Find Balance

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Saturday: 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday: 09:00 - 17:00

About Find Balance

improve your well-being by balancing your body's energy!

Find Balance Description


Welcome to my page - I’m Deborah and I practice an energy therapy called Creative Kinesiology. Here is some information about it and further down about me which I hope sparks interest although it has to be experienced to be fully believed!

The Therapy. . . .

Creative Kinesiology is a branch of Kinesiology which is a natural and holistic health approach combining the healing modalities of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Chiropractic methods of working with the body. TCM uses ancient healing forms that have been used effectively for thousands of years; each one is based on Qi, meaning ‘energy’, such as acupuncture, acupressure, herbal remedies, nutrition, qigong (energy work) and the five-element psychology.

We all have a self-healing ability, yet this seems to have been lost in many people today. Kinesiology practitioners can help to restore that self-healing function in the body by using these TCM modalities in combination with Chiropractic understanding of the body’s bone and muscle movement. The aim is to increase and balance a person’s energy thus giving the body and its system the healing support needed to regain its healthy function.

Creative Kinesiology (developed in the 1980s) takes the approach of working closely with a person's life experience – what is often to referred to as their ‘journey’. Those trained in CK have an understanding that deeply rooted emotional, physical and energetic patterns can sometimes manifest in symptoms such as aches and pains, illness, dissatisfaction with life, depression, poor self-esteem, lack of confidence and /or low energy levels. Some feel they have lost motivation and have no sense of purpose in their lives. This can all change!

The CK practitioner aims to work in partnership with their client to track where the imbalance of energy stems from by using intuition and non-invasive healing techniques learnt and developed through their training. The intriguing part of the practice, in my opinion, is the method of muscle testing to get feedback from the body which addresses all levels eg body, mind, emotions, nutrition, energy systems, soul and spirit. I like how this involves clients participating in their own health experience and enables a process which determines the optimum healing technique for them.
Creative Kinesiology enables us to ‘let go’ of that which no longer serves us and which may be affecting the achievement of our full potential. Our life experiences make us who we are and sometimes our journey includes experiences that have not been supportive in terms of our well-being. The Creative Kinesiologist helps a person to learn where this has occurred and supports them in releasing the negative impact of these experiences to bring about a healthy balance of the mind, body, spirit and soul.

Through this amazing holistic energy therapy many people, including myself, have discovered the wisdom and power of the ‘higher self’ – which, ultimately , enables us to heal, find balance and live a happier, more purposeful life!

Founded by Carrie Jost in 1989 the School of Creative Kinesiology can be further explored at www.

The Therapist. . . .

My ‘journey’ has been a long one full of twists and turns. I could write reams about my past and finding my soul’s purpose but the last 5 years are the most relevant to my arrival here today as a Creative Kinesiologist. Following a particularly traumatic experience in the workplace I was at my lowest and couldn’t interact with anyone for several months until a co-incidental event led me to Kinesiology. I believe totally in synchronicity (meaningful coincidence) and knew this was the path I was meant to follow from the moment I was ‘signposted’ to the CK website.

I commenced training with the School of Creative Kinesiology at the end of 2012 with the Life Tracking course followed by the professional Way of the Tracker in 2014 which was quite challenging for me in respect to what ‘came up’ and needed to be processed. I learnt much more about my innate abilities and re-discovered the healer within me. This was amazing but quite mind-blowing and I found it hard to integrate it all into my ‘other’ life (stressful job /family etc). I could see this was going to be more about my personal development than becoming qualified practitioner. At the time I felt like I failed but now I see that everything happens for a reason.

2015 was a time of consolidation and deep reflection and a year that just flew by. I met a lovely neighbour towards the end of the year and went to her for Reiki. I told her about my previous training which also included Reiki and it made me think about Kinesiology again. It struck me that this was where my passion lied and I had to ask myself why I was wasting another moment when this was calling me? I repeated Life Tracking in 2016 (thanks to another synchronicity) and this confirmed I was on the right track. I was fortunate to have friends help with my case studies which fuelled by love for this work and boosted my confidence. I set my intention to qualify this time and was supported on both a professional and personal level through mentoring and therapeutic sessions which we call ‘balances’

Achieving our desired outcomes is all about INTENTION. I completed the second Way of The Tracker course and qualified in May 2017 after a year with an amazing group and fabulous teacher and I feel very blessed for that opportunity. I have grown so much more as a person and practitioner and look forward to developing a practice in Creative Kinesiology where I can support others to blossom into their full potential.

Other aspects of me include being a mother of three lovely adults who I am immensely proud of for their individual achievements, for blessing my life with a total of 8 beautiful grandchildren and creating the wackiest but most loving and caring family anyone could wish for.

I am a qualified Social Worker with 24 years’ experience of working with children and their families; one of my strengths is communicating with people from a wide range of backgrounds having developed very good communication /interpersonal skills during my career. I had always found that empathy came naturally to me but only in recent years discovered what being an ‘empath’ fully means and that is like a small journey itself.

The ‘tracking’ aspect of Creative Kinesiology drew me in; supporting others to explore their past and its impact on their life in the present tense then enabling them to make positive changes sounded akin to social work. I saw the opportunity to be much more effective in working directly with people through this energy therapy and to be the healer I was destined to be.

My love of nature and the ‘old ways’ deepens as I learn more about the ancient ones, their traditions and spiritual practices and how vital they were to indigenous people for whom connection with nature and all of creation was a way of life. I’m drawn to shamanism and have an interest in following Native American teachings of the Medicine Wheel and would say my spiritual path is an eclectic one due to other influences such as Buddhism and Paganism.

Personal values important to me include compassion, empathy, integrity, congruence, being non-judgemental and having unconditional positive regard for others. Working in a person-centred way which totally supports a client to go deep during their session is wonderfully rewarding. I feel honoured to be trusted in taking them through a process which, at times, can be very emotive. Witnessing their stories is a privilege as is providing a ‘holding’ energy for them to feel safe enough to allow the higher self to be seen and heard.

I am even more excited about CK now than ever. I love this work; I have seen my ‘clients’ change for the better through my case studies and have great feedback from even the most skeptical of friends who just came along to help me out. My zest for life has increased and I look forward to the next part of my journey that takes me further into the wonderful world of healing, enabling others to find balance and, ultimately, their soul’s purpose.


More about Find Balance

Find Balance is located at KT9 2pt Chessington
Monday: -
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: -
Thursday: -
Friday: -
Saturday: 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday: 09:00 - 17:00