
About Fitbox25

A Fitness and Nutrition studio offering 1-2-1 Personal Training, Small group fitness classes of 8-10 people & Health Supplements



I can’t get enough of Pukka teas! Even Steve likes them to! I totally recommend them especially the night tea if you have trouble with sleeping. . A little bit of caffeine is ok but you don’t want to be drinking it all day. Try replacing your afternoon tea or coffee with one of these. I’m not a fan of fruity herbal teas but Pukka teas are amazing! Defiantly try the three cinnamon one and also the detox. #fitbox25 #functionaltraining #fitness #fitfam #fitnessclasses #smallgroups #personaltraining #fitnessstudio #notagym #keepingcotteridgehealthy #bournvillefitness #kingsnortonfitness #heretohelp


Do you have to be sporty to have a sports massage? Absolutely not. Everyone can benefit from a sports massage especially if you sit at a desk all day. ▪️ If you have pain, discomfort, tightness in your shoulders, neck, back, hips, hamstrings, why not book in for a Sports Massage with Libby. ◾️ Me and Steve have both had sport massages with Libby and have really noticed a difference. For me, it was neck and shoulders, Steve it was Glutes and back. We highly recommend it! ... ◾️ Check out Libby’s website for further details and prices. ◾️ Libby is also offering FREE 15 minute consultations. ◾️ #sportsmassage #chiropractic #medicalacupuncture #southbirmingham #reducebackpain #movementismedicine #movewellforlife #performance #fitbox25 #keepingcotteridgehealthy #bournville #kingsnorton
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What do you think Personal Training is? 🤔 . People think personal training is about losing weight and how they look in the mirror. However there is so much more Personal Training can do for you and we think these benefits are more important . 🌍Help you be strong and Fit for life... 🌍Show you how to do exercises correctly and safely 🌍Help you reduce the risk of diabetes, heart conditions and other illnesses 🌍Increase your confidence and self esteem. 🌍Surrounding Yourself with positive people helps you believe in yourself 🌍Having someone there telling you, you can and support you through it. 🌍Help you understand that exercise is not about improving the way you look, it’s about improving how you feel inside and improving your life. . 📝We could add lots more to this list. . If you would like someone to help create the ‘Best Version of You’ why not email us at and claim your ...... 🙌🏻FREE!!! 🙌🏻Personal Training 🙌🏻Consultation session! 🙌🏻 . Quote ‘Free! Personal Training Session’ in the subject box 📦
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Well done to these fabulous ladies who took part in our 6.30am FB25 STRENGTH 💪🏻Class! Another amazing girl power ⚡️session! Excellent energy! Pleasure teaching you all! Great to see everyone progressing! #loveourjob #lovewhatwedo


It’s Top tip Tuesday! You plan your exercise, you plan what you need to do at work, you plan your social life and your family life....... But do you plan time in to Relax and Rest? We live in a society today where resting is seen as a weakness and we are expected to fill every hour of the day with either work, exercise, family and social commitments. This actually has a negative impact on our bodies and can cause many medical problems from depression to heart disease. . five minutes to read this article. There is a difference between rest and relaxation and why we need both. . After you have read this, plan in your relaxation time. It doesn’t have to be for an hour or even 30 minutes. 15 minutes a day of relaxation has been proven to help with your health, both physically and mentally. -relaxation/
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Good Morning World! It’s Monday again. You may be feeling unmotivated, stressed or even anxious about what the week holds for you. . You’ve Got this! Remember exercise, eating healthy helps you gain some control over yourselves and your busy life. It helps give us the mental strength to tackle those challenges of the week. . Start the week the right way, eat healthy, reduce sugar and exercise! It will set you up for the week. ... . And if you need a bit of help with motivation, you know where to find #fitbox25 #functionaltraining #fitness #fitfam #fitnessclasses #smallgroups #personaltraining #fitnessstudio #notagym #keepingcotteridgehealthy #bournvillefitness #kingsnortonfitness #heretohelp
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Well done to these awesome ladies who took part in our 9.30am METAPWR class yesterday! It was all about Girl Power! Amazing energy! Excellent efforts! In fact i was getting exercise jealous! I wanted to join in!


We like this article 😊some great but very simple tips about keeping your metabolism kicking!!! 😄 #toptiptuesday s-that-kill-your-…/


Hello February!! 👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻. How was January? Did you stick to your New Years Resolutions? Did you lose your Christmas weight by exercising and healthy eating? Did you do dry January? 😁 That’s Great! Well done everyone..... however fitness and healthy eating is not for just after Christmas or for leading up to a holiday or any other big event. It’s for life! 😊... What ever good healthy habits you managed to create in January! Stick to them! Make it your lifestyle! #stayhealthyforlife #lifestylechanges #youoweittoyourself #mondaymotivation #fitbox25 #functionaltraining #fitness #fitfam #fitnessclasses #smallgroups #personaltraining #fitnessstudio #notagym #keepingcotteridgehealthy #bournvillefitness #kingsnortonfitness #heretohelp
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80% Nutrition 20% Exercise
Thanks to those who took the time out for our Nutrition Seminar today, we hope you found it useful #Nutrition #keepingcotteridgehealthy #morethanjustastudio #wecareaboutyourhealth


#Reflectfriday . Perseverance, dedication and determination will make you achieve great things . Shout out to Martin Kirkman who prior to joining FitBox25 was told by a Chiropractor that he had a very very weak core! He was unable to do the exercise below without wobbling everywhere and falling off the ball! ... Since attending our strength classes once and sometimes twice per week, Pilates with Abi and Personal Training with Steve his core has gone from strength to strength . Great work Martin 💪🏋️‍♀️👍 #fitbox25 #functionaltraining #fitness #fitfam #fitnessclasses #smallgroups #personaltraining #fitnessstudio #notagym #keepingcotteridgehealthy #bournvillefitness #kingsnortonfitness #heretohelp
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So you are hitting your New Years Resolutions hard , you have started exercising and as a result of this, you notice that you have a niggling pain in your back/ shoulder/ knee. . Often these niggles only make themselves known once we start challenging the body. They are usually as a result of tightness, weaknesses and imbalances in the body. . Before it gets worse, why not book yourself in for a consultation with Libby! ... . Libby is a chiropractor, practices acupuncture and also does sports massage! . She is at our studio every Saturday morning! Don’t let those niggles stop you from achieving your New Years Resolutions!
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Yes we know the mornings are dark, yes we know you want to stay in bed but just think how you would feel if you exercised at 6.30am morning, it’s done ✅ You can go home after work when your feeling tired and cold but feeling satisfied that you have done your exercise for the day! 🙌🏻 🕡 Exercising first thing in the morning has many benefits: ✅You feel good for the day and less stressed ✅If leaves your evenings free!... ✅It will kick start your metabolism for the day which means you will feel less sluggish. 🕡 As an incentive to help you get out of bed in the morning, commit to four morning classes a month and we will give you 🔟% off your class package! 🕡 We run 6.30am classes on: . Wednesday FB25 Strength . Friday Metapwr 🕡 Email us at for your FREE 6.30am taster class! 🙌🏻😊
#fitbox25 #functionaltraining #fitness #fitfam #fitnessclasses #smallgroups #personaltraining #fitnessstudio #notagym #keepingcotteridgehealthy #bournvillefitness #kingsnortonfitness #heretohelp
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Just when you get over one cold/virus, along comes another one! Surely you have had your fair shares of colds and illnesses? . Nobody likes being ill, it affects our exercise making it feel twice as hard to get back into it. . To help keep the illnesses away, we recommend taking a Vitamin D and a zinc supplement. With the lack of sunshine, the darker mornings and evenings, it’s extremely hard to get our intake of vitamin D. We need Vitamin D! The zinc will help give your ...immune system a boost to help keep those colds away. . Benefits of vitamin D are: * Helps to reduce illnesses * Helps to reduce fatigue and tiredness * Reduces depressive/ low mood feelings. * Reduces muscle pain . Benefits of zinc are: * Helps the immune system fight off invading bacteria and viruses. . There are loads of other benefits to! Its a no brainier! Keep those illnesses away by taking a daily supplement of vitamin D and zinc. #fitbox25 #functionaltraining #fitness #fitfam #fitnessclasses #smallgroups #personaltraining #fitnessstudio #notagym #keepingcotteridgehealthy #bournvillefitness #kingsnortonfitness #heretohelp
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🔹Do you want Personal Training but your worried you can’t do it 🔹Do you have some sort of limitation such as an injury which makes you think you can’t exercise? . James our Personal Trainer will show you , YOU CAN! .... If he can do it, then you can to!! James will show you how. . James is very considerate towards people’s worries and concerns with exercising. He will show you , you can but at a pace that you are comfortable with. . If you would like to book in for FREE PERSONAL TRAINING Consultation with James, email us at . Don’t let your limitations stop you! 💪🏻😊
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Yes we know the mornings are dark, yes we know you want to stay in bed but just think how you would feel if you exercised at 6.30am morning, it’s done ✅ You can go home after work when your feeling tired and cold but feeling satisfied that you have done your exercise for the day! 🙌🏻 🕡 Exercising first thing in the morning has many benefits: ✅You feel good for the day and less stressed ✅If leaves your evenings free!... ✅It will kick start your metabolism for the day which means you will feel less sluggish. 🕡 As an incentive to help you get out of bed in the morning, commit to four morning classes a month and we will give you 🔟% off your class package! 🕡 We run 6.30am classes on: . Wednesday FB25 Strength . Friday Metapwr 🕡 Email us at for your FREE 6.30am taster class! 🙌🏻😊 #startyourdaytherightway #earlymorningclasses #motivateyourday 🕡 #fitbox25 #functionaltraining #fitness #fitfam #fitnessclasses #smallgroups #personaltraining #fitnessstudio #notagym #keepingcotteridgehealthy #bournvillefitness #kingsnortonfitness #heretohelp
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So who is doing dry January? 🙌🏻High five to those who are doing it however our concern is, what happens in February? 🍹 If you are doing it for charity, great! If it’s just for your own health, this is fine as long as you don’t go back to your drinking habits in February. A little alcohol is fine but in moderation. 🍻 A lot of people who do dry January go back to drinking during the week when February arrives. ... 🍻 Instead of thinking you are taking part in dry January because your liver needs a rest after Christmas, use it as a time to discipline yourself and take control so when February arrives, you don’t slip back into bad habits 🍸 We actually don’t do dry January because we believe everything in moderation. 🍷 #everythinginmoderation #doitforyourheath #notjustforjanuary #discipline #selfcontrol #lifestylechanges #fitbox25 #functionaltraining #fitness #fitfam #fitnessclasses #smallgroups #personaltraining #fitnessstudio #notagym #keepingcotteridgehealthy #bournvillefitness #kingsnortonfitness #heretohelp
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🗓Who wants to make sure that this year .... you achieve your New Years Resolution of keeping fit and healthy? 🗓Who needs some help, direction and motivation 🗓Does the thought of going to a big gym or taking part in large classes fill you with fear? 🔹 We are a small, Bespoke and Private Personal Training studio in Cotteridge. ... 🔹 We welcome people of all abilities. We work at your own pace. 🔹 We focus on you feeling good inside as well as the outside. 🔹 We have a few available spaces during the day for 1-2-1 Personal Training. If you are interested, email us at 📧 🔹 We are offering FREE 60 minute consultations till the end of January
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How do you start your day? We like to start it with a mug of hot water and a wedge of lemon 🍋. Ditch the coffee❌ ☕️ have this instead! . There are so many health benefits with starting your day with a nice mug of hot water and lemon. 1️⃣Its packed with vitamin C which your skin and your immune system will be grateful for 2️⃣It flushes out toxins ... 3️⃣It helps to reduce pain & inflammation in the joints and knees as it dissolves Uric acid 4️⃣It aids digestion and encourages the production of bile which helps to break down fat into fatty acids 5️⃣Helps balance calcium &oxygen levels in your liver which can help with heart ❤️ burn 6️⃣It helps prevent the formation of wrinkles and acne . We find it give us an energy boost to! 😊 . #hotwater #lemon #vitaminc #startyourdaytherightway #energyboost #fitbox25
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This studio has everything you need for your functional training but in a more intimate environment. The classes are small so you feel like you are getting individual PT rather than being just a number in a sea of faces. Steve motivates you during the sessions but will also adapt any exercise for injury or ability. Abi's PT sessions are amazing and very effective � Try out a class will be made very welcome.


This is great functional training studio will all the equipment you need for your training goals - it's amazing what they have done with the space. Both Steve & Abi are approachable, informative & highly trained within this field! They motivated me with my workout today and I shall be returning. They have so much to offer in one this place. It's good they have shower facilities too. Awesome work guys.


The moment of surprise when you wake up and find you can still lift your arms despite your first Fitbox Strength class last night! Feeling strong today! Tried 5 of the different classes now (PiYo, MetaPWR, Insanity, Pilates and Strength), each one with a slightly different emphasis, each one with a way to push yourself as hard as you can. Thanks Abi and Steve!


I’m a very experienced runner, 5km - 200 miles. I’ve been doing personal training (PT) with Steve in this local, small and bespoke studio since January 2018. It was a fantastic decision! I’ve become stronger, more functional and my glutes can get me up hills far easier!

Want to nip niggling injuries in the bud, reduce further chance of injury, build strength and deal better with the impact of running? Then personal training with Fitbox25 is what you need, not a different type of running shoe! Go for it! The investment is worth it; it’s enjoyable, friendly, tailored completely to your needs and it’s proven to work. You, your body and your running won’t look back!


I'm so glad that Fitbox25 has come to Cotteridge! Abi and Steve have created a studio gym with a positive, friendly, community atmosphere. They are proper pros! I'm doing a mixture of classes and personal training, and it's made such a difference to my mental and physical wellbeing.


I'm a 50-something guy who was fit in his day, playing rugby, football and volleyball at a reasonable level. My body has suffered from years of high-impact sports and subsequently my fitness levels have dropped. Over the last few months, Steve and Abi have been brilliant in both the classes and personal training sessions that they've customised to suit my needs. I'd recommend Fitbox25 to anyone.


Great personal training sessions & small class circuits


Abi and Steve are both highly qualified, very motivational and knowledgable trainers. The small group training sessions make personal training affordable and fun! Highly recommend if in south Birmingham.


This studio has everything you need for your functional training but in a more intimate environment. The classes are small so you feel like you are getting individual PT rather than being just a number in a sea of faces. Steve motivates you during the sessions but will also adapt any exercise for injury or ability. Abi's PT sessions are amazing and very effective � Try out a class will be made very welcome.


This is great functional training studio will all the equipment you need for your training goals - it's amazing what they have done with the space. Both Steve & Abi are approachable, informative & highly trained within this field! They motivated me with my workout today and I shall be returning. They have so much to offer in one this place. It's good they have shower facilities too. Awesome work guys.


The moment of surprise when you wake up and find you can still lift your arms despite your first Fitbox Strength class last night! Feeling strong today! Tried 5 of the different classes now (PiYo, MetaPWR, Insanity, Pilates and Strength), each one with a slightly different emphasis, each one with a way to push yourself as hard as you can. Thanks Abi and Steve!


I’m a very experienced runner, 5km - 200 miles. I’ve been doing personal training (PT) with Steve in this local, small and bespoke studio since January 2018. It was a fantastic decision! I’ve become stronger, more functional and my glutes can get me up hills far easier!

Want to nip niggling injuries in the bud, reduce further chance of injury, build strength and deal better with the impact of running? Then personal training with Fitbox25 is what you need, not a different type of running shoe! Go for it! The investment is worth it; it’s enjoyable, friendly, tailored completely to your needs and it’s proven to work. You, your body and your running won’t look back!


I'm so glad that Fitbox25 has come to Cotteridge! Abi and Steve have created a studio gym with a positive, friendly, community atmosphere. They are proper pros! I'm doing a mixture of classes and personal training, and it's made such a difference to my mental and physical wellbeing.


I'm a 50-something guy who was fit in his day, playing rugby, football and volleyball at a reasonable level. My body has suffered from years of high-impact sports and subsequently my fitness levels have dropped. Over the last few months, Steve and Abi have been brilliant in both the classes and personal training sessions that they've customised to suit my needs. I'd recommend Fitbox25 to anyone.


Great personal training sessions & small class circuits


Abi and Steve are both highly qualified, very motivational and knowledgable trainers. The small group training sessions make personal training affordable and fun! Highly recommend if in south Birmingham.

More about Fitbox25

Fitbox25 is located at 25 Watford Road, B30 1JB Birmingham, United Kingdom