Feed Me Freedom

About Feed Me Freedom

Now it's time for something completely different! A credible and creative learning resource to honestly help you overcome unhelpful eating habits, damaging relationships with food and negative body image. Comprehensive online courses, Workshops and Blog.

Feed Me Freedom Description

Feed Me Feedom offerings draws from a collective 50 + years of professional expertise within the fields of weight management, psychotherapy, humanistic psychology, counseling, nutrition, dietetics, communications, graphic design, illustration and animation. Pema and Liz work together to deliver effective credible learning experiences in a refreshing and engaging manner. Currently we are developing online courses and day workshops.

If you are worn out trying to manage your weight, all out of willpower around food, or done with feeling 'stuck' in bad eating habits - we to throw you a life line to learn how relaxing around food and weight. To stop trying to reach your goals - but reach your goals. Stay in touch with how things are developing by liking this page or signing up to our mailing list.

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More about Feed Me Freedom
