Figtree London

About Figtree London

Hello we're Figtree London. We are a collection of thinkers, designers, dreamers and doers who, whether based in London, Paris or Hong Kong want to do great work for ambitious clients.



Our chef Ugo was away for 3 weeks. We thought this was a fantastic opportunity to come together and fight it out in the kitchen. Strategists Vs Creatives Vs Client services. And the winners are: Client Services! Best lunch ever.




The challenge When Outsourcery launched in 2009, the cloud was still an unfamiliar concept to many. The business's original strategy ("Changing work for good") was designed to raise awareness of the cloud in general, and to inform potential clients of the positive returns cloud services could provide. However, by 2011, awareness and understanding of the cloud had soared, with the term becoming part of everyday tech vernacular. And with the launch of Apple's iCloud, use of clo...ud services only looks set to grow.
It was time for Outsourcery to adapt its brand positioning to reflect this change.
The thinking While awareness of cloud services has grown, and businesses are increasingly convinced of the benefits those services can provide, few businesses possess the experience or expertise to make informed choices about which cloud solutions will best meet their needs. This is where Outsourcery comes in: as a group of experienced individuals, capable of delivering cloud solutions tailored to meet the specific requirements of different clients, Outsourcery is perfectly placed to meet the market need for a group of "cloud experts".
The outcome Based on this insight, we repositioned Outsourcery as "The Cloud Experts". It's a bold claim - but one the brand can more than substantiate, thanks to the exceptional credentials of its people.
We wanted to create a communications campaign to support the relaunch and communicate the 'expert' idea. Our approach was to produce a series of illustrations with the cloud as the core element. Other elements work around the cloud to reinforce the messaging, creating an intelligent and iconic solution. The illustrations were produced in collaboration with Noma Bar.
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The challenge In May 2011, Electrabel Trading and Gaselys merged to form a new trading branch of GFD SUEZ; GDF SUEZ Trading. To launch this new entity, it was important to set its positioning and visual identity to differentiate it in a highly competitive market, whilst also retaining some graphic elements from the GDF SUEZ brand.
The idea No one knows energy trading better than an energy company. Through the merging of Electrabel Trading and Gaselys they also acquired 10 of experience within the trading industry. GDF SUEZ Trading are experts within their industry. They use their knowledge, experience and insight to get the best results in the energy trading market.
The result The visual identity is inspired by the dot-matrix screens that show traders the latest prices in the market. The identity is based around the idea that GDF SUEZ Trading sees beyond the data that is displayed on these screens. They see opportunities and details that other energy trading companies don’t.
The identity highlights certain dots within a grid to illustrate different messages. This grid is also flexible to be used a texture over imagery or as the basis of an editorial spread. This dot theme also formed the idea of developing an ownable illustration style, which we produced working alongside illustrator Chris Gray.
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The challenge In Europe, there are more than 550,000 consultants in more than 50,000 consulting firms. Our objective for Altime Charles Riley was to help them stand out.
The idea After a comprehensive audit of the market place, we conducted workshops to immerse ourselves within the culture of Altime Charles Riley. This allowed us to identitfy and express what makes them unique; a brilliant combination of human intelligence and systems.
... The result To express this new positioning, we changed the name of Altime Charles Riley to Altime Associates. We then developed a new graphic identity to reflect this name change. The identity consists of a strong and singular monogram, which has a dynamic energy that speaks of progress and positive change. We wanted the marque to be seen as a seal of quality, being embossed or engraved onto documents, suggesting the the personal service that Altime Associates provide.
The use of diagonal lines is a simple yet striking visual language that creates a sense of movement and transition, coupled with typography that is unified and systematic.
The muted colour palette and rounded typeface bring a softer touch, creating an overall identity that feels intelligent and logical, yet human and personal.
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The challenge To create HTC's first ever image library to support their current brand identity
The thinking To create an image style that genuinely reflects customers lives. Visually connecting with people by using imagery that is meaningful to them and shows the real world.
... The outcome A one day shoot in London followed by a 2 week shoot in Hong Kong and New York City.
Weeks of planning and the huge task of editing down to the final 100 images. This resulted in an image library being created that is a genuine reflection of HTC customers worlds. And one HTC can be proud of.
Thanks to the photographer Sam Robinson and all his team for his dedication to the project.
And also thank you to Liza Harding (NYC), and Mel (HK) keeping the day to day production on track and keeping us constantly fed.
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We feel honored to have been published in the latest Creative Review Photography Annual amongst other beautiful work.
A huge thank you to Dean Chalkley for shooting the Everything Everywhere image library.


Fig CEO @myerssimon comments for the @BBCNews on Ben & Jerry's radical roots


HTC becomes Taiwan's most valuable brand


Figtree talks to: Look Mum No Hands Cycling café/bar Old Street, Clerkenwell.


HTC asked us to develop a strong brand positioning and identity to give them a differentiated position in an increasingly crowded market. The outcome was based around the idea of ‘quietly brilliant’; a simple, powerful and meaningful attitude, one that really reflects who HTC are and what they believe. The personality, visual identity and values we developed all stemmed from this core idea. Following the launch, we have continued to work alongside HTC on a daily basis, undertaking more than 100 projects to continue building the brand internally and externally.


Since the brand launch in October 2009, HTC has gone from strength to strength. Their brand awareness has more than doubled globally, handset sales have trebled and share price has gone up by over 200%. From an underdog position, they have gone to being one of the leading players in the smartphone market. The brand itself has won awards, with praise for its standout and inventive nature.


The challenge In 25 years, Students Partnership Worldwide had gone from gap year start-up to big player in youth-led development, but the brand was lagging behind. They needed something that would stand up for itself; edgy enough to talk to young people but serious enough for organisations like the UN.
The thinking We needed to understand ¬– really understand – what they were all about. And this is what they said: ‘we know that with young people’s energy, anything is possibl...e’.
They give them the training they need to run programmes in their communities, all over the world. We’re talking thousands of young people here – defying expectation, determined to lead and not backing down.
The outcome ‘Restless Development’ tells their story. Its language works around ‘double words’ like [un]inspired and heart[less], that take perceptions of youth and turn them on their head. The black and white identity is confident and no nonsense (just look at their website) and they could own it and reproduce it cheaply. It went down a treat.
The UN Secretariat called up wanting them to be a lead partner in the UN International Year of Youth. Apparently it had never heard of them before…
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The challenge To bring to life a piece of clever technology that syncs with your phone via Bluetooth and protects your data if you lose it or wander off. A brand already existed but it wasn't either memorable or descriptive of the technology.
The thinking We recognised the fact that we weren't just rebranding the company but also an existing product and some unique patented technology. This new brand had to apply to all three. And because the client had such big plans for the... technology we had to create a brand that could hold its own among the the big boys of the mobile industry - it needed to carry their vision forward. Most importantly, we saw a real opportunity to educate consumers about an amazing product that truly answers an important unmet need.
The outcome A brand that is confident yet friendly, simply explaining what the technology does. The product became known as a 'Sticky' and the technology behind it 'Sticky Technology'. The visual feel is fun without being frivolous. Items of information 'stick' to the logo as if magnetised, thus mimicking the benefit of the technology and the product - helping to keep what matters to you even closer.
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The Challenge When Compagnie des Alpes came to Figtree, their Walibi brand was only known for theme parks. But they had big plans. They wanted to turn Walibi into a full-blown entertainment brand, covering everything from comics to music, video games to animated TV programmes.
The thinking Compagnie des Alpes had already started on the project – they’d come up with a new Walibi character, a story and a Walibi ‘universe’. But with such a variety of plans, we soon realised it w...ould be our job to find a flexible way of linking everything together – not necessarily to add more.
The outcome We turned the ‘W’ of Walibi into a window for the new character to burst out from. As well as giving the sense that you’re being invited into an exciting world, the design allows for plenty of variation and flexibility. The character and colours can change for different products or areas of the brand – so for Walibi’s new water park, they’ve used a character coming out of a blue background with swimming goggles on.
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The challenge Walkley Fields is a young, forward-thinking elite alpaca stud situated near Hawkesbury, New South Wales, Australia. Using the latest scientific breeding methods, their aim is to raise healthy alpacas with outstanding fleeces, suitable for the best designer clothing brands. Our challenge was to capture this ethos and create a brand identity that would help differentiate Walkley Fields from other traditional alpaca breeders.
The thinking In terms of design, we ne...eded something that would work for wool manufacturers as well as fashion houses and other breeders looking to invest in Walkley Fields' genetics. This gave us a clear brief: We needed something premium, bespoke, under pinned by science but not lacking in human touch. Walkley Fields would need to become the benchmark for the Australian Alpaca industry.
The outcome A clean and precise identity system that embraces the scientific breeding process. The logo embodies the 'W' of Walkley Fields combined with a nod to the genetics that underpin how things work at the stud. The website is based on a visible structured grid to make navigation fast and efficient. Photography embraces the science behind the breeding and the copy offers detailed explanations of the bloodlines and selection process. The results? Look out for Alpaca in shops near you soon.
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Evolution The challenge To announce the business evolution of Everything Everywhere that will involve every employee in the company.
The Thinking... Using Everything Everywhere’s image style we wanted to reveal the scale of this business evolution. Everyone at an individual level was going to participate to this large scale evolution together.
The outcome From micro to macro: a simple ‘zoom out’ idea. The colourful geometric shapes representing messages from the script grow in scale throughout the film and are therefore carried by more and more people as the camera zooms out.A huge thanks to the guys at Connected Pictures for producing the film.
Thanks a lot to Chris Lowe and Simon Godfrey from Set To Set for taking care of the shapes, painting them and protecting them from the rain. Thanks to all the make up artists, stylists, digital gurus, assistants and models all working together to make this a success.
And finally a big thank you to all the lovely Everything Everywhere people involved in this project whether as great models or to help make this film happen.
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More about Figtree London

Figtree London is located at 10 Northburgh Street, EC1V 0AT London, United Kingdom
+44 (0) 207 099 7088