Frankie Nelson Music

About Frankie Nelson Music

Frankie Nelson AKA Kyle Hewitson is a singer-songwriter born & raised in Coventry, UK. He is the lead frontman of the hard indie rock band FALSE MODESTY.



Happy New Year to all my wonderful fans who have supported me this last year & the years before you are all truly amazing & your support means the world to me.. I hope you have a happy & healthy year in 2019! I love you all!
Live & Be Free FN x


A short film made about me & my experience with Adult Social Care. Enjoy!
Live & Be Free FN x
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As we come to the end of the Armistice Centenary day, I wanted to add my contribution in the form of song. A song that has recently been recorded but was initially written when I was 15 whilst living in Canada. The lyrics were written in aid of the Royal Candian Legion Poem/Short Story competion in which it came 2nd in the National competition & formed the basis of the final song which I performed at the Armistice Remembrance Day service in our church all those years ago.. I ...wanted to share this with you all on this very special occasion. You can listen to the song for free on the links below but can also purchase from any of your favourite online music platforms & I will be donating 50p for every purchased download of the single to the Royal British Legion. Thank you for taking the time to read this & I hope you enjoy the song.
❤️LEST WE FORGET❤️ s1RpS3TspBVm……/frankie-nelson/ in-the-killing-fields
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So folks I woke up yesterday morning after playing the best gig I’ve ever played with my band FALSE MODESTY up in Sheffield at West Street Live where we rocked the roof off the place & got an extremely good reaction from the crowd.. this was a bit of a surreal moment in my life as it was the first gig we’ve played outside the West Midlands & seeing all the young kids from the uni going mad for it to my tunes was just immense! I then woke up a few hours later after getting to ...bed at 5am to a notification telling me I have hit #1 in the local Reverbnation Singer/Songwriter Charts for the first time ever!!! To say I am thrilled to bits & on cloud 9 at the moment is more than an understatement! So this post is just to thank you all for your continuous amazing support I really couldn’t have done without every single one of you! Much love
Live & Be Free ✌️ FN x
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Created a new website:


I am currently number 9 on the ReverbNation Singer Songwriter charts for Coventry, UK.
Thank you to all you wonderful people for making it happen! Live & Be Free FN x


Added a new video: "Frankie Nelson AKA Kyle Hewitson on WCR FM 24th September 2018"


So folks it’s my birthday! And I would love for my fans on this page to give a little donation to this great charity who helps & supports poorly babies/infants with terminal & life threatening illnesses. I have done many music charity events for this great cause & would really appreciate any bit of help you can give them for to carry on doing what they do to help these poorly children! Many thanks to all who have kindly donated already & many thanks to those who will! ❤️
Live... & Be Free FN x 114300/
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So folks here is the edited video of my interview/live acoustic set live on 101.8 WCR FM alongside James Levett, Susan Vickers Of Soulnation Live & Nik Andrews. Many thanks to these wonderful people who did an awesome job of making me feel so welcome & comfortable even though my nerves were shot! Which is very unusual for me! So big thanks to them for making this event happen & making it a success!
Live & Be Free FN x


Me & James Levett DJ/Presenter on 101.8 WCR FM. Top bloke & puts on a great show! Thanks again for having me ✌️
Live & Be Free FN x


Me & Susan Vickers from Soulnation Live Live on the radio At 101.8 WCR FM! Many thanks to her, James Levett & Nik Andrews for making it all possible!
Live & Be Free FN x


So here it is folks! Today at 2pm I was live on 101.8 WCR FM thanks to Susan Vickers at Soulnation Live many thanks to her, James Levett & Nik Andrews for making this happen! Much love & respect to you all!
Live & Be Free FN x


IT’S OUT NOW PEOPLE! GO CHECK IT OUT & HELP A BROTHER OUT!…/frankie-nelson/ talkin-to-the-rainman


So folks as some of you may already know I will be appearing live on 101.8 WCR FM Radio Station in Wolverhampton on Monday 24th September where I will be interviewed & will be performing a short acoustic set & now I’m so glad to announce I’ll also be promoting my first solo single after a few years out of the solo musician scene! Talkin’ To The Rainman will be released to all major online music platforms on Friday 21st September so be sure to go give it a listen on Spotify or your chosen platform & if you like it please help a brother out & purchase it to add to your music collection.. I would extremely appreciate it! Stay tuned for even more exciting news! As always..
Live & Be Free FN x


Working on something BIG today before going to the Sunflower Lounge this eve to watch Carlo Mariani & FREESPIRITS Rock it out on stage!
Live & Be Free FN x


Live & Be Free 🤘✌️


Thank you to everyone who came down to support me at the Pod Cafe yesterday afternoon! Many thanks to the Pod, Michelle Bailey-Le Long , Kirk & Christine Eade & the rest of the team there for all their great hard work & support! Many thanks to Steve Weir my Record Label Mentor for sticking by me & guiding me to success! I’d also like to thank the fantastic camera crew who took the time out of their schedule to film me all day you guys were awesome! So thank you to everyone for being so supportive in my journey & being a huge part In my recovery it truly means the world to me & there’s not enough words in the dictionary to describe my love & appreciation for you all.. Many thanks once again!
Live & Be Free ✌️ Frankie Nelson AKA Kyle Hewitson X

More about Frankie Nelson Music