Faculty Of Emergency Nursing

About Faculty Of Emergency Nursing

The Faculty of Emergency Nursing (FEN) is a body of nurses committed to ensuring patients receive the highest standards of emergency care

Faculty Of Emergency Nursing Description

The Faculty works in collaboration with other organisations to improve emergency care through education, practice development and the provision of expert advice.

Many Faculty members are involved in a range of national, regional and local committees, expert working groups, advisory panels and collaborative roles within other professional organisations. This activity is vital to ensure emergency nursing is represented and has a voice at the core of decision making that shapes our profession and the services we provide.

The structure of the Faculty is designed to be inclusive and to enable all emergency nurses to contribute to the development of the speciality. FEN is a subscription based organisation that ensures all members can access the range of benefits on offer and play an active part within it.

Nurses can become involved in the Faculty as an Affiliate or may choose to have their level of practice assessed via the submission of an extended CV. Following this peer review process individuals may then be awarded Associate, Member or Fellow status, entitling them to use the letters AFEN, MFEN or FFEN after their name.