Evie Nutrition

Monday: 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 19:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 17:00
Friday: 08:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Evie Nutrition

Nutritional therapist and gut health specialist in Bucks. I help you reach your health potential through the power of food and natural solutions.



Morning. I’m still unpacking boxes in my new home but always thinking about how I can help my clients and what troubles them most.
I mostly see clients with a collection of some of the following symptoms; bloating, gas, constipation, stomach pain, IBS, reflux, fatigue, hormone imbalance. These symptoms are all connected and I always start with improving gut health.
What symptoms or conditions do you need most help with? PM me or Comment below 👇
... This helps me get the right information, recipes and advice across to help you.
I’m listening ....
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Vegan plate competition winner is Bev. I asked which nutrients a vegan must be careful not to miss out on. Great answer from Bev who covered most of the nutrients that I carefully check to ensure my vegan clients are getting in their diet.
Key nutrients vegans must be careful not to miss...
B12- most reliable source is from animal products I.e. meat, dairy, seafood. Some B12 is available in fortified foods (milks/soya/cereals) and as it’s made by micro-organisms can be found... in marmite (yeast extract) and Nutritional yeast.
Iron- found in highest amounts in meat (haeme sources) which is more bioavailable source. Non -haeme sources are; beans, lentils, pulses, nuts, seeds, kale, dried apricots. It’s important that you increase your ability to absorb these less-bioavailable sources by having vitamin C rich food/drink (lemon in water) alongside these foods and avoid tea/coffee at same time as tannins block absorption of iron.
Calcium- due to avoidance of dairy in vegan Diets it’s important to make sure you are getting enough. This is usually fortified in alternative milks and found in nuts/seeds/green leafy veg.
Omega-3 fatty acids- most bioavailable source is from fatty fish and this nutrient is often missed or forgotten about- critical to hormone balance, energy and cellular integrity I would always recommend including flax/chia seeds and seaweed; a great marine source. Interesting that nobody mentioned this one.
Protein- to get the full amino acid profile from a vegan diet you have to eat a diverse range of foods. The most complete amino acid profile is found in eggs, dairy and meat therefore vegans have to eat a wide variety of foods to cover all of the essential amino acids. Welldone Sophia Gabbitas for mentioning this in your answer.
Zinc- found in meat, shellfish, dairy, eggs. Best Vegan sources are legumes, nuts, seeds, whole grains.
Welldone for all of your brilliant answers.
Bev come and collect your beautiful vegan plate.
If you have a vegan family friend/member please share this post with them.
If you would like a full analysis of your diet to make sure you aren’t missing out essential nutrients, I can help you or your loved ones follow a safe, healthy, nutrient-dense diet for long term health simply email to find out more info@evienutrition.co.uk
Special offer 10% off your first consultation.
#vegan #nutrients #b12 #iron #calcium #omega3 #zinc #protein #vegandiet #cleaneats #plantbaseddiet #aminoacids #nutritionaltherapy
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Morning from my new kitchen view 😍


I’m moving home tomorrow and can’t wait to share my new client consultation space and brand new kitchen that will host more exciting workshops soon. 😃
I’m only moving up the road so will still be on Bourne End. 🤗
#newhome #moving #freshstart #consultation #workshops #bourneend


Are you drinking enough water?!
I track my water intake with a water tracker bottle that counts my refills so I know I drink at least 1.5-2 litres every day
How much water do you drink every day? ... Do you track your intake? How do you do this? Comment below 👇 #water #hydration #H2O #nutrition
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Don’t forget to get this in your diary if you are a virtual assistant/PA. Sarah’s events are always in great venues with fab speakers who share helpful and insightful advice and tips.


If you suffer with low energy and are sick and tired of feeling sick and tired read my latest blog on how you can increase your energy levels using my top tips. Note: it may get briefly sciencey 😂🤓 https://evienutrition.co.uk/how-to-increa se-your-energy-lev…


Does anybody need some jars for jam/chutney/fermenting? I have a selection here going into recycling otherwise.


Who out there is Vegan?
I have a little competition this week for you.
Just answer the question in comments below and I’ll pick a winner who can give the best answer for your chance to... Win this lovely vegan plate to never run out of ideas to keep your diet diverse!
What are the main nutrients that a vegan needs to be careful to not become deficient in when following a strictly vegan diet? #vegan #diet #healthydiet #nutrients #nutrition #deficiencies #cleaneating #competition #veganplate
*winner will need to Collect prize
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Wakey wakey!!
Love it or hate it?! Grapefruit is fresh, zingy and wakes your mouth up!
Naringenin is the flavonoid that gives grapefruit it’s bitter taste and has powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties; so much so, that it is currently being studied for its use in fighting diabetes type 2.
... I love it for its liver detoxifying boosting benefits although if you are taking medication you should avoid eating it at least 2 hours before or after your medication and in some cases avoided altogether.
Grapefruit can reduce the amount of drugs efficacy as Naringenin also has the ability to inhibit liver enzyme activity which break down drugs for elimination. This means that higher concentrations if the drug can remain in the bloodstream.
I cut mine into slices and eat it straight out of its skin.
So...love it or hate it!? Comment below 👇
#grapefruit #naringenin #liver #breakfast #antiinflammatory #antioxidant #diabetestype2 #sour #freshfruit #healthychoices #detox #cleaneats #cleaneating #guthealth #nutrition #vitaminc #citrus #liverdetoxification #medication #elimination
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Just clearing out ready for my big move next week! Found my Human Biology GCSE practice exam paper...it’s the only subject (other than Art) that I really loved! I used to get excited about taking these kind of exams. Even if I got the answer wrong I loved the opportunity it gave me to find the correct answer.
Always been fascinated by the human body, cells and how it all works. This is a lifetime love of learning that never dies. #lovemyjob #humanbody #science #nutrition #exam


Did you see the front page of Daily Mail today? Well...at last eventually somebody is paying attention to root cause of disease!!
About time. We know poor dietary choices cause metabolic syndrome, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases which are at epidemic proportions in the Western world. We have to do something ...now!
Welldone Daily Mail (never thought I’d say that 😂)
... Nutritional Therapists should be first port of call in diet-related disorders, helping the local community to become more educated about food choices and help them reduce their risk of disease before the need for long term medication or hospital treatment costing the NHS billion and unnecessary hours of work/burden. Rant over 😬
How long have you had to wait for a doctors appointment recently?? #ijustwanttohelp
#nutrition #healthychoices #headlinenews #tabloid #disease #diet #obesity #cardiovasculardisease #highbloodpressure #cholesterol #diabetes #nhs #foodfirst #wellness #health #dietarychoices #papers #healthnews #frontpagenews #baddiet #socialprescribing #community #nutritionaltherapy #rootcause #reducingmedication
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What is the gut brain connection in relation to anxiety and depression?
“It is generally agreed upon that depression is induced by the cumulative effect of genetic information and environmental stresses.
Traditional depression treatments all target the brain, with different drugs and/or psychotherapy. Unfortunately, most of the patients have never received any treatment.
... Studies indicate that gut microbiota could be a direct cause for the disorder.
Depression is closely related with the condition of the brain–gut axis. maintaining/restoring the normal condition of gut microbiota helps in the prevention/therapy of mental disorders such as anxiety and depression.
Stressful life events including early-life stress are important inducements of depression.” (Liang et al., 2018)
This is why getting to the root cause is critical to resolution.
I have never seen a case of anxiety/depression without a concurrent issue relating to the gut.
Dealing with emotional stress/trauma/perceived stress through talking/therapy and counselling is key to resolution alongside healing gut trauma and re-balancing the gut microbiome where Nutritional Therapy can help.
If you know anyone who is suffering at the moment share this post and encourage them to reach out. There are so many wonderful therapists and support out there that can really help.🙏 info@evienutrition.co.uk
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Which is the most nutritious lettuce?
I love crunchy fresh sweet lettuce in my salads so I set about finding the most nutritious to share with you....
In general, lettuce that is darker green in colour is a better source of nutrients than lighter coloured lettuce. So, the most nutritious lettuce is Romaine. ... Which delivers more folate, potassium, beta carotene and lutein.
Little Gem (baby Romaine) and Romaine are also packed with vitamins K, A, and C, and also good amounts of magnesium. The green leafy parts are more nutritious than the white crunchy centers, but all of it provides an excellent source of fibre which is great for our gut health.
One serving (Cup) of Romaine has 2.5 milligrams of beta-carotene, 1.1 milligrams of lutein (for eye health) and one-third of a day's worth of folate (energy and DNA repair). Compare that to iceberg, the least nutritious type of lettuce: one cup (shredded) contains 0.2 milligrams of beta-carotene, 0.2 milligrams of lutein and only one-third of the folate found in Romaine.
Little gem anyone? 😁😍🙌
Watch out for my “loaded lettuce leaves” soon 👀
#littlegem #romaine #lettuce #salad #folate #magnesium #lutein #vitaminA #vitaminK #vitaminC #fibre #guthealth #healthyfood #springtime #nutrition #nutritionaltherapy #bourneend #bestlettuce #morenutrients #vegan #vegetarian #loadedlettuce
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I just love it when scientific studies exemplify some great basic strategies for long term health. #science #geek #health #weight
Taken from a meta-analysis (this is a collective analysis pulling in quality data from lots of smaller studies).
The study is to see how weight, blood pressure, cholesterol and triglycerides were affected after following a low carb diet versus a low fat diet for 6 months and 12 months.
... The outcome? Weight loss was greater in the low carb diet at 6m but Pretty much the same in both groups at 12 months.
This highlights a critical point. It is the ability to sustain the dietary modification that leads to long term weight loss.
Key considerations here; sustainability, focus on less processed foods but critically satiety. The reason the groups evened out at the end was because they found it too difficult to restrict carbohydrates at that level longer than 6m.
I can help you find your “sweet spot” for satiety so you can reach your goal effortlessly without feeling restricted for long term solution.
I use scientific evidence to underpin my recommendations so we know the intervention already works and then it becomes even more powerful as i tailor the protocol specifically to meet your needs.
Email info@evienutrition.co.uk
#geeknutrition #nutrition #healthyfood #wholefood #lowfat #lowcarbohydrate #noaddedsugar #unprocessed #nutritionaltherapy #dietarychanges #macronutrients #insulin #cholesterol #triglycerides #bloodpressure
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There are so many new “diets” with new names from Keto, Paleo, Low fat, Low Carb,
Are you confused about which diet to follow?
I can help you find the way of eating that will work for you. Because you are unique there is no one size fits all. To reach your goal whatever that might be, you need a specialised, tailored plan to hit your goals head on!
... I think we all agree that a diet high in added sugars and processed/refined foods is not good for us. Start by avoiding these foods (if you aren’t sure what these are...ask me!)
increasing whole foods; fruit, veg, whole grains is a great place to start!
If you’d like my help this month, I’m offering free 15 min telephone consultations. I love helping people enjoy a diet Rich in nutrients that helps them feel energised and vital and I’m waiting to hear from you.
To book your free call email info@evienutrition.co.uk
#healthyeating #healthgoals #realisticadvice #guthealth #eatingplan #nutrition #energy #wellness #uniquediet #nutritionaltherapy #bourneend #wholefood #unprocessedfood #realfood #wholegrain #vegetables #fruit
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This is how I begin a Morning of in depth research and analysis.
2 Complex cases today so I walk with my dog, I listen to my gut-guru’s podcasts and latest clinical research out on the hoof. Fresh air and learning are two of my favourite things. These help me to get my thoughts in order.
Of course it will always come back to gut and what is going on in that eco-system inside our gut. Looking at gut lining integrity/ microbiome composition / immune responses/ inflammatory re...sponses and dietary implications.
After I’ll go back to my office and begin laying up my research and findings and complete my matrix for each client. Get to the root cause by digging away!
#lovemyjob #learningopportunitues #functionalmedicine #freshair #oxygen #exercise #brainhealth #rootcause #guthealth
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Sunny breakfast fruit platter today of Ruby grapefruit (of course as it’s my beautiful daughters name 😍) and oranges 🍊
So refreshing, bright and cheery

More about Evie Nutrition

Evie Nutrition is located at SL8 5TY Bourne End, Buckinghamshire
Monday: 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 19:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 17:00
Friday: 08:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -