!
We will be running a number of Gravity Enduros over the year in the South East of England that are aimed at getting new riders into the sport whilst still offering a challenge to more experienced competitors. They will consist of a 1 day race with practice in the morning followed by the race in the afternoon over a short course consisting of four timed stages. All timings are done manually to keep the cost down and the results wil...l be published after the race. These races are aimed at being fun, social and allow you to ride with your mates in a competitive environment.
Three of the races will act as part of a series with the winners receiving medals and the now famous 'Bragging Rights Flask' for the top three. These series races will consist of a slightly longer course and timed transitions as opposed to the normal ones where you make your best time to the next stage.
Please visit the website for full details.
Our next confirmed race will be at Bagshot near Camberley, Surrey on the 10th April. Entries are now open and limited to 100 riders only so don't hang around and miss out as some of you did at the last one!
You can enter at the following link;
http://www.enduro1.co.uk/forthcoming_race .php
I will be holding a further 5 races over 3 different venues this year with three of them counting towards the X-Fusion/Enduro1 series. Dates and venues which will be confirmed by the end of next week but proposed dates are as follows;
14th or 15th of May
19th June
10th or the 17th July
4th September
2nd October
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New set of results have gone up which effects riders 58 through to 66 as I got their stage 4 results wrong so apologies. Go to the same link as below to see the new results. Cheers


Results are up!
Well done everyone for making it such a great event and I still think Enduro riders are the best competitors you will find in any discipline!
A huge thank you to all our marshals and the last minute ones who stepped in to fill the shortfall as, without you, we will not be able to run races. So, once again a huge thank you from myself and our riders.
... Well the king has been usurped but he did only have one gear as his derailleur went south. Still, we know Simon is fast so congratulations on the win.
Fill you boots and see if you're a hero or a zero and remember, it's just a bit of fun and a good excuse to get out on your bike!
I will be working on the years races over the next couple of weeks so stay tuned.
Thanks for supporting the day and hope to catch you at one of the other races.
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Last shout for marshals, we have enough to cover three stages so if we don't get anymore then we will only be able to time three of the four stages. We only need you from 12pm until around 4pm. A free entry is available or a Lezyne goodies bag.
Please text me if you can help on;
... Please remember there is no catering so bring food and drink. We will have coffee and tea on the go and there is a cafe nearby in Deepcut as well.
Weather is holding out and the trails are running well considering the amount of rain.
Look forward to seeing you all tomorrow :)
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Desperately seeking marshals! If you know someone who can help out on the day then please let me know asap.
I would only need them from there by 12noon as time keepers for when the race starts at 1pm until it ends around 4pm. if you can help out please mail me at; racing@enduro1.co.uk
... Please see previous post as to what is available for a marshal.
Many thanks
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Race timings and safety brief are now up on the Autumn/Winter page of the website under 'races'.
We desperately need marshals folks so please if you have any friends/family who could help then please email me asap. A free entry is available or a Lezyne goodies bag for them.
... Cheers
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Christmas excess blow out!
Entries for Race 3 of the Autumn/Winter races is now open! 31st January 2016 at Bagshot Nr Camberley, Surrey.
Limited to 100 riders only due to the limited available light. Full details can be found on the website under 'Autumn/Winter races' on the 'races' drop down menu.


If you want to relive the day Chris McNab has produced another great video which can be seen here;
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQSbgVqPR 2c
Just a quick mention that it was great to see a few more ladies entered so well done to them and also an outstanding result from our only junior, Martin Blackman. If he keeps this up he will be a rider to watch out for in Enduro racing!


Race results are now up! Well done to all who took part and to our winners in all categories! Once again Tom has smashed it on a hardtail but had a few riders breathing down his neck.
Massive feedback from you wanting to know when the next one is so I have had a good think and probably the best time will be late January and can be a 'Xmas excess shake out' to keep you motivated over the winter to get out and ride. Let me know what you think on here please.
Link to results;... http://enduro1.co.uk/race4-2015.php
Cheers all
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Fantastic way to spend a Sunday with a great bunch of riders and good weather! Just wanted to say a massive thank you to all our marshals who saved the day. We simply can't run events without you so thank you from both myself and the competitors.

More about Enduro 1/ X- Fusion Southern Uk Gravity All Mountain Race Series

Enduro 1/ X- Fusion Southern Uk Gravity All Mountain Race Series is located at 61 Downing Street, GU9 7PN Farnham
01252 715178