Football For Unity

About Football For Unity

The worlds greatest game, now let's create the worlds greatest spirit through Unity: Uniting global communities through Football.

Football For Unity Description

One Goal. . . Uniting global communities through Football!

Football for Unity aspires to establish sustainable legacy projects related to football that promote unity amongst young people around the world. In so doing, we provide a platform for cultural exchange, highlight the importance of health and wellbeing, and nurture and support aspiring young footballers. Ultimately, Football for Unity will give the youth of today hope and opportunity to make their dreams come true through this beautiful game.

Specific aims –

1. Promote unity by developing cultural exchanges between children and young people of different ages, religions, genders, ethnicities and socio-economic backgrounds through the medium of sport.

2. Provide structured football games and training facilities for children of all backgrounds, particularly those from poor families and /or at risk of radicalisation or criminality, in the United Kingdom and worldwide.

3. Promote healthier lifestyles among young people through exercise, better nutrition, study and conflict resolution, leading to improved personal behaviours, greater equality and improved life chances.

4. Encourage and develop a child’s confidence and sense of self-worth based on personal merit, irrespective of ethnicity, socio-economic background, religious or political affiliation, sexual orientation or gender, through the medium of football.

5. Educate youth to understand the value of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs, through sport. Encourage youth to gain a better understanding of others and respect their peers.

Football for Unity projects will be set up worldwide, scaling up from successful existing projects in the UK, Spain, the USA and Mexico, to provide structured games, training, facilities and health awareness education. This will be targeted on groups of young people from diverse local communities who can benefit from improved integration through sport. Alongside this, our Toolkit will engage youths and teach them to lead better lifestyles through segments covering nutrition, behaviour, conflict resolution and equality.

Local communities around the world are experiencing unprecedented diversity, with people of different ethnicities and faiths coming to live in the neighbourhood from all over the world. They look different, speak different languages, hold different beliefs and have different social circles. We all make multiple pre-judgements on a daily basis and there is often a lack of integration in these areas because of ignorance, mistrust and even fear between people of different backgrounds.

There are seldom opportunities for these barriers to be broken down, often because the are few platforms where everyone can meet and exchange experiences, and because there is no common language. Football, the global game, provides a common language and a unifying platform.

Through Football for Unity an environment is created where each child has the opportunity to play and study football, regardless of his or her background. Participants are provided with a positive platform on which they can express their aspirations and connect with fellow pupils from different backgrounds, thereby creating unity within local communities. In the process their social skills are strengthened and they are given the opportunity to develop their own voice.

Lack of education and ignorance creates barriers. Many are burdened with prejudices against black, Asian or white people; against Muslims, Hindus, Jews or Christians; against the poor or the rich; the slow or the clever; the skinny or the obese; the disabled, the homeless, the jobless. Hatred of anyone who is different has no place in our new global community. Knowledge is key to tackling hatred and education is at the heart of Football for Unity.

Football for Unity is also about service to community. It is noble to lead by example and it is every person's duty and responsibility to contribute to their community. By creating links and friendships between neighbours of different backgrounds within local communities, the programme helps to create a more harmonious, united community and paves the way for all sorts of future co-operation on social action projects.

Weekly sessions of 90 minutes will take place in major cities. These will be aimed at 8-18 year old children from multiple racial and cultural backgrounds, who will be identified through contacts with schools and places of worship. Participants will engage in 1 hour football coaching with Fundación Atlético de Madrid or Coerver Coaching qualified coaches, with additional 30 minute sessions on nutrition and cultural exchange activities.

Football for Unity now invites you to become Goodwill Delivery Partners.

Partnership will allow each party to benefit their brand through linking with Football for Unity’s grassroots projects. There will be maximum exposure in all we deliver for the betterment of global youth in creating opportunities and education through sport.

This unique, hands-on association will profile each Partner in the untapped markets that Football for Unity opens up on every continent, whilst adding a powerful and effective means of differentiation for each partner organisation. Partners will be be able to associate with legacy inter-cultural projects in host countries, appealing to hundreds of thousands of people.

Our Partners will gain prominent Goodwill branding on publicity and marketing. This is the perfect vehicle for further corporate responsibility and philanthropic aspirations, with the associated global PR benefits.

“To achieve peace we need a common language to speak”.

More about Football For Unity

Football For Unity is located at 90-92 High Street | Southall, Middlesex, UB1 3 London, United Kingdom
+44 (0)20 3730 5151