Equine Kind - Behaviour Specialists

About Equine Kind - Behaviour Specialists

Equine behaviour specialists in Northern England. Equine Behaviour Consultant. Behaviour and business consultancy, education, clinics, equine services



Ooh look my article in Putting Horses First Magazine is on page 6.
This edition I have given an introduction into body language signs to look out for.
Can’t wait to have a read of the other articles.
... Copies can be purchased following the link http://www.lulu.com/…/putting-horses-fi rst-magazin…/24604090
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Dental concerns are important when considering behavioural issues
Thanks to Horse Logic for sharing the original post


My next two clinics at Home Farm Holistic Livery at Hyde are open for bookings. Hope you can join us!!
26 May 1-4 - Introduction into positive reinforcement
30 June 1-3 - Introduction into equine social behaviour


This 2 hour workshop will cover: -Ethology - evolution, herd dynamics, horses in the wild, natural behaviours -Recap / summary of body language -Social behaviours such as allogrooming, play, kicks and bites -Effects of domestication... -Practical observation of the herd -Q&A session
Please note: The event is held outside in a covered barn so please be prepared for the weather and bring along a chair for yourself.
Tea and coffee will be provided
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This clinic will run from 1pm- 4pm on Sunday 26 May 2019.
It will cover: - How horses learn - Training methods... - Developing simple shaping plans - Practical sessions practicing positive reinforcement on each other before teaching some simple behaviours to horses - Q&A session
Please note: The event is held outside in a covered barn so please be prepared for the weather and bring along a chair for yourself.
As this will include handling horses please bring along a riding helmet and wear sturdy footwear. Participation in the practical session may have to be limited for safety and insurance purposes if not worn.
Tea and coffee will be provided.
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I am a bit behind work that I need to do and I apologise for that!!
Problem is this little distraction... a 13 week GSD!!!
If she sleeps I recover and if she sleeps long enough I may be lucky enough to get some work done 😆.
... I never wanted children but I now have a new understanding for mums. Cocker spaniels were never this difficult 😁
Bare with me and prompt me if I have said I will do something and I haven’t!!!!!!
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I have decided to cancel the clinic on the 17 th March. Due to my ill health and lack of promotion, numbers are too low to go ahead. Those who have purchased tickets should have received a message about this.
I have two clinics coming up at home farm holistic livery:
26 May is a clinic on positive reinforcement. We will explore how horses learn and training methods. Practical sessions will be on training each other to do tasks using positive training before we practice ou...r techniques with horses.
30 June will cover the cancelled clinic. In it we will look at social behaviour. Focusing on ethology, communication, effects of domestication and how horses socially interact. We will have a look at what the natural herd at home farm are up to and if they are not up to much (😁) watch video clips of social behaviour.
Bookings will be open in the next couple of days.
I really hope that you can join us and I can’t apologise enough that my health issues have made me rearrange so many things 🧡
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I have had the great privilege of writing for this new magazine Putting Horses First Magazine.
Get you copy here.
https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/shop s/item/2165570100176559/?referral_story_ type=shop_pdp_share_deep_link&referr al_code=shops_pdp_share
... Issue 2 is out at the end of March.
If there is anything about equine behaviour you would like me to write about get in touch.
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Hi everyone, thank you for being patient!
I’m still on the mend. Lots of tests and thankfully nothing too serious, but need to take work steady.
More posts on the way and a clinic on 17th March if you are able to join us 🧡


I am having to cancel some of my work over the coming weeks.
I finally went to the doctors and have a respiratory infection that we need to get under control, had it off and on since November!!
I am still contactable for consults etc but clinics are being rearranged


I will be taking an extended Christmas break returning to work Monday 14 January.
I am still available to pick up any urgent matters or consultations so do get in touch you need help.
Have a great holiday period and wishing you an amazing new year 🧡


A bit of fun.....
But how can you expect you horse to act like they normally do when you are not acting the same?
Are you the same person at competitions, shows or when your stressed as you are at home?
... #equinebehaviour
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Had a great afternoon running an introduction to equine body language clinic at Home Farm Holistic Livery
Thank you to the hosts and everyone who joined us 🧡


This event is nearly sold out if you are intending to come book through the link or PM me.
3 places left


Tickets still available.


Next clinic is
25 November 2018 at home farm livery.
Special offer available at this event 🧡

More about Equine Kind - Behaviour Specialists
