
About Filtrum

Nasty little electronic nightmares, digital folk horror soundtracks and nursary rhymes for robots with broken circuit boards



bzzzt...wrrrr....ppppfffft.....FILTRUM ALBUM NOW UP ON BANDCAMP...bbbbzzzzzztt... bot-happy-robot


1. FILTRUM is the groove under your nose
2. FILTRUM is a vulnerability in martial arts
... 3. FILTRUM is one of the Twenty-Three Dangerous Parts in jiu jitsu
4. FILTRUM is a target for the White Crane Fist in karate ('This strike is compared to being bitten by a tiger's tooth')
5. FILTRUM is the upper point for karate strikes intended to unhinge the jaw.
6. FILTRUM is an area of strength in acupuncture.
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It was the start of a new millennium and the planes had not fallen out of the sky. The computers had not crashed. Power stations had not gone into meltdown.... Global banking systems had not collapsed. Nothing had changed.
Same shit, different day.
I felt let down.
The last few years of the twentieth century had been stressful and unkind. There was a strangled howl clogging my throat. I wanted to scream but couldn't breathe. I was suffocating.
I needed to spit out the poison - purge the filth I'd been force fed.
FILTRUM was a rancid hairball that I needed to hack up. This I knew.
But before I could try vomiting it out, FILTRUM started to squeeze itself out through my finger tips, through the square and the circle and the cross and the triangle, into the PlayStation console and up onto the TV screen, where it sat, in gaudily coloured blocks of notes and fractured beats, glaring at me - daring me to scoop more of it's dark shit out of my head, and urging me to use my headphones to drill it back into my ears in a dirty squally feedback loop.
FILTRUM was finally coming out into the open, out where I could see it for what it really was.
I watched, fascinated, as it teased itself out of my subconscious, growing rapidly and contorting into unexpected pleasing shapes.
It was deliberately awkward and alien and uncool It was flippant and childish and insensitive and nightmarish. It was beautiful and innocent and ugly and spiteful.
It was not like anything I had heard before, but was wrapped in echoes of all my favourite freaks.
I was captivated.
It was perfect.
What was I thinking before? Why had I been so determined to banish it?
It was exactly what I needed.
Now I just had to convert it into ones and zeroes and trap it securely on a disc.
Then I could keep it forever.
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1. Filtrum was created on a PlayStation 2 console using the Codemasters game 'Music'.in an attic in Stamford Hill . 2. Vocals and effects were added in a small room in Holloway.
... 3. Filtrum was created using a process designed to prevent future tampering or remixing, the original files being destroyed after each stage of creation until the project existed on one solitary CD-R
4. Filtrum remained dormant for 15 years to allow the world to catch up
5. Filtrum remained dormant for 15 years because the sole CD-R it existed on was misplaced
6. Filtrum contains a sample of a child of under 12 months of age making sounds before he could form proper words, and a sample of the same child a year later talking about robots.That child is now 17 years old and about to go to university..
7. Filtrum is a record of the passage of time.
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More about Filtrum

Filtrum is located at 40 Lothair Road North, N41EW London, United Kingdom