Epping Forest Heritage Trust

About Epping Forest Heritage Trust

We are working to ensure that Epping Forest remains secure as a natural environment rich in wildlife, available and increasingly appreciated and valued by the public.



Don't forget our next event!


On Behalf of Theydon Art Group - Thank you for choosing us as this years charity!
"Welcome to the April Newsletter!
Next Meeting:
... Friday 12th April, Hashim Akib will demonstrate his vibrant and expressive acrylic techniques. Hash's pictures are eye-catching and attractive. They are also instantly recognisable as uniquely his own. How many of us would like that to be said about our own work? 8.00pm in the Village Hall.
Exhibition 2019:
The annual Exhibition (17th/18th May) is the highlight of our year. But, of course, to be successful we rely on Members and Associates to help in whatever ways they can. If you've not already done so, please sign up for a couple of hours for Exhibition Duties at the April meeting.
Also at the meeting, Linda will be soliciting promises from all home bakers to make cakes.
Posters in various sizes will be available for those who have somewhere to display them.
This year we are supporting the High Beach Information Centre. Please bring along your Charity Squares and give to Vi at the meeting. To recap these are sold at £5 and can be of any subject, on stiff paper, overall 12cm square, with the image 10cm square as pink area on the attachment to this email.
Members willing to display their paintings in local shop windows in the fortnight prior to the Exhibition should deliver them to Tricia in the Hall on Friday morning 26th April.
Closing date for entries is Tuesday 16th April. Remember that legally all entries to the exhibition must be your own work and not copies of other people's.
This year our dates clash with Epping Art Society's. We're going to try to avoid this in future, but note that it is still perfectly possible to exhibit and assist at both.
Lastly, we're looking for an Exhibition Secretary. If you would consider taking on this modest responsibility, you'll find you have a lot of support from members - all of whom want to see our Exhibition continue to thrive. Basic WORD skills and an ability to organise are the key skills required. Please talk to me about this. Thanks.
And finally:
Please pass this Newsletter on to anyone who may be interested particularly if they don't have access to email.
Thanks for your attention to all the above Robert Ingram
Visitors are welcome at our monthly meetings. Held in Theydon Bois Village Hall, they start at 8.00pm. Admission £4.00.
Those wishing to become Members, must first submit 4 pictures for approval. Subscriptions cost £20.00 per year and include entry to all meetings.
Associate Membership, intended for beginners or non-artists (£16.00 per year), is open to all, and includes entry to all meetings. The Group is keen to help those interested to find suitable tuition.
Note: By subscribing to this Newsletter, your email will not be disclosed to anyone else, and you can “unsubscribe” at any time.
See More


Some photos from Friday's 5 year celebration event at the Visitor Centre https://www.flickr.com/…/164812763@ ;N…/sets/72157679726758058


Visitors centre 5 year celebration


One of the benefits our members enjoy....


Don't forget our walk on Thursday 4th April - Memories of Edwardian Times in Snaresbrook


Publication about the last Plogging event with Orion Harriers Running Club https://www.eppingforestguardian.co.uk/‚Ä ¶/17485495.running-‚Ķ/


The "walks" pages on the web are up-to-date as far as June now, so have a look! Direct link:


The February Birthstone is definately showing it's colours this morning at EFHT HQ!

More about Epping Forest Heritage Trust

Epping Forest Heritage Trust is located at The Warren Lodge, IG10 4RN Loughton
+44 20 8508 9061