Fitness Hub 21

Monday: 06:30 - 20:30
Tuesday: 06:30 - 20:30
Wednesday: 06:30 - 20:30
Thursday: 06:30 - 20:30
Friday: 06:30 - 20:30
Saturday: 07:00 - 15:30
Sunday: -

About Fitness Hub 21

Healthy living and exercise to me isn’t something you do, it’s part of who you are. Personal Training is about more than just training for fitness and strength. It is about finding balance in the body. You must motivate yourself EVERYDAY

Fitness Hub 21 Description

When you u make a commitment to transform your body and start your journey – you will never be the same
-You will look fantastic and feel amazing
-You will be able to wake up in the morning, look in the mirror and be happy with what you see
-Your confidence will grow as you begin to take control over your weight and eating habits
-You will learn to get out of the yo yo diet rutt you are in and move towards fitting into the old clothes you used to wear years ago
-You will be fit and lean and strong – ready to take on anything
-You will have knowledge about how to train to lose weight and maintain your new body
-You will learn how to make better food choices
-You will learn what training you need in order to lose fat and keep it off for life
-You will love the way you look and be comfortable in your own skin, not afraid to go out and enjoy yourself
-You will be less self conscious about the way you look, because you have reached your fat loss goals
-You wont feel lazy and tired anymore – your energy will grow and so will your passion for life
-Your health and vitality will improve as you learn how to balance your body through how you eat and what exercise you do
-You will be more flexible and mobile – and enjoy greater freedom in your joints and back
-You will walk taller and with more confidence as your posture has improved

Healthy living and exercise to me isn’t something you do, it’s part of who you are. I know that each and everyone of us has the ability to feel fantastic and look amazing
I am an Australian born personal trainer /fitness model currently living in North London. I have been a personal trainer since 2005, and been living in London since 2007. I am a successful personal trainer and fitness model competitor, completely devoted to helping people achieve their desired goals of fat loss and body sculpting /toning.
My aim is to inspire, lead and teach every person i meet to live lives that cause them to be healthy, lean and strong.



A little bit of fun and healthy competition never hurt anyone. Give this quick challenge a go. Make sure you don't cheat - the ball needs to go above your head before every slam. ... You need to complete your squat before slamming as well.
58 Beat the Coach
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Whether your low carb or high carb we all need to have an understanding of what carbs look like in our diet.
I am not saying you need 50g a day, if you stick to the ... 1-3g/kg/day intake your carbs could go from 50-200g a day.
How much you eat is down to your goal, body weight, protein intake, your preference for carbs or more fats and your environment.
I have seen many members lose weight eating low carb, low fat, high fat, a zone diet etc - it was down to being in a calorie deficit, eating enough protein and fat, being smart with their carb choices and being consistent with their nutrition and training.
We need to stop complicating how to eat to lose weight. It's really quite simple but harder in practice
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We complicate fat loss to a degree that it just makes everything so confusing.
How many meals you eat isn't important if your goal is fat loss.... How many calores you eat is what matters the most.
Of course we want to eat more real food and less processed food so we become healthier, but in doing that you would normally be swapping out high calorie food for lower calorie options.
If you prefer 2 meals a day, then eat 2 a day.
Don't let the number of meals you eat become an issue in why you can't lose weight. Eat in a way that suits your lifestyle and is easy for you to maintain.
Contact Lisa to book a chat or message us Our gym is located in Winchmore Hill Library, Green Lanes, next to Sainsburys.
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The newest addition to our gym is this great bouncy slam ball.
Here are just a few exercises you can do to make your training more fun and interesting.
... 1. Overhead Slams 2. Rotational Overhead Slams 3. Rotational Wall Throw 4. High / Low Wall Throw 5. Deep Squat Wall Throw 6. Slam / Squat
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Are you resistant to change?
Are you happy being comfortable where you are at in your health and fitness? or do you want more?
In order to get the results you want you have to move away from your comfort zone and do things you haven't done before.
... The results you desire won't be achieved in your current position. You must move ahead.
if you are unwilling to change, how can you expect to achieve what you have never done before?
You have to step forward, make changes and be uncomfortable for a little while - only then can the magic happen - you will lose weight, get fitter, be healthier and be happier if you choose to step out in faith and embrace the changes needed to succeed.
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Welcome to our new trial members: Marie, Carmela, Sharon, Mike, Stephen, Maria, Danny, Tracey and Breda. You have done brilliantly in your first sessions and look forward to seeing you in more.
... Members doing double sessions the last two weeks Anouska, Mary D, Clare well done 👌🏻
Carmela - 12 reps black band on toes. Great sets of push ups! You made them look so easy!
X5 sessions:
Mary D, Natalie, Clare
Squats: 10-12 reps
Teresa 52.5kg
Anouska/Natalie 45kg
Luke/Sharon/Sally 40kg
Pb on deadlifts: 8-10 reps
Luisa/Mike 60kg Luke 50kg Sharon/Georgina 40kg Jess 38kg
What a great week.
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Small Group Personal Training
If you don't know what Small Group PT is then let me explain.
... This kind of training offers the same benefit as 1-2-1 but you share the coach, and you get to meet other people who share similar goals to yourself.
Our gym is more than just a gym. We specialise in making fitness more about you. We make it all about your results. We offer a supportive community. We teach you the basics and make sure you get out of it what you want.
All you need to start our 30 day trial is -
The williningness to learn The desire to change The ability to just keep turning up
Summer is coming so if you have yet to get started now is the best time.
Contact Lisa to book in for a chat and see how we can help you get started.
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We decided to show that we do practice what we preach. This Interval session was a killer but great fun. Watch out members you will be doing this as well.
... A1. Split squat or Squat rows A2. BB Vertical Pull or Ring rows A3. Slams A4. Sled Pushes
B1. Rope waves B2. Squat Reverse Lunges B3. High Pulley B4. Slams x 5, Squats x 5
45s on, 15s rest 60s between sets
4 sets on each section
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The question of eating fat for many is surrounded by fear and confusion. There is too much mis leading information and the concept of eating for health seems to be lost in the never ending desire to lose weight fast.
... Put simply you need fat to live.
It is essential to the diet and there are certain vitamins that are fat soluble, which means you need good fats in your diet for these vitamins to play their part in your body.
Fat is what makes food taste good but like anything you can over eat it and also pick the wrong kinds of fats.
I have listed in the pics my top 10 favourite high fat foods.
Eaten in moderation you can and should enjoy good fats How much you should eat depends on many factors but at Fitness hub 21 we start our clients on 0.8-1.2g fat per kg body weight.
For more info contact
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NO - thats the simple answer Carbs aren't as evil as everyone thinks. Carbs alone won't make you fat but over eating them will.... The same as over eating protein or fats will make you gain weight.
The key is being in a caloie deficit.
How you achieve that deficit is down to personal choice.
Some people prefer low carb, i don't, i like carbs but i also like fat and protein. It's not that you eat low carb that makes you lose weight, it's the fact that you are now eating less carbs, therefore less calories, therefore in a calorie deficit that you are now losing weight.
For more information about what we offer here at Fitness HUb 21 just message us
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For the first time we are offering a free taster session to one of our team training sessions.... Wed 930am Wed 630pm Wed 730pm Fri 830am Sat 9am Sat 12pm
Our gym is located in Winchmore Hill Library, Green Lanes, next to Sainsburys.
Contact Lisa to book in for your free taster session.
Undertaking any exercise plan requires investment from your time and finances.
Make sure you are getting a good return on that investment. That you are making the best nutritional choices, training the right way and getting what you pay for. Work hard, eat well, rest and do what you need to do each day to get you moving in the direction you want to go.
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So often our problems get in the way and become so big they push us around.
They cloud our judgement and blur the lines of the original dream and vision you set out to achieve.
Stop making excuses based on your problems.
... Start making your dreams happen today.
Redirect your thoughts and mind towards the good things in life that are happening all around you.
Think of the progress you have already made.
Look at what you have achieved so far.
Be grateful and focus more on whats ahead.
There will never be a good time to start, you just have to get moving forward and do what you can now.
As you do this you will see that you can do it and that you were getting in your own way and stopping yourself from achieving what you only dream of.
This applies not only to your health but to your career, family and overall vision for your life.
Dream big, have hope and work hard.
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Our Team Sessions are fun, high energy and a great way to get fit and lose weight.
No distractions... Feel welcome Train hard Be encouraged Be motivated Be supported
Our gym is based in Winchmore Hill Library, Green Lanes next to Sainsburys
Contact us for a free taster session and bring a friend Offer available for May only
Or sign up to our 30 day trial for £97 (normally £279) and see if we are the place for you.
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A simple cable workout
A1. Split Squat Row x 10... A2. Lunge Cable Fly x 10 A2. Squat Row to Face x 25
Rest 60s
4-5 Sets
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Today i want to give you a visual on what 25g protein looks like in the real life.
If you were aiming for 100g protein a day then this would represent 1/4 of your intake each day.
... If you base your protein intake on 1.5-2g/kg body weight you can work out how much you need each day. You could also go as low as 1.2g over over 2g depending on your goal.
In your day you may have salmon and eggs at breakfast, chicken salad with feta at lunch and then red meat with rice and vegetables for dinner for example.
If you are vegan or vegetarian adding a rice or pea protein powder to your day can help increase your protein intake overall. You can also eat quinoa, soy, seeds, nuts and legumes to help boost your protein intake.
If you need help with finding ways to increase your protein, book in for a chat and we can work it out.
This is just a small list of foods containing protein - there are many other foods you can choose from in order to meet your daily requirements.
After adequate calorie intake our protein intake is next in line in importance to fat loss and body composition.
Don't just increase protein without making other dietary changes, especially if you want to lose weight. A great place to start is to increase your protein but decrease the starchy carbs (rice, bread, pasta etc) you eat and replace them with more vegetables as these are lower in calories, you can also decrease the amount of processed foods you eat and the frequency of very high fat and high sugar foods which constantly tip you over the edge in terms of calories.
Balance is key
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🏆After a few late cancels it was just Hannah tonight so I thought I would train in and make her work harder. 🏋🏻‍♀️
Great session💪🏽👍🏼 Well done Hannah 🏅


Every new diet is self proclaimed as the best diet, but to be honest there is really no best diet for weight loss.
Put simply the eating plan you can stick to is the best one for you.
... Number one you need to be in a calorie deficit - regardless of the diet you choose - if you aren't in a deficit you will struggle to lose weight.
Don't complicate weight loss Find a way you can stick to Be in a deficit Keep following it and get the results you want
Message us for more info about how you can get started on our 30 day trial
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Today i wanted to share a training video of myself. Not to show how good i am but to share my journey.
This video represents the first time in a long time that i feel i am moving forward, i feel stronger and on my way to being injury free.
... I am 6 weeks post laproscopy (cyst and tube removal) i am also still building up my strength after a prolapsed L5 disc in Jan 2016.
Prior to that i was training 6 x a week and competing in fitness model/figure comps for 4 years. I was the fittest and strongest i had ever been and just felt amazing.
Fast forward 2.5 years and everything has changed. After my injury i was in pain on a daily basis. Simple tasks where now impossible and i couldn't exercise. After some treatments i became pain free but still had a lot of remedial work to do and needed to strengthen my glutes, core and lower back.
I had a replase of pain Jan this year as i stopped doing the exercises but now after my op i am back to recovering and building a foundation of strength.
My goals have changed from 3 years ago, having an injury forces you to rethink what you want and need.
I still want to get much stronger and fitter, but the focus now is remdedials and a strong foundation so that i am not in this position again. It may take me 1-2 years but thats ok, i am not in a hurry. I am thankful to be moving forward after a rocky 2.5 years, and am hopeful for how much i can progress if i stick to what i know i need to do.
Never take for granted your fitness and strength, be sensible in how you train and never train through injuries or niggles. Seek professional advice (i have great contacts) and don't rush the road to recovery.
Work hard to achieve what you want and know that through each season of your life your goals will change.
I can’t look back at what I used to be.
This is my new reality and I start from here to move forward in a different direction with new goals and a clear focus.
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More about Fitness Hub 21

Fitness Hub 21 is located at Winchmore Hill Library, Green Lanes, Winchmore Hill, N21 3AP London, United Kingdom
Monday: 06:30 - 20:30
Tuesday: 06:30 - 20:30
Wednesday: 06:30 - 20:30
Thursday: 06:30 - 20:30
Friday: 06:30 - 20:30
Saturday: 07:00 - 15:30
Sunday: -