Exeter University Theatre Company

About Exeter University Theatre Company

The largest and oldest theatre society at Exeter - we aim to get students involved in acting, directing, producing and ultimately creating professional quality theatre for the local community



We are beyond thrilled to reveal the poster for our T3 show, Duncan MacMillan's 'Every Brilliant Thing'! Performing both in Boston Tea Party between the 23rd and 25th May and at Poltimore on the 26th. Poster created by Mohammed Patel


There's still a chance to join the 2019/20 EUTCo committee! The EGM will be held at 5pm in the M&D Room on May 12th.
Being a member of committee is so rewarding, so if you’re thinking about running, we’d really encourage you to go for it!
... Any member is welcome to run for a position - simply submit your manifesto (1 page max) to exeterunitheatreco@gmail.com by midnight on May 11th, and prepare a 2 minute speech/be prepared to answer a few questions about your manifesto at the EGM.
Only members are eligible to vote, but online voting will be possible for those who cannot attend!
Positions open are:
Production Supervisor x1 - The production supervisors have the most hands-on role on committee. They must keep up to date with and oversee the running of the productions by regularly going to rehearsals and production team meetings, as well as regularly meeting with the directors and production managers separately. They are the main liaison point between the committee and productions, and will need to report any updates about the shows at the weekly committee meetings. Production supervisors also sit on audition and interview panels, liaise with the guild, and provide support for everyone in the teams. Ideal candidates would be highly organised, approachable, enthusiastic and level headed individuals who are keen to be as involved as possible in the shows. This role is a high time commitment, but this also makes it one of the most rewarding experiences you could ask for.
Company Stage Manager x1 - As Company Stage Manager (CSM) you are responsible for everything stage, you will work closely with production supervisors, Exetech and stage teams to ensure performances have the best support possible. As CSM you will be expected to communicate with Exetech about everything to do with the show, you have to book them and their equipment and ensure Risk Assessments are completed on time and submitted to the correct people. CSM’s other role is in supporting stage teams, whether the team is new to stage or highly experienced they will always need a calm head to keep them on track and aware of the progress they need to make. You don’t need the answers to their questions but you need to be willing to find the people that do. This can be an extremely rewarding hands on committee role but mainly requires frequent and effective communication.
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Best of luck to Footlights presents Sweet Charity on your opening night - we can't wait to see it! We hear there are only very limited tickets still available, so grab them now!


Getting ready for some nicer weather? There's still plenty of time to order your EUTCo stash!
And if you're just strapped for cash right now, there's no need to pay until after term 3's loan has come in - fill out the form now, and pay at collection!


We may have had our AGM, but EUTCo are far from being done for the year! Here's another look into rehearsals for our T3 show 'Every Brilliant Thing' - performing from the 23rd to the 25th May in Boston Tea Party. Thanks to Southwest Theatre Photography for these snaps!


As if we even need to say it, happy April Fools everyone!
Fear not, our Northcott Show is in very safe hands with our new committee, and we can't wait to see what it is.
Do still order our stash though (no need to pay til next terms loan comes in...) and have a fab spring break!


Unfortunately, we are deeply saddened and reluctant to announce that EUTCo will not be returning to the Northcott next January. This is a heartbreaking decision for us to have to make, as for a top drama university, we have always strongly believed in the power of learning through doing. Having the ability and opportunity for students to put on a professional quality show at a flagship UK theatre such as the Northcott has been outstanding and hugely val...uable, not only in terms of fun but in real-world experience too.
This is why it is with great reluctance that we are forced to make this announcement. Breaking with annual tradition, we will not be able to go into the Northcott for January 2020.
The reasoning behind this decision is threefold: Firstly, we would like to express that it is nothing to do with costs or our accounts. We are happy to say those have never been in a better place. In fact, part of our decision to avoid the Northcott next year is because outgoing committee need somewhere to retire and we're not too far off the first downpayment on a bungalow in the Cotswolds. Secondly, we simply felt that our 2019 'Lord of the Flies' was too tough of an act to follow. In many ways, cancelling all future productions is a kindness. Thirdly, Brexit.
Instead, replacing our annual Northcott show 14th-19th Jan 2020, we will hold a small buffet in the M&D room, themed around Jez Butterworth's 'The Ferryman'. There may or may not be a quiz that goes on for slightly too long, we're still in early talks with the upcoming creative teams, but there will certainly be a human auction and a very intense barn dance.
Thank you for sticking with us through this troubling period, and don't forget to order your stash. EUTCo.
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After an incredible year, we are so happy to have these wonderful people to pass on to!
Introducing EUTCo’s 2019/20 committee:
President: Matt Farley... Vice-President: Megan Shepherd Treasurer: Susannah Bramwell Production Supervisor: Amiee PreFontaine Fundraising & Events Manager: Izzy Harrison Publicity Manager: David Bourne
Congratulations all, and best of luck for the coming year!
We will hold an EGM soon for Company Stage Manager and another Production Supervisor- keep your eyes peeled!
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Our AGM is underway - voting is now open here, til 9pm!
https://www.exeterguild.org/elections/vot e/795/


We are thrilled to share the manifestos for our 2019/20 Committee candidates!
Voting will open tomorrow - come along to the AGM to see the candidates themselves and have your say (if you are unable to attend, you can still vote online through the Guild website)
All candidates and their manifestos are here: http://bit.ly/EUTCo2019Manifestos
... More information about the roles are available here: http://bit.ly/EUTCoAGM2019
Note: President candidate Matt Farley will not be able to attend the AGM due to his Prac Essay. We will later hold an EGM for a second Production Supervisor.
Best of luck everyone!
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Applications close TOMORROW NIGHT - get yours in now to run for EUTCo 2019/20!


"When the lights faded, I found myself whooping and cheering along with the rest of the audience, congratulating everyone involved for this truly absorbing production. There was an outstanding array of talent displayed, with absolutely no exceptions, and I feel it is something they should all be immensely proud of."
Opening night sold out, and for good reason! Thank you so much Razz for the most glowing review we've seen in a while - make sure you book your tickets now!
https://www.exeterguild.org/ents/event/25 408/


It's opening night! Head on down to Maketank (3-5 Paris Street) to see the incredible work this team have put in - you can't miss the posters!


Want some new rehearsal wear, or to rep EUTCo while you do your shopping? EUTCo's general stash order is now OPEN!
Order here: http://bit.ly/EUTCoStash
Simply fill out the attached form by the end of Sunday April 21st to order your own EUTCo stash! ... Images are attached and on the form, along with prices, and can be viewed larger here - http://bit.ly/EUTCoStashMockups
If you're just strapped for cash right now, there's no need to pay until after term 3's loan has come in - fill out the form now, and pay at collection!
Happy ordering!
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“I think you should. I think you should go. I think you should just f*ck off. I mean, people should. You know? It's not enough to just stay somewhere. You can't do, all your life, you can't do things just for me. Or for Dad. Or any of that. It'd f*cking kill your head, mate, you with me? This place is just, it's odd. You should go and look at stuff. You might come back, mightn't you?”
From the acclaimed playwright of 'The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time', Simon ...Stephens' 'Port' takes the audience through 13 years of Rachael Keat's life in her hometown of Stockport, introducing us to the people who influence and shape the choices she makes. Incredibly powerful, and incredibly challenging, "Port is a play about leaving from the perspective of one who stays".
EUTCo proudly presents the Production Team Headshots for 'Port' that will be performed at Maketank Exeter, 21-23 March, 7.30pm.
Buy your tickets online:
https://www.exeterguild.org/ents/event/25 408/
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“I think you should. I think you should go. I think you should just f*ck off. I mean, people should. You know? It's not enough to just stay somewhere. You can't do, all your life, you can't do things just for me. Or for Dad. Or any of that. It'd f*cking kill your head, mate, you with me? This place is just, it's odd. You should go and look at stuff. You might come back, mightn't you?”
From the acclaimed playwright of 'The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time', Simon ...Stephens' 'Port' takes the audience through 13 years of Rachael Keat's life in her hometown of Stockport, introducing us to the people who influence and shape the choices she makes. Incredibly powerful, and incredibly challenging, "Port is a play about leaving from the perspective of one who stays".
EUTCo proudly presents the Creative Team Headshots for 'Port' that will be performed at Maketank Exeter, 21-23 March, 7.30pm.
Buy your tickets online:
https://www.exeterguild.org/ents/event/25 408/
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Break a leg to the cast and crew of Shotgun Theatre's The Remarkables opening tonight in Kay House!


“I think you should. I think you should go. I think you should just f*ck off. I mean, people should. You know? It's not enough to just stay somewhere. You can't do, all your life, you can't do things just for me. Or for Dad. Or any of that. It'd f*cking kill your head, mate, you with me? This place is just, it's odd. You should go and look at stuff. You might come back, mightn't you?”
From the acclaimed playwright of 'The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time', Simon ...Stephens' 'Port' takes the audience through 13 years of Rachael Keat's life in her hometown of Stockport, introducing us to the people who influence and shape the choices she makes. Incredibly powerful, and incredibly challenging, "Port is a play about leaving from the perspective of one who stays".
EUTCo proudly presents the Cast Headshots for 'Port' that will be performed at Maketank Exeter, 21-23 March, 7.30pm.
Buy your tickets online:
https://www.exeterguild.org/ents/event/25 408/
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More about Exeter University Theatre Company
