Flourish Psychological Services Limited

About Flourish Psychological Services Limited

A Psychological Service offering assessment and treatment of your psychological needs. We provide Clinical Supervision of mental healthcare professionals and offer mental health awareness training and support for businesses, as well as bespoke courses.

Flourish Psychological Services Limited Description

Welcome to Flourish Psychological Services Limited. We are a Psychology Service based in Newark on Trent, UK, offering individual psychological assessment and treatment, alongside tailor-made Mental Health awareness training for businesses looking to enhance their well-being services for employees.



We are excited to announce that we are extending our opening hours from September.
We'll have increased session availability and capacity both during and outside of office hours.
So if you or a loved one have been considering therapy, why not get in touch now to book a consultation appointment?
... You can contact us via:
tel: 07368 211325 email: hello@newarkpsychology.co.uk
Or for further information visit our website at : www.newarkpsychology.co.uk
Follow: @newarkpsychologist on Instagram and Facebook
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Did you know that as well as individual therapy sessions, Flourish Psychological Services Limited also provides clinical supervision?
With 15 years post-qualification experience working in primary and secondary mental health services; with presentations ranging from mild to complex and a breadth of supervisory experience of mental health professionals, we are pleased to offer supervision on a face to face basis from our Newark-on-Trent clinic, or via telephone, FaceTime or Sk...ype, for those outside of the region.
We have limited opportunities for new supervisees over the coming months, so get in touch now to discuss further and to book your place.
For further information, see our website: www.newarkpsychology.co.uk email: hello@newarkpsychology.co.uk telephone: 07368 211325
#supervision #clinicalsupervision #mentalhealthprofessionals #flourishnewark #newarkpsychologist #facetime #skype
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Therapy isn't 'just' talking; as it involves working towards a goal, change or solution.
Therapy uses psychological theories to understand and help you to resolve problems and manage mental health issues and difficulties.
Therapy is different from talking to a friend, as the therapist's independence from friends and family often makes it easier to open up and discuss exactly how you feel.
... Therapy isn't always easy, as it may involve considering issues which have been pushed away for a number of years.
Therapy can help with a range of psychological issues including; anxiety, depression, ptsd, low self esteem, etc.
If you'd like to find out more about how therapy could help you, contact us at hello@newarkpsychology.co.uk
It's good to talk.....
#talk #itsgoodtotalk #redphonebox #telephonebox #british #talkingtherapy #flourish #flourishnewark #newark #psychologist #newarkpsychologist #therapy #telephone
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Love a good book in the sunshine. Lots of interesting ideas to use in therapy sessions too.
Anyone read anything else interesting recently?
Next stop the hammock....
... #unputdownable #goodread #flourish #book #flourishnewark #newarkpsychologist #newark #lincs #notts #therapy #psychology
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What's so different about Men's Mental Health?
Not a lot really. Except that the stigma surrounding men having Mental Health difficulties is significantly greater than that for women. The belief that big boys don't cry is still so strong, which adds to the expectations and pressure on men to shoulder their difficulties alone. Many think that by talking to someone else about how they feel they will become a burden. But a problem shared really can be a problem halved.
It's ti...me to knock the idea that men should "man up" well and truly on the head.
Ask for help, it’s not a sign of weakness.
Follow: @newarkpsychologist on Instagram
#mensmentalhealth #men #bigboysdontcry #mentalhealth #aproblemshared #flourish #flourishnewark #newark #itsokaytonotbeokay #newarkpsychologist #notts #lincs #psychologistsofinstagram #stigma #anxiety #depression #askforhelp
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After a week off relaxing, it's time to get back to it.
If you've been wondering about getting in touch, now is the time, as we have just a couple of spaces available for assessment over the coming month or so.
Email us at hello@newarkpsychology.co.uk, or call to discuss: 07368 211325.
... Don't forget we also accept private medical insurance - contact us to discuss your cover.
#newark #mentalhealth #flourishnewark #newarkpsychologist #flourish #localbusiness
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Supporting the Mental Health Foundation's 'Mental Health Awareness Week', 14 - 20 May 2018.
Stress - are we coping?
Stress is something we all experience and we frequently hear people commenting that they 'feel stressed'. But what is it and what can we do about it if it starts to overwhelm us?
... Some stress can be useful and help us to feel energised, alert and productive. For example, if you have to make a presentation to a large audience, or if you have an exam to sit, then experiencing some stress in those situations is normal and keeps you mentally alert. However when stress starts to overwhelm us this can affect our ability to cope. It can start to impact on us leading to physical symptoms and can affect our psychological well-being.
Stress can contribute to mental health difficulties and likewise mental health problems, such as anxiety and depression can increase stress.
'Symptoms' of stress can include:
* worry or anxiety * low mood or depression * irritability, impatience, anger * sleep problems - too little or too much * aches and pains, muscle tension, headaches, indigestion * problems relaxing, unable to switch off * difficulty concentrating
So how can we manage stress better? Identifying the causes of, or triggers to stress is helpful. Often stress occurs when we are overwhelmed by demands, or in situations where we feel we have little control.
Start by considering which areas you can resolve and which are beyond your control. For those that you cannot control, is there anything which would moderate the stress, or you do need to learn to accept the situation as it is?
If you struggle to say no to the demands and expectations made of you this can mean you take on too much, which in turn can feel overwhelming. Where can you ask for help, delegate, or say no?
Learn to slow down; taking a break, getting some fresh air, or at the very least taking some long slow deep breaths can help you to feel calmer and more ready to tackle what lies ahead.
Don't forget to look after yourself - eat healthily and regularly. Try to maintain a regular sleep routine and stay active through exercise.
Try not to be hard on yourself - stress is a normal human response to pressure, strain and demands.
If you are continuing to feel overwhelmed by stress and it is impacting on your mental health, talking therapy can help you to learn strategies to manage this. If you would like to discuss how we can help, then email us at: hello@newarkpsychology.co.uk
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Made it in to the local newspaper today.
#mentalhealthmatters #newarkpsychologist #flourishnewark... #breakthestigma
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Do you believe everything you think?
Not everything you think is true.......
Those negative comparisons you make of yourself to others; those times you criticise yourself; those times you call yourself a failure or a loser, etc., etc., etc..
... Depression clouds our judgement and taints our view of ourselves. Add to that the black and white thinking present in depression and our perception and view of things becomes skewed.
Therapy can help you to challenge such views and allow you to have a more balanced outlook, which in turn will help improve your mood.
Contact us to find out more at hello@newarkpsychology.co.uk
or to read more visit: www.newarkpsychology.co.uk/treatments
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Quick tour of the clinic room here.....


So what is a Clinical Psychologist? And how could seeing one help you?
A Clinical Psychologist is a mental health professional who is trained to work with a wide range of emotional, mental, behavioural and physical health difficulties. Difficulties such as; #anxiety #worry #depression #lowmood #ptsd #trauma #grief #relationshipproblems and #insomnia, etc.
... A psychologist combines psychological theory and research with clinical knowledge to understand your individual circumstances. Treatment uses talking therapy with the aim of relieving psychological distress and improving #wellbeing.
Interested in finding out more, or to see how therapy could help you?
Then contact us via email: hello@newarkpsychology.co.uk or telephone: 07368 211325
#flourish #flourishnewark #newark #notts #lincs #newarkpsychologist #psychologist #therapy #psychology #whatisapsychologist #canyoureadmymind #areyouanalysingme
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Starting therapy can be a really scary thing.
Talking to someone who you don't know about things which you might struggle to tell your friends or family about, may make therapy seem like a big risk to undertake.
Being vulnerable, ie, showing how you honestly feel and what you truly believe, might be seen by you as a sign of of weakness. However this is an essential part of therapy, to gain the most benefit from it. In therapy, being vulnerable means being able to open up and ...be truly seen (warts and all). This takes courage, strength, resilience and most of all trust.
So it's important to find the right therapist for you, someone who you feel accepted by and with whom you can develop trust over time. Trust rarely happens in session 1, it takes time and needs to be earned. To see if we are the right fit for you contact us to arrange a discussion: www.newarkpsychology.co.uk hello@newarkpsychology.co.uk
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Not posted in awhile, but things have just been so busy. What with snow days, training days, enquiries and assessments, not to mention a move of clinic room. Still in the same building in the centre of town, but a different room. The photos show the room before and after a bit of a refurb, hope you like it!


It's been a busy few weeks here at Flourish with new clients. We now have limited availability for new assesments in March and April, so do get in touch to book an appointment as soon as possible.
Contact us at
... or
07368 211325
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When we feel overwhelmed, very anxious or distressed, we can start to feel detached and dissociate from our surroundings. Traumatic memories can lead to flashbacks of the event and you may feel like you are re-living the experience from the past, again making you feel detached.
Techniques which help to ‘ground you’ to the here and now, can help to bring you out of the distressing emotion and away from the traumatic memory.
Grounding techniques take many different forms and ...it’s all about finding what works best for you, here are some to try...
1. Look around you - look at the colours of the walls, notice the pattern of the carpet or the ground beneath your feet, look at the different shades of green of the leaves on the trees around you. Really look at and study the detail of your surroundings.
2. Remind yourself that what you are experiencing is a flashback and that the worst is over and is in the past. Or, remind yourself that what you are experiencing is a panic attack and that you are not in any real danger.
3. Notice and feel how your body is at this moment. For example if you are sitting in a chair, feel the seat of the chair supporting your lower back, press your back firmly into the chair and push your feet in to the floor beneath you - GROUND YOURSELF -, rest your arms on the arm rests and notice how your hands feel, are they warm or cool? Notice the fabric of your clothes on your skin, is it smooth or crumpled?
4. Try 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1. Name 5 things out loud which you can see, name 4 things you can feel or touch, eg, your feet on the floor, 3 things you can hear, eg, a clock ticking, 2 things you can smell or things you like the smell of, 1 thing you can taste or you like the taste of.
5. Try thinking tasks, such as counting backwards from 1000 in 7s, thinking of as many occupations that begin with the letter ‘b’, name 10 orange things, name 10 different models of car, etc.
6. Carry a small object with you which reminds you that you are safe now and which brings you back to the present, eg, a cool gemstone, car keys, a ring, etc.
7. Use statements to remind yourself of where you are now, eg, I am 34 years old, today is Wednesday, it is 2018, I am in Newark, etc.
8. Breathing exercises - take long, slow deep breaths in through your nose and say words which make you feel safe and calm to yourself as you exhale calmly through your mouth, eg, “I am safe and calm”, etc.
You might find it helpful to ask friends and family to help you with some of these techniques, someone else talking to you can also help to remind you of where you are.
With all of these techniques it’s important to practise using them before you need them in order to familiarise yourself with how they work.
If you would like help to address anxiety or trauma, then get in touch for further information: www.newarkpsychology.co.uk/treatments/anx iety
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Showcasing the clinic room for Flourish!!
It's a lovely, bright, vibrant room in the centre of town.
Five minutes walk from the bus station, 10 minutes from Newark Castle Station and 15 minutes from Newark Northgate station. Plus there is lots of parking nearby.
... Contact us via email: hello@newarkpsychology.co.uk or on 07368 211325 to make an appointment.
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Time to talk mental health.... today is #timetotalkday.
Why is having a mental health problem still seen as something to be ashamed of in 2018? 1 in 4 people in the UK will experience a mental health problem at some point, that’s how common it is.
If you’re struggling with anxiety, depression or other mental health issues, you can feel isolated and ashamed, which can be made worse if you can’t talk about it.
... #timetotalk is about encouraging more open discussions, to make talking about it a part of normal everyday life and something which can happen wherever you are.
Talking about mental health can help someone feel supported and understood which will help their recovery. Try it today.....
If you require help with a mental health issue, contact us at www.newarkpsychology.co.uk
Lips 👄 courtesy of Flawless Aesthetics and Beauty
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Why can’t I cope, but they can?
There is often someone ‘out there’ who has been though a more difficult experience, someone who has been through a worse situation and you may see them as coping ‘better’ than you. However no two people will ever respond to an event in exactly the same way.
Most of us can recall a time watching a TV series, box set or film which has won awards, Oscars and all-round critical acclaim, yet we have been left unimpressed and wondering what all the ...fuss was about.
The point is we all see things through our own 'lens' or filter. Our previous life experiences, current circumstances and beliefs about ourselves, others and the World around us, all influence how we interpret events, ie, the things that happen to us in our lives.
Some people will therefore cope with many stressors and what might be described as traumatic events and not seek help, whilst others may struggle with less adverse events. People who have had previous difficulties can be more vulnerable to later stressors, but again this is not a simple cause and effect or direct relationship. We're all different.
www.newarkpsychology.co.uk/treatments for further information and to contact us to discuss your needs. Call us on 07368 211325 for a free consultation.
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More about Flourish Psychological Services Limited

Flourish Psychological Services Limited is located at The Clock Tower, Bar Gate, NG24 1ES Newark Upon Trent, Nottingham, United Kingdom