Engage Media

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Engage Media

Engage Media is a Suffolk based company specialising in social media marketing for ethical small businesses, start-ups and charities.



WOAH - I just got an email saying 'Crush what's left of 2019' and it made me panic! It's only the beginning of May right?! I know scare tactics are part of some marketers arsenal but I deleted it immediately! I would rather not have that kind of pressure this early in the year!


Just had a call from a client saying I was worth my weight in gold (may be blushing slightly now! 😊)
I think I may need to set her up to call every week when I need a little boost!! 🤣


A follow on thought after finding out that Instagram is hiding likes. Don't put too much focus on followers and likes – don’t waste time worrying about numbers. You only want followers who are interested – who are potential clients. They will give you the most engagement as the content will be relevant to them. Also – your social media is to get sales NOT to get seen by just anyone!


Confirmed - Instagram is testing removing numbers of likes from posts so they will be private to the account holder How do you feel about that?
It could encourage more comments but I’m really not sure I like all these changes! I’m also not sure I like the way they are trying to force people to make comments. What’s wrong with seeing peoples likes?


Just popping out to Vote.
Don't forget!


My husband asked me today what I ACTUALLY do all day!
So… here is what I’ve been doing today so far for one client:
• Checking insights from the past month to find the best and worst performing posts and identifying trends in content/post time/post type/copy etc.... • Running an audit on the page to check everything is optimised. • Updating images and captions that need a little tweaking. • Moving, and removing unneeded, aspects such as some tabs. • Checking all links/buttons are working correctly. • Checking what has been posted in their group. • Taking a peek at some of the competition. What are they posting? How are their audiences responding? How is what we’re doing matching up? • Replying to comments and messages. • Writing copy for the next 7 days worth of posts using the insight data I checked earlier. Deciding what kind of content I will post – links/photos/questions/shares/polls – researching the subject matter for each post and actually writing the content (I think I know some of my client's businesses and products as well as they do at this point!). • Finding and creating images for the next 7 days (either from image libraries or in PhotoShop). • Deciding on the best times to post each day. • Deciding on emoji use – yes/no, which ones. • Deciding on relevant hashtags. • Replying to emails from the client and writing an email to give updates, recommend improvements to their profile and request images/videos for the following week. • Setting up an ad campaign (more research (keywords/images/copy/competition), insight checking, taking a look at competitors ads, writing copy, finding and creating images, setting the budget, setting audience targeting, setting an objective, choosing and setting placements, scheduling). • Finding relevant people to follow on certain platforms and tagging people in posts where appropriate.
Then – repeat all this for client 2 but we’re further along the ads process so for ads it’s:
• Checking reports and ongoing results, • Checking comments, • Stopping underperforming ads, • Checking trends. And also – it’s end of month for their platform management so I: • Create an analysis document (normally around 10 pages) showing stats of how everything has performed for the last month – each post and ad and what has gone well, what needs to be improved and what I will be doing for the next month.
On top of this: • I am taking training to keep on top of trends and changes (thanks Facebook for keeping me on my toes with this one!) • Training in all the platforms and general marketing trends. • Trying to put out a little content on my own social media channels!! • And now… making this list! 😜
So… in case anyone else wondered. That is what I do 😉
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I love my speech bubble logo, but sometimes when I'm chatting with people I think it makes more sense for people to be talking to my face, I feel a bit like I'm hiding!!!
So I'm putting it to the vote.
Which profile picture do you prefer for this page?


Has anyone seen these changes yet?
How do we feel about change? I don't tend to like it! I feel like a lot of the changes being made are just for the sake of making change, but hopefully I'm wrong and there are some improvements in there!


I can hardly believe I actually ran the marathon back in 2014. Seeing people sharing their photos is making me nostalgic for that fitter and simpler time. I didn’t run my own business and I didn’t have my son yet. I ran with my fiancé (now husband) and all we had to worry about in the world was getting to the finish line! It was an amazing day and I really hope one day I can do it again! Loved the energy and the atmosphere and raising money for a good cause (Cats Protection – if you didn’t guess by the ears and whiskers!)
Watch this space – I’ll run again one day!!!


Have I mentioned this before… DON’T BOOST POSTS! They lead to a very low conversion value because boosting doesn’t target users who are most likely to purchase from you. Boosting also doesn’t lead to a lot of interaction and is a waste of your marketing budget. It is more eyes on your post – but not the right eyes. It’s much better to spend your money on a proper marketing strategy with paid ads.
If you want more info check out my blog post -


How cool is this Instagram Engagement Calculator?
Engagement really is THE most important thing on Social Media – it shows you’re talking to the right people.
The less people you have following, the higher % engagement you should be getting if your followers are the right people for your business.
... Have a go – what % are you currently at?
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Random thought I had yesterday (this question often comes up and normally I say 'flying' or 'teleportation' but this time I really have it 😉) ...
If I could have any super power it would be the power to stop time. Just think how much you could get done with no interruptions! I could stop time and do the garden, have a nap, clean the house, read a book, do some work, another nap and then *click* start up time again and be exactly where I was to start with!
What do you think? What super power would you like best?


I’ve talked about meaningful interactions, but what else does Facebook value when it comes to organic content?
- Posts that are scheduled at a good time for YOUR followers (Facebook wants to know you’re paying attention and putting in the effort to reach your fans) - Page owners replying to fans comments - Having a complete page profile... - Taking advantage of both stories and posts (especially on Instagram)
… and what does Facebook dislike? - Posts created for the sole purpose of pushing people to buy a product – don’t ask for sales/messages or even comments/shares/likes. They want it to be natural and meaningful not forced. Facebook thinks that’s more valuable. - Pages pushing people to enter promotions/giveaways/contests. - Posts that link to outbound content (any platforms main goal is to keep you on their platform).
It’s a tough time to market on Facebook, anything remotely “salesy” is going to have an even smaller reach than it does currently and the average business page post reach today is at MAXIMUM 1.6% – 2%!!! 😫
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My favourite thing about running my own business is the freedom! I can work when and where I want and only with the people I want to!
What is your favourite thing about having your own business?


I have just joined the Social Media Marketing Society and I am so excited! It’s such a great investment for me and my business and for you, it means that I will get all the latest information on changes and trends in social media which I can pass on straight away! I should soon become the place you hear the news first! And as I’m such a gossip, that suits me down to the ground!! I love being the first to know things 😉
I am about to become "a complete Social Media Marketing Rockstar" (their words not mine!! 😂)


"It's not cool anymore to be manufactured" 🙌


Did you know if you need to speak to Facebook about your business page or ads, there's a free chat facility where you can talk to someone from the Facebook team?

More about Engage Media

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -