Evoke Her Beauty

About Evoke Her Beauty

Inspiring & encouraging you - Life Championing

Evoke Her Beauty Description

You are amazing! Yes you!



🙏 Lord, I don’t want to be right, I want to be Yours 🙏🙋‍♀️ ❤️ “Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.” ‭‭Colossians‬ ‭3:12‬ ‭
During this time of restriction and restraint, let’s pray for and speak out an overflow of love and kindness to the people we are stuck with 🤣 I mean, in isolation with 😉 ... Choose joy and enjoy celebrating those who input and invest into us. Happy Mother’s Day ❤️
Thanks for being beautiful you 💐 Yes you! 🥰 Rachael xx. #evokeherbeauty #womenoftheword #propelwomen #jesus
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How beautiful! Take a moment and appreciate something beautiful today. Breathe in fresh air and enjoy something - there is always something to enjoy 😊 My lovely friend gave me these last week when I wasn’t feeling well - they are still making me smile 😊 hope they make you smile too.
Spread a smile 😊 ... #evokeherbeauty #love #womenoftheword
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“I have not given you a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7
Wow a sound mind amidst worry, fear, hand washing, singing happy birthday too many times 😜 panic, holiday cancellations and over buying toilet paper 🧻 - a sound mind is truly a gift 🎁 today.
Remember that we are in the world but not of it - we don’t have to respond out of a place of fear when we know the One who holds our future and He is not changing. Jesus.
... What’s your favourite bible verse? Maybe it’s one from this image ❤️
I am praying for the peace that surpasses understanding to be with you and be a sanctuary for you during these days - you are strong and capable of living out Gods word in such a time as this.
Let’s continue to be light and life to all we meet and counter this fear and stress overtaking so many 🙏🙏
Much love, Rachael xx
#evokeherbeauty #jesus #womenoftheword #virus #peace #love
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Happy Wednesday ❤️ How much do we need to hear this below? 🙋‍♀️
We so often get caught up in the racing around, the doing, the excellent spirit, the task and the everyday things that need to be done.
... God has whispered to me twice this week “Rest is your weapon.” We know from scripture that when God says something twice, it carries great weight. So I am paying attention. Are you going through something big? Or small? I invite you to spend time resting with Him and let Him mentor you through all that you are carrying and doing in this season and watch things work out well for your situation, your faith and your wellbeing. Rest is powerful and is able to combat more than busyness ever could.
Enjoy resting ❤️ it works!!
#aplaceofrest #evokeherbeauty #jesus #love #womenoftheword
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Celebrating love ❤️ Love is in the air ❤️ always worth the effort to hold what and who is important ❤️ God is love ❤️ you are loved ❤️ #evokeherbeauty


“Since ancient times no one has heard, no ear has perceived, no eye has seen any God besides you, who acts on behalf of those who wait for him.” ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭64:4‬
“As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭55:9‬ ‭
... ❤️ How amazing that when we take time to speak and listen to God, he speaks to us! He is always there, THE constant in our lives. Act on the words he gives and let Him through them frame your 2020.
He absolutely cares are the little details of our lives 🥩 😂😂😂
He goes before and behind us and hems us in on every side 🙌 Enjoy time with Him!
Much love ❤️
#evokeherbeauty #jesus #propelwomen #flourishwomen #womenoftheword
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Hello lovely you! This is so freeing - all is not lost ❤️ He makes a way where there seems to be no way 👊 Enjoy this song 🎵 Do It Again by Elevation worship https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0B_lnQIITxU
... 🙌 His words are powerful and life giving - Let’s keep our eyes fixed on Him and see what he can do with our surrender 🙌
#evokeherbeauty #truelove #womenoftheword #propelwomen #flourishwomen #jesus
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Happy New Year!
We are praying and believing for you that this year you will find peace in your self and your home alongside passion to create and be all that God has placed within you. Peace & Passion 2020
... Enjoy the words of this song ‘Selah’ from my dear friend Abby Eaton them go deep and let’s pray them into 2020 🙏
All my love, Rachael xx. #evokeherbeauty #jesus #womenoftheword #selah
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Merry Christmas 🎄 to you and your loved ones ❤️ Enjoy celebrating Jesus! All our love 🎁 #evokeherbeauty


God’s arms are open wide! Whatever you look like, however you are feeling, know that you can always run into the arms of the King of Kings.
God is not human, he can handle who we are, he doesn’t fall short. He is steadfast and unchanging. Whatever is happening - he understands and wants to be with us through it.
He knows it all. ... He sees our thoughts and hearts from afar. He wants to journey with each one of us. He is a safe place. He is for us and not against us. He is working all things together for good. Embrace him today, let yourself be found by him. He wants to draw near to us and we draw near to Him.
Happy Sunday! or unhappy Sunday - Jesus is with you ❤️
*for those of you who like the details, this photo was me at church last Sunday. Feeling completely broken and unable to ‘be myself’. I gave everything to God in worship and can honestly say for the first time in my life - I did not sing a single word of the entire hour long worship! I could not move, I was so heavy with the Lords beautiful presence. He came and did what only he can do and enveloped me in peace. It was wonderful. I left changed. I pray that wherever this word finds you today, that you encounter the Prince of Peace and that His peace, that surpasses understanding, fills you up 🙌 #evokeherbeauty #womenoftheword #jesus #propelwomen #hiswords
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Sometimes, you just have to faith it! Stand on the word of God and go for it 🙏😊🙌 He makes a way where there seems to be no way ❤️ 🙌
#evokeherbeauty #jesus #propelwomen #womenoftheword #hiswords


Need a focus for today? this song is a good option 🙌 🎶 😭🙌
All of this, all life, all of our praying, serving, working, loving is all for a purpose - all for lifting up the name of Jesus above all else. For His glory, His honour, His fame. His name is powerful and mighty to save. When you have 10 mins, sit and soak in these words and enjoy remembering the reasons why we do what we do.
Keep going friend! You are amazing 😍 ... Much love 😘
#hiswords #jesus #evokeherbeauty #womenoftheword #flourishwomen #propelwomen
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John 15:4 “Remain in me and I will remain in you”
Stay, linger, wait on, rest with, be with, remain with and in God today in all that you do. Holy Spirit will rest upon you and lead you into all that is laid out in your kingdom plan for today.
... Be interruptible and available to pause on your plan and do what He invites you into 😊❤️
You are so loved ❤️
#evokeherbeauty #hiswords #jesus #flourishwomen #womenoftheword #propelwomen
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Yes!!! He disciplines those that He loves ❤️ why am I saying Yes!??? Because it’s good to know that he is preparing us for more. In order to build His kingdom, we need a heart open to change and obedience to a plan that we didn’t make. Enjoy the correction, say yes to the new and know that God is going to do immeasurably more than you can ask or imagine 🙌
The goal of being with God is not to feel good, it is the fruit of being with him.
... “because the Lord disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in.” ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭3:12‬ ‭
“Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest and repent.” ‭‭Revelation‬ ‭3:19‬ ‭
You are so loved ❤️ He is for you, not against you ❤️
#evokeherbeauty #hiswords #truth #propelwomen #jesus #womenoftheword
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“Refuse to worry about tomorrow, but deal with each challenge that comes your way, one day at a time. Tomorrow will take care of itself.”” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭6:34‬ ‭TPT‬‬
#evokeherbeauty #propelwomen #womenoftheword #jesus


Here is an encouraging word for a new season ! With love xx

More about Evoke Her Beauty

Evoke Her Beauty is located at Manchester, United Kingdom