Envolve Wellness

About Envolve Wellness

Delivering preventive intervention programs for people with long-term health conditions and those with additional needs.



We do share and support other wonderful service that empower people with disabilities. Take a look at below center based in Birmingham. https://www.facebook.com/442870846193072/ posts/748457442301076?sfns=mo


Been interviewed was tough coz I can take all DAY talking no end!!


A little demo of #dance for #dementia for Birmingham council team, focusing on connection & communicative body language.
#inclusion #exercise #disability #empowerment #wellbeing


Lovely to be invited as employer, thank you @idealforall


Falls prevention has increased intensity a wee bit, some weeks ago, lunges wouldn't be attempted by them.


Only week 4,the session is now full! Boxercise for Parkinson's, it's so brilliant people loving it!


Err need a wee bit help here, too far LOL


Such a great session today, powerful mental workout and squatting all directions. Thank you so much for coming and see you all next week!


It's a family boxercise session so adults take it like a pro too 👍. This mum is training for marathon so core work essential.
Watch out Tuesday Thursday folks😂😂😂😂


#fallsprevention conference, such a brilliant learning day, consolidate and update knowledge, reinforce quality& assurance for population with history or at risk of falling, everything will be embedded in our delivery to improve people's #strength #balance, quality of life.


Happy November!
Reflecting on yesterday's #fun fest & past year, I have nothing but gratitude for every opportunity came my way. I've spoken to & worked with so many people & organizations, done so many things free to give back, overcome countless hurdles & defeat, stupidly gave in my #health #wellbeing, let go of any stubbornness but not the fire in my belly, gathered #strength to continue in this lonely #entrepreneurial journey, my love and #faith always stays in the commu...nity, it couldn't be more clearer by the day even if people don't trust.
I, part of a small team of teachers&volunteers, will continue to meet the demands for people with #disabilities & anyone with #additionalNeeds, connecting people to care about each other, building #social #cohesion.
#wellbeing #fitness #dance #resilience #anxiety #noBarrier #elderly #autism #learningDisability
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Apparently this is how you should pull girls 😂😂😂😂
#boxercise #inclusion #disability #autism #support #learningDisability #health #exercise


All ready for #disability #activities.
#boxing #exercise #boxercise #dance #inclusive #inclusion #autism #support #learningDisability #wellbeing #fitness


Happy Halloween!
We will still be out delivering our session at QAC today, empower and benefit more people with disabilities. Exciting!


#Parkinsons at it again! More people came, more punches thrown, more smiles shown. ❤❤❤ my group
#boxercise #disability #empowerment #wellbeing #fitness #elderly #strength #balance @ Birmingham, United Kingdom


Pitching for #success. #dance #wellbeing #disability #health #Parkinsons #dementia I'm pitching for equal access, #inclusive approach. #empowerment #businesses #birmingham #entrepreneurs


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More about Envolve Wellness
