Equilibre Health - Kinesiology & Massage

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 13:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Equilibre Health - Kinesiology & Massage

Systematic Kinesiology and Aromatherapy Massage to help you get the health you want and to balance body, mind and spirits.

Equilibre Health - Kinesiology & Massage Description

Jane Collison began studying natural health in 1995. She has qualifications in Massage, Aromatherapy, Nutritional Therapy and Systematic Kinesiology. She is a Professional member of the Association of Systematic Kinesiology (SK).
SK uses gentle muscle-testing to find out what you need to return to health. SK sessions can address the four realms of health: Structure (joints, muscles, bones), Bio-Chemistry (allergies, nutritional lack), Electrical (energy imbalances or blockages) and Emotional issues.



Nightshade intolerance (tomato, pepper, potato) can cause #jointpain #arthritis #headaches and other symptoms of #leakygut. With kinesiology, I can help - firstly by identifying which nightshades to cut out, secondly by helping you fix your leaky gut so you can tolerate all foods again. https://realfarmacy.com/nightshades/


If you’ve recently read articles reporting that coconut oil is bad for you, thankfully Mark Sissons has summed up some scientific research for you. #coconutoil https://www.marksdailyapple.com/is-coconu t-oil-pure-poison/…


I recommend Insight Timer app to my clients for meditation or visualisation to help with stress and achieving their health goals. Here’s Russell Brand’s guide to meditation (love his assistant!). https://insighttimer.com/


Glyphosphate (round-up) is one of the reasons why wheat and other grains can cause digestion problems. Crop fields are soaked in the chemical just before harvest. Why on Earth do we spray cancer-causing chemicals on our food?? If you live anywhere near non-organic crop fields you’ll be breathing it in too. What can we do? Eat organic and reduce our exposure to as many unnecessary chemicals as possible to lighten the load for our bodies’ natural detox systems. If you get bloating or any other symptom after eating bread, book in for #kinesiology and we’ll see what your body needs to return to health. https://educateinspirechange.org/…/mons anto-found-guilty-o…/


"we are all connected to each other and to the entire universe" (at a sub-atomic level) ... this goes some way to explaining what I do and how it works. #lovewhatyoudo #kinesiology


“We need a revolution” in healthcare and food culture. He’s right. Please spend 11 minutes listening to this British cardiologist about why he’s calling for a public enquiry and more ‘sunshine’ on the pharmaceutical and food industries. #justeatrealfood https://www.facebook.com/187604858053036/ posts/1521610221319153/


Sian Alcock and Jane Collison combine their knowledge of Yoga, Kinesiology, Aromatherapy and Massage to give you a better understanding of digestive health and show you some tools to support healthy digestion. This is a workshop for all those interested in improving their digestive health and in particular learning some self-help techniques for symptoms such as heartburn, reflux, IBS and constipation. The workshop will include yoga nidra (CDs will be available afterwards for home practice), belly self-massage, essential oils, breathing techniques and some anatomy and theory about digestive health. Cost £35 - includes an aromatherapy blend for self-massage, tea and snacks.


Now this is a "food plate" I can support! This is more like a healthy diet. #justeatrealfood #cutoutthebeige


Love this! We know from genetic research that we carry the physical, emotional, chemical history of three generations. This is another way of putting it.




I often give clients “homework” of affirmations and tapping certain energy points on their body. I muscle test to find which statements and points have a positive impact on them. It’s a simple and quick way of beginning to change ingrained thought patterns. Not being “good enough” is the most common limiting belief I hear. Changing thoughts changes emotions and your emotions play a large part in your overall health. #kinesiology #nlp #eft #limitingbelief


If you or anyone you know is still using #talc please stop! These products are sold for use on babies. Shame on Johnson & Johnson. https://www.healthnutnews.com/4-69-billio n-verdict-against…/


A client told me yesterday that I had "popped a bubble" in her very first session. She meant that we had resolved an issue she'd had for a long time and which was holding her back from living her life as she wanted. This 2005 video demonstrates how #kinesiology muscle-testing and balancing techniques can be used to do this. I also incorporate #healingherbs and #ausflower essences and emotional release work. #touchforhealth #lovewhatyoudo


I’m pleased to announce I’ve gone all 21st century and I now take cards! #izettle #kinesiology #massage #healing


So true!


Amazing client testimonial today: "After just two kinesiology sessions, I feel so much better. My energy levels are good and I feel a lot happier in myself. My period pain has gone from 10/10 (couldn't walk, vomiting, bedridden) to 3 or 4/10. I haven't even needed to take painkillers!" #lovewhatyoudo #kinesiology


Highly recommend this Abbotsbury shop ... everything you need for natural living. I get toothpaste refills, soap, cleaning product refills ... it’s a win win! Less plastic, less waste, great products and supporting a local independent trader. 😎 #shoplocal #zerowaste #lessplastic


I love getting thank gifts from clients! #lovewhatyoudo #kinesiology


Power lunch in the sun! Busy afternoon ahead with #kinesiology and #aromatherapy clients. Time to get the balance of nutrition right - protein, healthy fats and veggies. That’s what we’re designed to eat.


Visited Jane today. Such a lovely person and very thorough. I would recommend everyone to book a session and start their journey to better health and well being ��


Totally recommend. Jane is a committed, knowledgeable and caring Practitioner. You will be in safe hands

More about Equilibre Health - Kinesiology & Massage

Equilibre Health - Kinesiology & Massage is located at 5 Westhill Close, DT4 9NG Weymouth, Dorset
Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 13:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -