Forgotten Veterans Uk

About Forgotten Veterans Uk

Veterans Charity focusing on a range of services to assist the UK Veteran Community and their families. Selfless Commitment to Others.



Just mix things up abit, here is some Friday Dog Love. ies/videos/385813041948408/


FVUK is Changing the World for Veterans and you can spread the word by displaying an FVUK window sticker on your car.
Only £2.95 from the FVUK shop.
Be part of the Change!


If you want to catch up with the Live Feeds from #TheBashaProject our Landmark Veterans Retreat.
Check out our YouTube Channel Here:
This is the place where you can catch up with ALL live feeds from Gary the Founder of ForgottenVeteransUK and other members of the team.
... Please LIKE & SHARE and if you can Support our charity so we can continue doing what we do best, helping and supporting Veterans and their families in YOUR community.
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FVUK is Changing the World for Veterans! I am supporting this Change and have signed up for the Standing Order Scheme! Have you? Be part of the Change. Sign up today and give as little, or as much as you can afford monthly to this great Charity.




Update: Sadly, it would appear from reports by local Police in the area that another Veteran has lost his life. At present the circumstances are not believed to be suspicious.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends at this difficult time.
R.I.P Stand Easy, Duty Done.


Just a select few pictures from #TheBashaProject at Fort Cumberland.
You may have heard what this fantastic project aims to achieve.
A Veterans Retreat like no other, that will provide respite, access to mental healthcare, advice, guidance and most important of all a community of like minded people to help the healing process and prevent things from escalating.
... Can you spare £1 a month? The price of a can of pop.
If you can, hit the DONATE button NOW.
Your donations will not only help us make #TheBashaProject a success, it will help us to continue supporting Veterans and their families that live in our Communities across the UK.
Do something selfless today and together we can make a real difference.
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Hi all. As you will have seen, Forgotten Veterans UK have started work on #TheBashaProject
The project aims to create a Veterans Retreat, somewhere that Veterans can go to share experiences, unwind and get that sense of community and camaradery back.
... Thats not all, one of it's primary purposes will be to deliver access to mental health treatment, advice on healthcare, skills, job advice, housing, benefits and everything else in between.
So, you can see that we as a Charity don't just talk the talk. We deliver on what we say we are going to do, when we say we are going to.
Without your support, and donations we would NOT BE ABLE TO do what we do so well. Those donations are not squirrelled away in bank accounts, the funds are used to benefit VETERANS directly as and when they need assistance.
If you have a birthday or annivarssary coming up soon. It would be great if you would consider starting a fundraiser for us.
The link can be found here - tmentToOthers/fundraisers/
It could not be easier to set up, and will cost you nothing.
If you want to go ahead, and have any problems please contact us directly and we can advise.
Thank you for your time, and thank you to all that have or are raising funds for us as we speak 👍✔😁
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Lets help get David Dyer found and back with his family folks.
Like & Share ✔✔


Day One: Today is the day. The Basha Project renovation work starts. We have Casemates 5, 6 and 7 to prep and get ready. This will be mainly making the walls good, and painting them. The guys and girls will also have to put tents up. We have some old school Army Issue 6 and 12 man tents. So under actual canvas for everyone tonight.
Please like and share the work that is being done. This is going to be one of the best and largest Veteran retreats in the South of England, delivering services and respite to those that need it from across the UK.
Look out for much more on this throughout this phase of the project and beyond 👍 Posts, pictures, videos and find out how FVUK's basha project can help.


Message from Gary Weaving RE: Basha Project Update.
I'm looking forward to meeting the veterans from Building Heroes tomorrow. Also we have the veteran community coming from all across the uk. Please travel safely and remember to bring sun protection and water bottle with you if possible! ... Watch out we are going live in the evenings so FB can join us at our camp.
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Two days 2 go until Camp FVUK starts!
Get your scrapers and sand paper ready...........this is about to get started, 30 Veterans ready to go, food brought, equipment brought and Portaloos in place!
Thankyou to all the managers and volunteers that have put so much hard work in this week! ... At times it's been emotional.............but now we are getting serious now.
One step at a veteran at a time........really changing lives.
Selfless Commitment to Others.
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Worthwhile and love their approach to early intervention and what they are trying to achieve 👍👍


Are you Veteran or dependent in need of assistance? Or do you know of a Veteran that does? FVUK are here to help.
To make a referral to our Team please ring the dedicated FVUK Helpline.
Please note all calls to this number outside of the opening times will switch to an ansafone but someone will respond as soon as they can.
... — Products shown: Wrist Bands.
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We need to heighten awareness of our forces, this helps that. Aim.


They risk there lives for our country we should never forget what they have done and never forget them


The Forgotten veterans should be recognised all around Great Britain and in the Commonwealth for what you have done for your country you should never be left left out in this you get all the help you need for what they are done for your country in there eligions to the Queen an the United Kingdom


Thanks for the invite nice to know that people are out there


Know one should be forgotten keep up the good work.

You might like to look at Waterbeach Military Heritage Museum like and follow even.

We remember all those from Waterbeach RAF and Royal Engineers .

Annual 514 Squadron reunion (9/6/18 this year,


I will never fore get them love to them all and there family. From a fallen son mam xxxxx


I was forgotten getting no help anywhere, Got So fed up banging my head of walls, I was sectioned and allsorts I even failed at trying to commit suicide , So I packed up and moved to Cyprus, At least I can get out now cause too hot to stay indoors lol, Still have ups n downs and still coping by myself but in better climates and have a couple of Veteran friends that will help "If I ask !!!"


I have followed FVUK from the beginning of their remarkable journey, and seen them grow, i wish them every success in their future and hope they can help many many veterans.


Hi and thank you for the invite I am a small time supporter of FVUK by making and donating pens as fundraisers you do a fantastic job at FVUK and long may you continue selfless commitment respect


Great support and always there for you x


Fantastic group run by a superb team set up to help veterans keep up your outstanding efforts much respect


Amazing team of people and I've only had the pleasure of talking to a few but the support since has been second to none Thank you


A highly professional, empathetic and caring approach that allows Veterans to rapidly access the support they need. The team deserve huge recognition for the work they are doing and the lives they are helping to heal.


We need to heighten awareness of our forces, this helps that. Aim.


They risk there lives for our country we should never forget what they have done and never forget them


The Forgotten veterans should be recognised all around Great Britain and in the Commonwealth for what you have done for your country you should never be left left out in this you get all the help you need for what they are done for your country in there eligions to the Queen an the United Kingdom


Thanks for the invite nice to know that people are out there


Know one should be forgotten keep up the good work.

You might like to look at Waterbeach Military Heritage Museum like and follow even.

We remember all those from Waterbeach RAF and Royal Engineers .

Annual 514 Squadron reunion (9/6/18 this year,


I will never fore get them love to them all and there family. From a fallen son mam xxxxx


I was forgotten getting no help anywhere, Got So fed up banging my head of walls, I was sectioned and allsorts I even failed at trying to commit suicide , So I packed up and moved to Cyprus, At least I can get out now cause too hot to stay indoors lol, Still have ups n downs and still coping by myself but in better climates and have a couple of Veteran friends that will help "If I ask !!!"


I have followed FVUK from the beginning of their remarkable journey, and seen them grow, i wish them every success in their future and hope they can help many many veterans.


Hi and thank you for the invite I am a small time supporter of FVUK by making and donating pens as fundraisers you do a fantastic job at FVUK and long may you continue selfless commitment respect


Great support and always there for you x


Fantastic group run by a superb team set up to help veterans keep up your outstanding efforts much respect


Amazing team of people and I've only had the pleasure of talking to a few but the support since has been second to none Thank you


A highly professional, empathetic and caring approach that allows Veterans to rapidly access the support they need. The team deserve huge recognition for the work they are doing and the lives they are helping to heal.

More about Forgotten Veterans Uk

Forgotten Veterans Uk is located at Fort Cumberland, PO4 9LD Portsmouth