Fae Moon Holistics

Monday: 18:00 - 22:00
Tuesday: 18:00 - 22:00
Wednesday: 18:00 - 22:00
Thursday: 18:00 - 22:00
Friday: 18:00 - 22:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 22:00
Sunday: 09:00 - 22:00

About Fae Moon Holistics

Mobile Holistic therapist


Crystal healing for humans
Crystal healing for animals
Rahanni for humans
Rahanni for animals
Reiki for animals
Oracle card readings



Hi all!
It has been a while. I wanted to share the beautiful crystals that I bought from Kallima Christmas Crystal Sale I can't wait for their next sale ❀️❀️
... The big crystal is amethyst, the heart on the left is tigers eye and the heart on the right is labradorite 😊😊😊
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***Crystal of the week ***
This week we are looking at Amethyst Spirit Quartz. This is such a beautiful crystal, it has all the properties of an amethyst, but is multiplied thousands of times over due to all the little points. It varies from lilac to purple.
It connects with the higher crown Chakras. It is a very cleansing crystal and helps closes holes in the etheric layer of your aura. It assists the soul when facing death and with terminal illness. This crystal is a good t...ool for spirit release and can also help rid negative entities or attachments.
Spirit Quartz are powerful stones to heighten metaphysical abilities. These are stones that will assist you with your ascension process, shamanic journeying, meditation and astral travelling.
It helps you to work with your spirit guides, and to communicate better with them. Using the strength of your will, it allows you to be more decisive in your decisions about your spiritual journey.
For those trying to conceive, keep this crystal close to you, then carry it throughout pregnancy
I saw this crystal today at Kallima Wellbeing Centre and knew that I had to have it, so thank you for having such a beautiful selection of crystals πŸ’šπŸ’š
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***Crystal of the week***
This week we are looking at Green Jade. Being green, it is associated with the heart Chakra. It can vary from a pale green, to a deep emerald green.
Jade helps release negative thoughts and soothes the mind. It helps stimulate ideas and it also know as the 'dream stone' as it encourages ensightful dreams.
... Jade encourages you to become who you really are. I feel that this stone is extremely important, especially now when people shy away from who they truly are. People feel trapped in a world that is fuelled by social media to be a certain way.
Jade also aids with the body's filtration and elimination organs, so is excellent for treating kidney and adrenal problems. It removes toxins, rebinds skeletal and cellular systems, and aids in the healing of stitches.
Sorry I haven't been very active, I've had a little time out to charge πŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’š
Blessed be
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***Crystal of the week ***
This week is the stunning K2 Jasper, which is in fact not Jasper. The blue dots are Azurite in feldspar minerals and the black flecks are Biotite
It is believed that this crystal granta us access to the Akashic Records and is a valuable stone for soul retrieval. This crystal is also good for bringing people together in groups and aids in communication. It helps us have control over our own emotions, so overall more balanced.
... Place this crystal in your third eye before bed and ask it to guard you whilst you sleep, protecting you from nightmares and giving you a better insight into the dream world.
K2 helps with headaches and migraines, where these are caused by psychic blockages. This stone is a brilliant stone for indigo warriors, it helps balance their high telepathic sense, strengthen their photographic memory and encourage high levels of energy to be used as needed
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This is so true


Skyler was running around yesterday like a normal dog. No one would guess she has elbow dysplasia. I give her reiki as often as possible and I grid my bed (where she sleeps) with healing crystals. She also has regular hydrotherapy to build up her muscles. We have known for 2 years that she has elbow dysplasia, but no one could ever tell πŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸΊπŸΊπŸΊ


***Crystal of the week ***
This week we are looking at Fluorite. This crystal helps you rediscover the path to happiness, it connects your heart Chakra with your mind, helping you realise the true desires of the heart. The purple in Fluorite opens your third eye, helping you expand spiritually.
... Fluorite is good for people with ADHD and learning disabilities. It calms and soothes the mind, it increases concentration. It acts as a vacuum cleaner for the mind, clearing it of confusion and cluttered thoughts.
Fluorite can absorb and neutralise all negative vibrations, it is a really good crystal to keep in the home, but it must be cleansed regularly.
Fluorite is a highly protective stone, useful for grounding and harmonising spiritual energy. Fluorite is a popular crystal amongst energy healers, as it can cleanse the aura of mucky energies
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Who can relate to this? πŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆ


***Crystal of the week ***
This week I'm being a bit selfish and posting a crystal that I need. I am moving back home and have to accept this, chrysocolla is a great crystal for acceptance. It brings comfort in times of change
Being a green and blue crystal, it connects with both the heart and throat Chakra, helping you to speak your feelings.
... This crystal helps connect with the Goddess and helps wise women express their wisdom through art, poetry and stories.
This is a calming stone, that helps with depression and anxiety. It can help relieve menstrual cramps and help calm nerves in first time pregnancies.
Chrysocolla aids digestion, and treats problems associated with hip joints and hip replacement, arthritis, and rheumatism. It strengthens muscles and alleviates muscle cramps, and helps with infections, fever, burns and scars.
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Recharging in a forest πŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’š


300 likes! Thank you everyone for your support ❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️


***Crystal of the week***
This week we are looking at the beautiful Ruby in Fushcite. This crystal combines the properties of Ruby and Fushcite to make the perfect heart crystal. This crystal will transform negative and destructive energies into positive and uplifting.
... This crystal connects with your heart Chakra, opening it up so you can receive information from your third eye Chakra. In doing so, it increases you psychic awareness. It also connects with your crown Chakra, helping you go into a deep meditative state.
The vibration of this stone will help with emotional connections, improving loving relationships and friendships. Ruby in Fuchsite connects with the elements earth and water, and connects with the zodiac sign, Aquarius.
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Oh yes, the past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it......or learn from it
- Rafiki


This week's crystal is Blue Lace Agate. This gentle crystal connects with you throat Chakra, it aids communication when you are having trouble bent heard. This crystal can help soften arguments, giving you the clarity to think clear so harsh words and arguments can be avoided.
This is a gentle crystal, it vibrates at a lower vibration that others, but is highly regarded for its stabalizing and strengthening properties. Blue Lace Agate is a good crystal ...fit balancing emotional energy.
When you have one of these crystals, smudge it with a sage smudge stick to cleanse, then place it in a bowl of water for an hour and place in direct sunlight. When ready, drink the water right before bed to enjoy blissful dreams and sleep
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Shine until there's nothing left but you πŸ’šπŸ’š


***Crystal of the week ***
This week we are looking at Rose Quartz. This is a very gentle crystal. It is a great crystal fit skin conditions. Now you can buy face creams with grinded rose quartz in it. I personally cringe at the thought of grinding crystals into dust, but each to their own.
Rose quartz is known as the love crystal, but it is so much more than this. It can help you heal so you are ready to receive love, it can help with forgiveness and also help you see argume...nts from another perspective.
Rose quartz can be placed in water to make an infusion. Don't forget to cleanse your crystals before you do this.
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The storm last night was absolutely glorious. I could feel the build up of air in the atmosphere, now it is so calm and refreshing


Crystal of the week
This week we are looking at the gorgeous Malachite. This crystal has very distinct banding of dark green, light green and black.
This crystal strongly corresponds to the heart and throat Chakra, it is used for deep energy cleansing. If another crystal is specifically programmed, then try to keep it away from Malachite as it will strip away the programming.
... Wearing Malachite helps balance out your highs and lows of every day life. It gives you the emotional strength to close old wounds or turn over a new leaf to help start a new love.
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i so love your wonderful site as much as all our so real and true woodland fairys do love to you all peggy weber


Kayla's Crystal healing is amazing.

will definitely be having more sessions,


Kayla visited my puppy Dandy Doodle this week for her first session of Reiki as she as double hip dysplasia. It was incredible to watch Dandy totally relax in Kayla's presence and accept the healing! Kayla is a very patient, passionate and kind person and I am very grateful she was recommended to me, so that I can now recommend her to others! Thank you so much Kayla and hope to see you again soon! xxx


i so love your wonderful site as much as all our so real and true woodland fairys do love to you all peggy weber


Kayla's Crystal healing is amazing.

will definitely be having more sessions,


Kayla visited my puppy Dandy Doodle this week for her first session of Reiki as she as double hip dysplasia. It was incredible to watch Dandy totally relax in Kayla's presence and accept the healing! Kayla is a very patient, passionate and kind person and I am very grateful she was recommended to me, so that I can now recommend her to others! Thank you so much Kayla and hope to see you again soon! xxx

More about Fae Moon Holistics

Fae Moon Holistics is located at The gore, SS14 Basildon, Essex
Monday: 18:00 - 22:00
Tuesday: 18:00 - 22:00
Wednesday: 18:00 - 22:00
Thursday: 18:00 - 22:00
Friday: 18:00 - 22:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 22:00
Sunday: 09:00 - 22:00