Fertility Massage

About Fertility Massage

"Heal the Womb, Heal the Woman" - Womb & Fertility Massage Therapy - Self Empowerment through Self Discovery, Self Healing & Reclaiming Wisdom.

Fertility Massage Description

This is a Wise Woman Womb Massage for Women throughout their reproductive life, to create a warm, creative & healthy womb - whether for welcoming a future baby, healing menstrual complaints, or to connect to our inner womb wisdom.
The massage not only focuses on the womb, but the digestive system & sacrum too, allowing for a whole, deep healing to take place.



How to make "adopting a fertility diet" easy! - https://mailchi.mp/fertilitymassage/0nnoh 184fo-2311321
Don't forget to register for this FREE webinar on Wednesday 10th April at 8pm (GMT)
https://www.alphazita.com/webinars/webina r-registration/


Don't forget to register for the FREE webinar on 10th April with Rosie Letts and Sarah Holland, as they discuss How to Adopt a Fertility Diet.
Combining their Nutritional and EFT coaching skills, this webinar will be an amazing event to help couples who struggle to adopt a fertility diet.
You can register for your FREE place here: https://www.alphazita.com/webinars/webina r-registration/


Returning to Bali to reconnect and ground...last summer when I was here, we experienced earthquakes which was very ungrounding but energetically shook all that I knew within...since then, I’ve been through a huge healing process, learnt a lot about myself and have come through the other side stronger and more centred...
Such an amazing feeling to be back here, my happy place and to earth my feet on this land! Bali is known as the womb chakra of the earth- no wonder it feels like my second home!


Amazing night at @allbright celebrating amazing women who have all created sustainable businesses! Awesome to catch up with some of the @58southmoltonstreet therapists who will all be sharing our gifts at the new AllBright club from May! @amberinf @sarahbannock . .... . . . #womensupportingwomen #sisterhood #amazingtherapists
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FREE WEBINAR Wednesday 10th April 2019 at 8pm (GMT)
How to make adopting a ‘fertility diet’ easy!
Join Rosie Letts, Fertility Nutritionist and Sarah Holland, Fertility EFT Coach as they talk about the challenges that are faced when adopting a healthy ‘fertility diet’ and how you can make it easier and enjoyable!
... In this special 40 minute webinar they will be covering: - Beyond Weight Loss: How to use food to prepare yourself mentally and physically for pregnancy. - Create and Stick to Habits: Turn temporary turnarounds into permanent lifestyle changes that support your fertility. - Hormone and Blood Sugar Balance: Learn why hormones and blood sugar play a huge role in optimising fertility. - Why Calories Don’t Matter: Hear why quality over quantity is one of the biggest assets to your personal goals, and how to incorporate this into your lifestyle. - The Role of Your Mind: Understand how you can get your mind on board to support not hinder your 'fertility diet'.
There will also be time to answer your questions on creating and sticking to a fertility diet, so do join us live if you can!
Rosie: “When I first decided to address my own health, the idea of giving up my favourite things – fast food, chocolate, a couple of beers with friends – made so-called ‘heathy eating’ seem incredibly boring. It was only as I learned more about the power of nutritional medicine during my degree that I discovered that eating well is not about denial and discipline. Instead, it’s about transforming your mindset and giving your body everything it needs to thrive.“
Sarah: “In the 15 years I’ve been supporting women and couples on their fertility journeys, and having overcome fertility issues myself, I’ve learnt how vital good nutrition is to fertility. However, just knowing what to eat and what not to isn’t enough, and many find it extremely difficult to stick to a ‘fertility diet’. When you understand the important role nutrition plays in your fertility health and you feel positively motivated to make changes, it becomes easy! This is how Rosie, Letts Fertility Nutritionist, and me, Sarah Holland Fertility Coach will support you in this special webinar.”
Registration link: https://www.alphazita.com/webinars/webina r-registration/
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How to make "adopting a fertility diet" easy! - https://mailchi.mp/fertilitymassage/0nnoh 184fo-2311261
FREE Webinar April 10th at 8pm (GMT)
JoJoin Rosie Letts & Sarah Holland form AlphaZita as they discuss practical tools to help you with adopting a fertility diet.


Don't forget this amazing FREE webinar Wednesday 3rd April about Endometriosis, hosted by the lovely Rosie Letts.


Beautiful night away with my besties - a little gin, face masks, oracle cards, hot tub and hours of girlie chats... perfect self care❣️ @ Gladwins Farm


“It’s not a massage.. it’s a CEREMONY- a RITUAL - an HONOURING of woman”. These words were said to me by one of the lovely participants on the Dutch course... 🙏 EXACTLY that!!
As I head into London for a day of Empowered Feminine Therapy and Fertility Massage treatments, I know I have some beautiful women coming in today to receive this gift and this truly fills my heart and womb with love ❣️
I have been marinading in the energy of divine sisterhood over the last few days a...nd that, combined with the renewed energy of the Full Moon & Spring Equinox equates to a truly juicy and delicious day of nurturing my clients ❣️
. . . . . #wombmassage #fertilitymassage #massagetraining #training #massage #healyourwomb #loveyourwomb #spirituality #empoweredfemininetherapy #empoweredwoman #empoweredfeminine #womblove #shamanicwomb #femaleempowerment #sisterhood #circleofwomen #honouryoursister #ceremonialwrapping #womenrising #rooted #wildfeminine #awakeningwoman #ancestralhealing #divinefeminine #divinemasculine #evolution #evolvingconsciouness #evolvingwoman #evolvingwomen #evolvecreatetransform #empoweredwomen
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This beautiful space held 13 amazing women as they journeyed through the layers of their emotions over the last 4 days! Deep connections and sisterhoods were formed; they stepped in as one version of themselves and evolved as empowered and free women, having released and discovered depths of themselves! Just beautiful to witness these blossomings❣️
. .... . . . #wombmassage #fertilitymassage #massagetraining #training #massage #healyourwomb #loveyourwomb #spirituality #empoweredfemininetherapy #empoweredwoman #empoweredfeminine #womblove #shamanicwomb #femaleempowerment #sisterhood #circleofwomen #honouryoursister #ceremonialwrapping #womenrising #rooted #wildfeminine #awakeningwoman #ancestralhealing #divinefeminine #divinemasculine #evolution #evolvingconsciouness #evolvingwoman #evolvingwomen #evolvecreatetransform #empoweredwomen @ Piramide aan de Waal
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Day 3...as the women start to Rise back up, having spiralled deep within yesterday where they have explored the shadow parts, the deepest emotions that were waiting for the opportunity to show themselves... leaving a sense of vulnerability and today they started to reclaim and reconnect to their true sense of self!!
Amazing- in the space of just 3 days these women have such deep love and connections already ❣️
I feel blessed every single time I witness these shifts and transf...ormations... blessed to be so lucky as to be gifted with this wisdom, blessed that women hear the call and step up to do this work and blessed that this is how I get to spend my working life - surrounded by beautiful sista’s ❤️ . . . . . . #wombmassage #fertilitymassage #massagetraining #training #massage #healyourwomb #loveyourwomb #spirituality #empoweredfemininetherapy #empoweredwoman #empoweredfeminine #womblove #shamanicwomb #femaleempowerment #sisterhood #circleofwomen #honouryoursister #ceremonialwrapping #womenrising #rooted #wildfeminine #awakeningwoman #ancestralhealing #divinefeminine #divinemasculine #evolution #evolvingconsciouness #evolvingwoman #evolvingwomen #evolvecreateempower
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This lovely lady is our only Canadian Wombie, Dawn Sells, returning after 4 years to reconnect and refresh with us in The Netherlands!
It always amazes me that women from far and wide across the oceans have such a strong desire to learn Womb & Fertility Massage... truly honoured ❣️ . .... . . . #wombmassage #fertilitymassage #massagetraining #training #massage #healyourwomb #loveyourwomb #spirituality #empoweredfemininetherapy #empoweredwoman #empoweredfeminine #womblove #shamanicwomb #femaleempowerment #sisterhood #circleofwomen #honouryoursister #ceremonialwrapping #womenrising #rooted #wildfeminine #awakeningwoman #ancestralhealing #divinefeminine #divinemasculine #evolution #evolvingconsciouness #evolvingwoman #evolvingwomen #evolvecreatetransform #empoweredwomen
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Deep gratitude to @bygaabvana For capturing such gorgeous pics of my lovely wombie, @janinedewolf as she teaches the Womb & Fertility Massage Course in The Netherlands.
Inviting others to teach my course has been a process of me letting go over the last 9 months, but sitting in and taking a step back on a course with someone else teaching, that’s a whole new game of surrender ❣️🤣
Janine is delivering a beautiful and loving course...I’m feeling like a proud mama ❣️and I’ve h...ad the opportunity to receive the massage, a rarity in itself !!
So, I’m Enjoying my last course in The Netherlands- from now on, these courses will be for Janine to share... wonder where the course will take me in the future... . . . . . #wombmassage #fertilitymassage #massagetraining #training #massage #healyourwomb #loveyourwomb #spirituality #empoweredfemininetherapy #empoweredwoman #empoweredfeminine #womblove #shamanicwomb #femaleempowerment #sisterhood #circleofwomen #honouryoursister #ceremonialwrapping #womenrising #rooted #wildfeminine #awakeningwoman #ancestralhealing #divinefeminine #divinemasculine #evolution #evolvingconsciouness #evolvingwoman #evolvingwomen #evolvecreatetransform #empoweredwomen
@ Piramide aan de Waal
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Free endometriosis webinar with a Rosie Letts on 3rd April
You can register for this free webinar on 3rd April, all about how to manage endometriosis with nutritional therapy.
Endometriosis is a hormonal condition where cells like those in the uterus are located in different areas of the body. Every month, they act in the same way as the womb, thickening and breaking down, leading to pain, bleeding and potential problems with fertility.
... You will discover:
> How endometriosis affects women and how it can be managed > Why nutritional deficiencies contribute to endometriosis and how to correct them > How excess sugar affects the immune system and what you can do to change this > Why endometriosis and IBS often go hand in hand > The functional medicine approach to optimising your health with endometriosis > Where to go for additional support
If you are affected by this painful and often debilitating disorder, then book your place by clicking on the link.
If you know someone who you think might benefit, please share ❣️
https://www.rosielettsnutrition.com/…/m anaging-endometrios…/
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The space is set, ready to welcome in the women for our Netherlands Womb &Fertility Massage Course.
Set in a beautiful Pyramid, the energy in here is just divine...I’m excited to dive in, get juicy and see the blossoming of these women over the next 4 days ❣️ . .... . . . #wombmassage #fertilitymassage #massagetraining #training #massage #healyourwomb #loveyourwomb #spirituality #empoweredfemininetherapy #empoweredwoman #empoweredfeminine #womblove #shamanicwomb #femaleempowerment #sisterhood #circleofwomen #honouryoursister #ceremonialwrapping #womenrising #rooted #wildfeminine #awakeningwoman #ancestralhealing #divinefeminine #divinemasculine #evolution #evolvingconsciouness #evolvingwoman #evolvingwomen #evolvecreatetransform #empoweredwomen @ Piramide aan de Waal
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Heading over to The Netherlands to share Womb & Fertility Massage with 13 new ladies, all ready to immerse themselves into their own healing journey whilst discovering this feminine therapy.
Excited to be co-teaching with Janine de Wolf, and even more exciting for me is that I get to lie on the bed and receive ❣️
If you are interested in learning this therapy, we have more courses scheduled for 2019... http://www.fertilitymassage.co.uk/2019-sc hedule/


Womb & Fertility Massage Course ~ Brighton ~ 11-14th April 2019
When a circle of women come together to heal, to explore and to share... amazing transformations can happen!!
This 4 day immersive course of womb healing, journeying and learning, will gift you with new skills to take back to your practice to share with women in your community. Helping women from Menarche, Menstruation, Fertility, Menopause and everything else in between ❣️
... Join Andrea & Bec as they share their wisdom with you over these 4 days.
It’s not just another massage course, you’ll surprise yourself with your own inner creativeness ❣️
http://www.fertilitymassage.co.uk/brighto n-2018/ . . . . . #wombmassage #fertilitymassage #massagetraining #training #massage #healyourwomb #loveyourwomb #spirituality #empoweredfemininetherapy #empoweredwoman #empoweredfeminine #womblove #shamanicwomb #femaleempowerment #sisterhood #circleofwomen #honouryoursister #ceremonialwrapping #womenrising #rooted #wildfeminine #awakeningwoman #ancestralhealing #divinefeminine #divinemasculine #evolution #evolvingconsciouness #evolvingwoman #evolvingwomen #evolvecreatetransform #empoweredwoman #empoweredfeminine
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Celebrating IWD last night with a group of women, mostly who had not met before, but in true sisterhood style, we sat and shared, heard and listened as stories were shared, tears were shed and really open and honest conversations were had about all those “taboo” topics that women don’t generally get raw and truthful about...
When I’m teaching, I always believe that the exact right women are there as they will each bring something into that circle whether it’s a common experience to share, wisdom to impart or beautiful energy of helping to hold space...and last night was exactly that...
#noshame #sistahood #iwd2019


#Repost @fertile_mindset with @get_repost ・・・ This message for my beautiful friend and colleague @fertile_mindset are Pure Gold 💕
It’s International Women’s Day today.
... One of my main messages and what I truly believe at Fertile Mindset is that it’s the WOMAN who should be at the centre of her fertility journey – indeed, at the centre of her own life.
But this is rarely the case, and the woman suffers.
From day one, when a woman listens to her heart and makes the decision to become a mother, it is the future pregnancy, the future baby that is at the centre of this decision.
And that makes sense of course. The baby is her goal, her dream, her dearest wish. All her thoughts, actions, daydreams and choices revolve around this future child of hers. This child who is not yet here…
But the woman is here, right now. She is the one living her life on the fertility journey (and some would say nightmare). It is her body that is being stressed by tests, treatments and procedures. Her mind that is full of thoughts, worries and fears. Her heart that aches for the child. Her womb that is empty.
This woman is not at the centre of the fertility experience though. The future, yet to join her baby is. Also the medical treatment, the doctors, the clinics, the cost, the expense – all can take centre stage. And the woman’s needs and thoughts are put to one side in pursuit of the baby.
I want this to change and I want there to be balance within each woman, each couple’s fertility journey. #BalanceforBetter
We need to appreciate the woman who puts her heart, soul, body and mind into her quest for a baby. She needs recognition, support and love.
If you’re on a fertility journey yourself, please share this with those close to you and ask for their support.
If you know a woman on a fertility journey, please let her know she matters, she’s i mportant, and she has your love and support.
#iwd2019 #iwd #internationalwomensday #fertilityjourney #fertilitysupport #fertilitycoach
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Thank you so much :) you are wonderful! X


I wanted to write a testimonial for Clare so better late than never as the saying goes!. The journey since my fertility massage training have been amazing and I am truly thankful to Clare for the connection to my truth. I am already a spiritually connected soul and Clare's course has helped me share my truth and help raise women self awareness using their inner voice as I step into other women space. I now have even more joy of working on the womb and helping women feel more connected with themselves. I can help create more love of their wombs, woman-well being wellness and fertility journey. Thank You Clare , -Leora and Andrea too xx


Thank you so much :) you are wonderful! X


I wanted to write a testimonial for Clare so better late than never as the saying goes!. The journey since my fertility massage training have been amazing and I am truly thankful to Clare for the connection to my truth. I am already a spiritually connected soul and Clare's course has helped me share my truth and help raise women self awareness using their inner voice as I step into other women space. I now have even more joy of working on the womb and helping women feel more connected with themselves. I can help create more love of their wombs, woman-well being wellness and fertility journey. Thank You Clare , -Leora and Andrea too xx

More about Fertility Massage
