
Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Fosis

The Voice of Muslim Students in the UK and Ireland Since 1963. External links on this page are not necessarily endorsements from FOSIS.

Established in 1963, FOSIS (Federation of Student Islamic Societies) is a broad and diverse body that aims to serve an



Asalamu alaykum BADGers! . Today we have a #HumansOfBADG reflection, by Ambreen. Continue reading to find out why she has been looking so forward to BADG this year! 😊
... “One of my favourite memories from my second year is from BADG week. A week jam-packed with events to not only put a smile on your face, but on the faces of everyone around you. . The line up for BADG last year, Alhamdullilah, was phenomenal and towards the end of the week we had an event which we were piloting for the very first time: our first homeless drive collaboration. Countless hours of planning had gone into this event but getting up that morning I really wasn’t sure how it was going to play out. From food, to sanitary products, to hair cuts, there was a lot going on, but arriving at Lincoln’s Inns fields on that rainy day to see a massive group of volunteers ready to get stuck in, was all I needed to remind me of the true meaning behind BADG. It didn’t matter that it was cold, or raining, or that no one really knew each other, what mattered was that we had all come together for a shared cause: helping those who are in need, for the sake of Allah. . So as we served the food and spoke to our guests, we were able to build ties with other universities, marking the start of many new friendships and more collaborations to come. It was some of the stories from our guests that hit me the most, in particular the reasons why some of them were homeless. We often forget that at university we are trapped in our own little bubbles of assignments and exams, but BADG is a much needed reminder that there is more out there in the world that we can get involved in. This is why I am looking forward to see what BADG has in store this year, In Sha Allah, in the hope that we can help make a difference.” . Ambreen Muhammed, Imperial College Islamic society. . 📨 Share your BADG reflection with us via., or 😉 . #BADG2020 #BelieveAndDoGood #HumansOfBADG
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Evening All 😁
Today we have a very special #HumansOfBADG reflection for you.
Its length might be small but it is very mighty indeed... and it comes with practical instructions too 😉
... “60% of the time, believe and do good all the time.”
- Anonymous. No
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Asalamu alaykum and morning BADGers! 😊
This morning we have a reflection from a fellow BADGer of yours. This person has a little story for you, so cosy up and get reading!
“Today, as I was rushing to university I was stopped by an elderly man. I decided to take my time to hear him out. The man was showing me a couple of pennies in his hand and was asking for a bit of cash for some food. I explained that unfortunately I did not have any change on me. Very kindly he told me tha...
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Asalamu alaykum and good morning BADGers! 😃 . This morning we have a short reflection by former FOSIS and MABY, Abdulsami! Keep reading to find out why he thinks BADG is such an important campaign👇🏻 .... "Believe And Do Good has been a campaign I've been part of, and perhaps one of the most important campaigns I've participated in. When we talk about our actions being the best form of Da'wah, and in this age of heightened negativity around Muslims, the BADG campaign enables and empowers young Muslims to reclaim their narrative through activism, showing a positive portrayal of young Muslims and their contribution towards society, and more importantly, enacting the verses of the Qur'an that talk about those who believe, and do righteous deeds. Whether it be through cleaning the streets, or feeding the homeless, this campaign really puts a positive beam of light upon young and upcoming Muslim activists." . - Abdulsami Arjumand, Scotland.
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Asalamu alaykum and good morning to you all! . This morning’s ‘Humans of BADG’ reflection is by FOSIS’s very own president, Enam Ahmod. . Continue reading to find out what exactly BADG means to him😊... . ”Believe and Do Good provides a simple yet profound outlook on how Muslims should look at their interactions with humanity. In that it recognises the root of all good must be unresounding and firm conviction in Islam, and the consequence of such deeply rooted commitment to Islam must be to do acts of good. . BADG is a simple yet practical period where Muslim students can very easily practise and live an oft repeated ayah in the Qur'an: . إِلَّا ٱلَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا۟ ٱلصَّٰلِحَٰتِ Except for those who believe, do good deeds. . BADG is not just a FOSIS and MABY campaign, but a template for the transformation of the self and society.” . - Enam Ahmod, FOSIS.
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Today, 5 years ago, in 2015 the Counter-terrorism and Security Act was made into law and Prevent became a legal duty for ‘specified authorities’, including colleges and universities. Prevent has been openly criticised, time and time again, as being an inherently discriminatory, toxic policy that unfairly targets and criminalises Muslims.
Since its introduction onto university campuses, Islamic societies and Muslim students have had to battle excessive surveillance and regulation. Such policies are divisive and incite feelings of suspicion within communities. It is vital that we remain united and active in our struggle to protect our communities and play our part in creating a nurturing, cohesive environment in every single one of our campuses! Let’s take the first step towards doing so, together, by ensuring we understand what the different components of Prevent are, how they can impact us and the measures we take against Prevent.
Let’s set our minds to be the cause of positive change and allow nothing to Prevent us from doing so! ✨
Sign up for the tailored Prevent Training available for ISOCs.
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Today we have Rafa Abushaala who shares with us what BADG means to her, as well as, a beautiful reminder that will benefit us all, in sha Allah! . As usual, keep reding to find out what 😉 . “Believe and Do Good is one of those projects where you are directly living and acting upon the words of Allah. ... . It is answering Allah’s call to perform good deeds. Such as spoken in the beautiful ayah: ‘Indeed, those who have believed and done righteous deeds - they will have the Gardens of Paradise as a lodging.’ . I did not actively participate in BADG last year which made writing this difficult. Difficult, in the sense that it made me reminisce the days I was involved and questioned why I haven't recently. Why was I so distracted? Why did I let that opportunity pass me? . When the opportunity of reward comes at your step (or your news feed hosted by your local ISoc/Halaqah), race to get involved. Help in whatever means you can. It will be you who will be benefiting in the hereafter. You never know what deed will be the one allowing your entry into paradise. . Taking part is not only an act of good for ourselves islamically, but it strengthens ties within the community. The aim of BADG is so beautiful and doing it as a collective gives an incredible sense of power and unity.” . - Rafa Abushaala, GUMSA, FOSIS Scotland & MABY Scotland. . 📨 Share your BADG reflection with us via., or 😉 . #BADG2020 #BelieveAndDoGood #HumansOfBADG
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This morning we have a short reflection by MABY Birmingham and Head Sister of Aston ISoc’s very own Ruba Almasyabi! Keep reading to find out why Ruba loves BADG? 👀
”I really enjoy being part of a campaign that allows us to reflect and act upon an ayah from the Quran. The words of Allah being the foundation of a campaign reminds us to correct our intentions and where our source of motivation stems from. BADG brings together members of various communities to work towards one, and you are able to see the direct impact of united efforts immediately!”
- Ruba Almasyabi, MABY Birmingham & Aston University Isoc.
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Today we have a #HumansOfBADG reflection, by MABY Birmingham’s Mohamed Fettah! 😊
Keep reading to find out what BADG means to him and why he has chosen to get involved this year👇🏻
“For me BADG symbolises the purpose of life for a Muslim - From one standpoint worshipping Allah makes up a part of our purpose, but from another standpoint we’ve been created to act as stewards on earth, to care for it and those that are on it. This is what makes me want to be a part of the upcoming... campaign, to actively live out that purpose.”
Mohamed Fettah, MABY Birmingham.
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#BADG2020 #BelieveAndDoGood
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This morning’s #HumansOfBADG reflection is by FOSIS Midlands’ Chair, Lyla Fahmy. Continue reading to find out what words of wisdom she has for us 😊
“Asalamu alikom everyone!
... BADG is a campaign that I will always cherish throughout my life. It is a very pure and beautiful concept that captures the essence of Islam. Every year I try to get involved not just in the month of February, but throughout my life. It doesn't have to be the biggest of acts, but one small act a day even if you're having a bad day goes a long way. BADG doesn't have to just be the work you do with your community, it can be the work you do at home, the smile you put on your mum's face, the time we spend talking to the ones we love in our busy lives, and the most important of all which is the time we spend with our Creator. All these little things add up and even if you're not happy today, you've made someone else happy and that feeling goes a long way.
So from today remember your Lord by reading His book, remember your parents by making them smile and remember your community by putting in the work which creates a better tomorrow!
Thank you and Asalamu alikom wa rahmatuAllahi wa barakatuhu.”
- Lyla Fahmy, University of Leicester ISoc.
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Morning BADGers! 😊
We have a reflection from a fellow BADGer for our #HumansOfBADG series!
They stress the significance of carrying out even the smallest of good deeds. Keep reading to find out why👇🏻
... “The ability to change one life during the course of BADG is a far bigger impact than we can even begin to comprehend. One act of kindness can change hearts, intentions and enable the start of a chain of good acts. The acts themselves have so many blessings in them, from litter picking, to making homeless packages. All simple acts of kindness, but could result in a person whose heart you've touched to make a dua for you, long after the action is forgotten. Never underestimate the power of a small deed.” 💫
- Anonymous, De Montfort University ISoc.
If you have a BADG reflection that you would like to share, don’t hesitate to email it to us at, or 😊
#BADG2020 #BelieveAndDoGood
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Asalamu alaykum everyone! 😊
Thought we’d share this beautiful ayah with you, on this blessed day of Jumma’!
#BADG2020 #BelieveAndDoGood #FridayBADGGems


On this first blessed Jummah of #BADG2020 we thought we'd share with you a verse from the Quran.


Today’s #HumansofBADG reflection is by Hasan from the University of Leicester ISoc, stressing to us, that if you want to change the world, you must start with those closest to you.
Keep reading for some inspiration! 💪
“Assalamu Alaykum,
... My name is Hasan Shaikh and I'm the Head of Campaigns, at University of Leicester Islamic Society.
I never took part, or was involved in last year's BADG campaign, but I am looking forward to run a range of events students can get involved in.
My vision of BADG is to change the perceptions of Muslims on Campus on how they can benefit their own communities. As the best of mankind, the Prophet (pbuh), would always do charitable actions and have so much love for everyone around him.
The Prophet (pbuh) clearly stated: “He is not a believer whose stomach is filled while the neighbour to his side goes hungry.” There are brothers and sisters in our areas going to sleep hungry every night, yet we still think of ourselves believers. Our lack of effort to help others will be questioned on the day of judgement.
So, we as Muslims should continuously be doing work to develop our communities.
Leicester has a high population of Muslims and there are still thousands of needy people.
There is so much turmoil and chaos in the world, with the Muslims at the forefront of the sufferings. In order to tackle this, we need to unite our Ummah, but that doesn't come easily.
Before we can even begin to think globally, we must bring together our nation, and to reach that state we need to bring together our communities.
We often neglect our own neighbourhoods; the problems which requires the most attention are the ones on our streets. It's hard to repair issues elsewhere when we can't even help improve our own communities (excuse the cheesiness).
In a world full of divisions, putting unity back into the community may actually go a long way.
- Hasan Shaikh, University of Leicester ISoc.”
What does #BADG mean to you? Share with us your #HumansOfBADG reflection, at, or
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Read Rameez’s #HumansOfBADG reflection, where he tells us what exactly BADG has taught him!👇
“BADG taught me that being a Muslim is easy. Carrying out the work of Allah, fulfilling our purpose for existing doesn't have to involve huge difficult acts. You just have to do something. Small continuous acts are the most beloved to Allah. BADG allows the young, Muslim community to unite and make a big change through many people carrying out small acts.” - Rameez Mahmood, MABY
Share with us YOUR experiences and BADG reflection via. 📨 or 😉
#BADG2020 #BelieveAndDoGood
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This morning’s #HumansOfBADG reflection is by Fatime Kolash, from Bulgaria. This is what BADG means to her and people in her organisation 👇🏼 ⁠ ⁠ “Not only in surah Al-Asr does Allah encourage us to spread goodness. However, specifically in it, Allah tells us to focus on good actions, so that we may be from the winners. Especially in a contemporary context, Muslims must follow this, because we all know how we are viewed by the wider society. So, the whole campaign is based on ...this ayah, and both of these stimulate us towards doing good. This campaign affected us in a very special way. It made us realise there is nothing more beautiful than to benefit those around you. It also showed us "the other side of the coin."⁠ ⁠ #BADG2020 #BelieveAndDoGood ⁠ ⁠ ✉ Share with us what BADG means to you via, or or drop us a DM 😊
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What does BADG mean to you?
Read below what BADG means to one of our BADGer’s 👇👇
"Every year when the 'Believe and Do Good' (BADG) Campaign comes to ISoc I find it always refreshes my perspective of what it means to do good and the ethos our religion encourages us to develop. In Surah Asr, Allah informs us of the default state of mankind, one of loss. He then defines the exception, i.e. those who succeed in life, as those who first and foremost believe and do good! During th...e events and activities that take place in the BADG Campaign this message is clear to see. Litter picking, donating blood, selling cakes and the like, all seem somewhat simple deeds but ultimately in the eyes of Allah if done with belief in him amounts to success.
What more could you ask from a person except that he understands this and lives his life by it?"
- Anonymous, University of Warwick ISoc
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Salaam BADGers 🙋‍♀🙋‍♂️
💥 It's competition time! 💥
With BADG fully underway, it's time to introduce our #BADG2020 competition categories 😄 based on the Ayah from the Qur’an (83:26) 🤲 all you need to do is...
... 📷 Make sure to jot down numbers and take pics of your BADG activities (will also be used as evidence). 😎 At the end of the month, a form will be distributed for each team to fill in 👨‍💻👩‍💻
The winners 🏆will be awarded at the national conference for their umbrella organisation (ie. Confab and/or Fosis Annual Conference etc.)
🌟So let the competition commence 🌟
Remember to use our hashtags to keep us in the loop 👀 #BADG2020 #DoingGood
Believe and Do Good MAB Youth
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More about Fosis

Fosis is located at 38 Mapesbury Road, NW2 4JD London, United Kingdom
Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -