Etwelle Car Workshop

About Etwelle Car Workshop

We are a really bad Car mechanical workshop. . We will lie to and cheat our customers just as much as it suits us . .

Etwelle Car Workshop Description

We advertise that we know a lot about CLASSIC Cars HA HA , that's a laugh. . Really we know Bugger all about Old Cars. . Come to think of we don't know too much about new ones either. . BUT we do know a lot about BULLSHIT , and we let you have as much as possible of that --- for an exorbitant fee, , of course. . WE once smashed the side of an old Rolls Royce -- because we didnt know where the BRAKE was! ! ! ! How good was that! ! ! ! ! The blke who owned it was from Australia, and didn't know a panel beater --SO I told him I would have it repaired , at our cost -- "better than NEW". . . HE believed me! ! ! ! So i took it to some shonky mates . . I think their name was Mastertek--- Might have been Master--bate. . . They filled the sides with crap and painted it for a few Quid. . The we had the hide to CHARGE the OZ guy for the lousy work on the car. . We even got the ignition wiring sequence wrong -- then told him the motor was stuffed. . ANYWAY he had to pay or we wouldn't give him hi BATTERED car back. . . What a hoot. . Please bring your car in -- and we will try as hard as we can to give tou the same miserable treatment we gave to that block. . AFTER ALL WE NEED TO MAKE A PROFIT AND THIS IS THE ONLY WAY WE KNOW HOW. . . . .