First Year, Architectural Association

About First Year, Architectural Association

First Year at the AA is the initial stage in a five-year course of study that leads to the AA Diploma.

First Year, Architectural Association Description

First Year at the AA is the initial stage in a five-year course of study that leads to the AA Diploma. At its core is the translation of visual references, thoughts, intuitions and written briefs into a series of projects via the mastering of theoretical and practical exercises and the making of relations between theory, design and discourse. First Year is not a distilled version of what architecture could be, but an immersion into architecture as a form of knowledge, taught as a combination of designing, writing and arguing.

Head of First Year: Monia De Marchi
Studio Master: Fabrizio Ballabio, Shany Barath, Pol Esteve, Maria S Giudici, Ryan Neiheiser, John Ng



AA First Year Projects Review


More entries for the redesign of the Welbeck car park


We concluded our last brief of the year. Students worked in team and presented their entry for the competition for the redesign of the Welbeck car park. #welbeckstreetcarpark #aaschool @aaschool #studyarchitecture #firstyeararchitecture #aafirstyear


First Year Students showing their speculations for an architecture start up with diagrams for alternative business models, capturing which tools could be used, and which spatial configurations could occurs. @aafirstyear #aaschool #aafirstyear #studyarchitecture #firstyeararchitecture


First Year Studio at the Bagsværd Church on the northern outskirts of Copenhagen, Denmark by Jørn Utzon


First Year Studio at the Stockholm Public Library by Gunnar Asplund


More photos from our jury on constructing sensations. How do you present the work? By performing it! #beyondwords #architecturestudent Architectural Association School of Architecture #aafirstyear #performativework


Collective jury on our brief on discovering and constructing sensations trough relentless making of performative devices. @ Architectural Association School of Architecture


In the First Year Studio our Term 2 started with a brief on how spaces can trigger sensations and pleasures. Across the studio, different groups are looking at material properties the making of shadows, the role of artificial lights and sounds, and the making of temporal effects. 'here are some exercises exploring the porosity of materials.


Term 3 Work in Progress: Analysis of las Fallas festival & Tokyo fashion tribes


First Year perspective visualisations: Space-scale-proportions. Learning from David Hockney.


First Year Jury: 4 weeks analysing urban spaces in Paris and recomposing spatial sequences.


First Year Jury: Spatial Sequence. Model iterations studying Linear Organisation.


First Year Studio: Visit to Steven Holl's (recently open) Maggie's Centre Barts in London.


First Year Studio - Studio work in progress for Term 1 Brief 2: Space and Programme models studying form, spatial relations & spatial sequence.


First Year Studio - Student work in progress for Term 2 Brief 1: Radial organisation in Lautner's Chemosphere House, LA.


First Year Studio - Student work in progress for Term 2 Brief 1: Spatial Organisation of Aalto's work.

More about First Year, Architectural Association

First Year, Architectural Association is located at Architectural Association (AA) School of Architecture, 36 Bedford Square, WC1B 3ES London, United Kingdom
+44 (0)20 7887 4000