Entwistle Business Services

About Entwistle Business Services

Whether it is tax assistance, tax returns, business costs savings, account management, payroll or general day to day bookkeeping we are here to help.

Entwistle Business Services Description

Business Service



Did you know?
Your income tax bill has to be paid by 31 January following the end of the tax year that it relates to. If you don't pay as and when you should, then interest and penalties may be added to your bill.
If your income tax bill for the previous tax year was higher than £1,000, you will need to make two payments on account towards your next tax bill. These are known as payments in advance. You need to make these payments by 31 January and 31 July following the end of... the previous tax year. Each payment is half of the tax due for the previous year.
For example, if your income tax liability was £5,000 in 2016 - 2017, the payments on account for the following tax year will be £2,500 by 31 Jan 2018 and £2,500 by 31 July 2018.
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Website down again sorry, may be time to change host!


Did you know?
Did you know that, you don't pay tax on all of your capital gains. When you sell an asset that's gained in value (such as a second home, shares that aren't kept within an Isa, or business assets) then you are charged capital gains tax (CGT).
However, you do get an annual CGT allowance, on which you don't have to pay any tax. For the 2018/19 tax year, this allowance stands at £11,700.
... Deduct your tax-free allowance from your total taxable gains. If this amount is within the basic Income Tax band you'll pay 10% on your gains (or 18% on residential property). You'll pay 20% (or 28% on residential property) on any amount above the basic tax rate.
Any question on capital gains? Drop us a question
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Working from home is hard work at times but when you have a number of successes like yesterday it's not all that bad. One success included a Client with a fine totalling £1400, HMRC contacted and after some firm but fair tactics this client now has ZERO pounds to pay, one happy client.
If you are in a position where you have received a fine from HMRC and you are worried, please drop us a message and we will tell you within 5 minutes if we feel we can negotiate with HMRC for this to be scrapped.


If you are one of many who still haven't signed up online with HMRC and prefer to submit a paper return, then remember your deadline is fast approaching, your returns must be submitted by 31/10/2018. Any later and you could received a fine.
Please do get in touch, we are offering a cut price for all paper returns starting from £65.


We are now located at 22-26 Railway Road, Darwen. If you or any family and friends have any accounting needs in the near to distant future please do not hesitate to pop in and say hello (drop us a message to make sure we are around). Even if it is just a bit of guidance you are after, always here to offer free help and advice.


Well it's now the summer holidays and we feel like giving away a couple of prizes, therefore if you fancy a chance of winning simply like status, like page, share and comment answer (and yes you really do win prizes with us)
Question - How many Euros are in this picture?
First prize - Sea life centre x 2 tickets (Manchester or Blackpool your choice)
... Second Prize - Family of 4 Cinema Tickets (2 Adults and 2 Children) this can be varied depending on who you would like to take.
This will run for a period of 10 days.
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Sign up to our 30 day free trial and give our accounting software a whiz (https://ebscenter.gridaccounts.com). If you like the product there is then an option to sign continue your subscription free of charge if you take up our accounting services at a starting rate of £13.95 per month.
For this you get access to our software, we will take responsibility of logging and processing all your accounting issues (create and send invoices, sort receipts, estimate tax payments, comp...lete self assessment return and submit, log and track mileage), we will deal with HMRC on your behalf and we will be available for any advice you near year round.
Put this into perspective the current average price of accounting software sign up is £6 per month, that's £72 per year, the current average price of a tax return is around £100 per year (location dependant can be anything up to £200), that's £172 per year that you will spend on your accounting as a minimum, that's without an accountant doing the work for you all year round, and without assistance of dealing with HMRC on your behalf and without available advice all year round. We are offering all of this for the equivalent of £167.40 per year.
With the making tax digital coming in next year and returns having to be submitted on a quarterly basis (actually 5 times per year) costs could increase, OUR COSTS WON'T INCREASE next year.
Click on the link to trial, send us a message, email us on accounts@ebscenter.co.uk or visit our website (link available within page) and enter your details on our contact form and quote RETURN2018 and we will get back to you within 1 business day.
Have a great day EBS
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Sign up - accounting software 30day free trial


Monthly Accounts Service (including tax returns)
If you are a sole trader or a non VAT registered company, why not join the EBS revolution. We have our very own accounting software and are well prepared for 'making tax digital'. For £12.95 per month (sole traders) and £22.95 per month (non vat registered companies) we give you unlimited access to our software (similar to QB, Sage etc) but not just that, we will process the work for you on a monthly basis, and submit your retu...rns at the end of the year for no additional costs and we will deal with HMRC on your behalf. Remember as of next year your accounts need to be submitted quarterly (5 times per year actually) therefore make that journey into digital tax easier.
Message us, or drop us an email accounts@ebscenter.co.uk and submit an enquiry quoting offer "Digital 19".
Accounts smart, Digital smart, EBS smart.
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TAX RETURN £49 all in. Contact For more details.


REDUCED RATES over the next 14 days on self assessment/tax return submissions. Get in touch at accounts@ebscenter.co.uk for more info or alternatively visit our website and complete our contact form with the code "TAX RETURN 49" and we will contact you to arrange completion.
You do not need to be registered online with HMRC, as long as you can provide us with your UTR (Unique Tax Reference) we can do the rest. We aim to complete your return with 3 working days of request and ...only request payment upon completion. Once signed up you will then be eligible for our free advice programme, which allows you to contact us throughout the year for advice, FREE of charge. As well as this we will give you FREE access to our accounting solution, meaning you will not need to sign up to Quick-books and other accounting software, you can use ours FREE of charge. As of next year with the making tax digital initiative it is becoming increasingly important that you now start to file transactions online and your returns will be due quarterly, let us make that transition easier and cost effective for you.
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Our new pricing structure. Inbox or comment for further info. Email us at ebscenter@accounts.co.uk, or submit a query via our webpage www.ebscenter.co.uk😃


With the new digital age approaching the tax and accounting world, it is essential that bookkeeping/accountancy firms and their clients go digital.
From April 2019 VAT registered traders will have to report to HMRC under a new Making Tax Digital reporting sequence.
From April 2020 the self assessment tax return is being replaced by five new reporting obligations made during and after the tax year.
... Your first tax return under the new system is due in the forth month of you accounting period, you will then have to file with HMRC every three months.
If you are not already using software for your record keeping/ accounting, you will need to learn how to use a spreadsheet, or some type of accounting software or App. You will need a reliable internet connection and a facility to store your electronic data.
With this in mind, we are excited to announce that after some hard work we have created our very own cloud accounting software, of which will be available to all our clients. This means no third party software is needed such as quickbooks and the like and means ZERO expense to you the clients. You can upload receipt, invoices and general paperwork via screenshots and we will do the rest. You can view your account at any time via the EBS App and contact us, meaning quicker and more responsive replies.
Looking for a forward thinking, digital thinking and cheaper option, look no further than EBS.
Visit our website www.ebscenter.co.uk and submit an enquiry or message us via social media 😀👍
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Client submitted tax return late 😞 Client informs EBS can't afford to pay (we got this) 👍 EBS contacts HMRC ✅ HMRC reduce fine ✅ HMRC agree payment plan ✅... Client now happy ✅
Struggling with your self-assessment/tax return, need a hand? Give us a call or visit our contact us page, or alternatively contact us via Facebook, free no obligation initial advice, if you decide you would like us to work for you great!
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More about Entwistle Business Services
