Fitter For Life / The Undiet Incorporating Hypnocise

About Fitter For Life / The Undiet Incorporating Hypnocise

A solution for long term weight loss (with NO Diet books in sight)!



Plenty of strawberries too as it's that time of year. Target wise I have now dropped a dress size in most shops and nearly 2 in others. I will get there. Hope all is well with you? 🙂
Well Done and thank you for wavering confidentiality on your journey Jenny! Very proud!
If you want to get in the best shape of your life, (and stay there) the Ultimate Mind & Body Connection is for you- book in via
... #undiet #umbc #theultimatemindbodyconnection
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Huge congrats to Mr Ashby two stone down, healthy trim tailored
This is the future of well being, vitality strength and starts in your mind,
Get your targets and book in via
... Also a big well done to Jenny
Huge boost today. My birthday present arrived and I can get into jeans 2 sizes smaller than my old ones. So so pleased x
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To all of our loyal amazing clients!
Keep on going enjoy the control and remember to have a little of what you fancy!


Think Thin
Hi Dave, I am doing great Thankyou, approx 12lbs down now! Appetite has decreased massively and genuinely only eat when I am hungry now! Still walking which I love as great time out for me, am really pleased and truly believe it will achieve my goal! Most importantly getting some confidence back in myself now xxx


Introducing ........The Undiet
Are you overweight?
Are you fed up with deprivation diets?
... Do you feel constantly hungry?
Have you developed a desperate mindset that makes you think of foods 24/7 only to stop temporarily when you are eating, to then resume struggling straight after a food binge?
At home are you the last to sit down the first to get up?
Do you have 'No Time' for yourself ?
Do you eat the same food everyday?
In your mind do only two food groups exist ('on a diet food' and 'not on a diet food') ?
Are you out of control, and passing the buck to your partner to order for you?
Do you regularly eat too much of the wrong thing animal products meant to build animals (cow milk)?
If the answers to the above are Yes, it is very likely that you with all good intentions, dieting has helped you to develop a bad relationship with food- and it is this mindset that helps you maintain an unhealthy body.
Your neural pathways develop stronger when your body is in 'famine' and you may have learned to go a long time without eating ignoring your hippothalmus which sends the messages to consume and to evacuate your bowels, causing indigestion, reflux , stress , IBS , difficulty in processing foods slower metabolism and the natural by product in the Enteric Nervous System (ENS) of bad relationship with food is unnatural weight gain.
In a recent study from Professor Whorwell of Manchester university targeted sufferers of IBS (Irritatable Bowel Syndrome) the subjects that used Regular hypnotism recordings managed to reduce the stomach bloating and reduced inner stress pressure and many eliminated their IBS.
For a long term weight loss result we suggest The Undiet. A programme of four training sessions/treatments which train the subconscious mind to relax and speedily mastication each morsel of food, processing, drawing out the nutrition and actually enjoying food.
A by product of developing a healthy relationship with food is a long term healthy physique!
Get your target dress size/waist in mind and book Undiet!
Change your mind and your body will follow
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Before you book in to lose weight with The Undiet ask yourself why??
Why am I trying to lose weight and what for?
Yoyo dieting and becoming a student of all of these weird and wacky painful deprivation diets means a bad relationship with food and ultimately our body. We can all get lost in calorie counting, syn management, green red and the Dukan Rules smelling like a cabbage and scared of the Sugar in fruit, continual dieting means we think about food most of the day (except... when we are eating it) whether carbs are good or bad, if its weight or dress size or confidence that will make us happier. That we have been 'good' today but feel cold and empty and lack energy.
Who are we doing this for ? If its for someone else it will never work if its for you? - its time to book in!
Lose weight for good developing a relationship with your body and food again, slower eating develops after the first session and gradually letting your weight fall off and your mind become that of someone that has never struggled with their weight.
When the time is right book in and run to your local Kilmurry Life Centre- if you're looking for change!
Come to the right place #theundiet #mindsetthin #thinkthinbethin #changeyourmindandyourbodywillfollow — getting motivated at Fitter For Life / The Undiet incorporating HypnoCise.
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Be your own hero
Is happening
At The KLC
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User…/Former-model -loses-more-than-fou…


Dictionary Definition of our weight loss programme to clear up all of the questions: The four week weight loss programme is aka #undiet #kilmurrygastricbypass Specifically designed to enable weight loss in those that have yoyo dieted and developed a bad relationship with food and dieting as I did in my late 20s. How it Works? It Works by enabling you to eat a smaller portion, a number of cognitive behavioural therapy techniques suggestions visualisations to convice your subco...nscious mind that your hunger is satisfied sooner, it also breaks down the belief system that Fat and Happy go together and that you just Love Food although you go long hours without eating lose awareness of the messages from the hypathalamus that you are satiated and you eat nearly the same thing each week What Steps are involved ? Unlike our normal two hour empowerment sessions which teach the inner mind to become its own hypnotherapist these are bullett sessions which are delivered in trance and gradually develop the new mindset Metabolism is controlled in the mind and sped up from session one including a general and healthy graduation to fresh nutritious foods and a penchant for fruit vegetables and befriending healthy activities. over the three weeks the patient is prepared for a non intrusive perceived bariatric surgery which is completely safe although care is taken for those that have history with eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia - It may not be appropriate to deliver if you have white coat syndrome or a particular phobic response to operations/anaesthesia or needles. The Fourth session involves the delivery of a clinical operation whereby the subject can often feel as if they have had a real operation and may experience some perceived tugging and mild soreness as the stomach is tightened in mind. The final dates are ready to be sent out please feel free to book in by making the commitment via Paypal below four dates will automatically be sent out to you for you to start to take charge. If you have unwanted approaches previously or are survivors of sexual or domestic abuse the efficacy may vary as per how comfortable you feel in a more svelte frame
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Weight Loss Programme four weekly sessions in June to make change. Lose Weight Using clinical hypnosis combined with NLP CBT and Neural Sound reframing in Coventry.…


HypnoCise for your little stars at The KLC


#hypnocise #davidkilmurry #changeyourmindandyourbodywillfollow


Big Bob, Little Bob and Cardboard Box


Become a Happy Ex Smoker For Life with the new DVD!


Adam kicks 4 stone in to touch and gets a long term result Fitter for Life! to book in and experience change today!

More about Fitter For Life / The Undiet Incorporating Hypnocise

Fitter For Life / The Undiet Incorporating Hypnocise is located at The Kilmurry Life Centre, CV5 6ND Coventry, United Kingdom