Entwine Parent Child Attachment



šŸ’œHooray! Lovely news. ā˜ŗļøšŸ’œ


We are really excited to be starting our new Play Therapy Groups supporting the loveliest families at Cheshire Autism Practical Support next week. Hereā€™s a sneak peak at some of our previous creations, exploring self esteem, identity and relationships in Northwich. The children worked so hard and we were so proud of each and every one of them. (Permission granted by each child to share ā˜ŗļø)


We love a bit of Bruce Perry at Entwine ā¤ļø He has a way with words that helps us to understand the infant brain and the effects of developmental trauma. This kind of information should be accessible to ALL.


Itā€™s hard to remember what our lives were like before we had our mobile phones right? When I lost my down the toilet last year I was left floundering, how on earth was I going to cope without it... But as useful as they are they can also be quite dangerous, especially when they get in the way of interacting with our own children! I hold my hands up, Iā€™ve been there. Wether itā€™s been typing up that ā€˜must needed postā€™, searching for a very important recipe or concentrating on... finding the postcode to the soft play area and suddenly my toddler has taken to throwing his train set. I hadnā€™t noticed that he needed me, even if it was just to watch him push the train along the track... so heā€™s had to ā€˜up regulateā€™ his behaviour to get my attention. All thats left is to apologise to him, meet his needs and put the darn phone away! Yet even before our little people become toddlers they are so reliant on us as caregivers to be able to hold them in our minds and be emotionally available. When we our scrolling through Facebook, watching YouTube videos and liking photos on Instagram we become an unresponsive parent, our face is expressionless which can leave babies in an emotionally unsafe state. If you watch the following clip you can explicitly see what a baby experiences when they are devoid of an emotional connection even for just 2 minutes.
Babies need reliable, consistent attention to form proper emotional processes ā¤ļø
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