Free 2 Bake : Allergen-Free Recipes

About Free 2 Bake : Allergen-Free Recipes

Freely sharing our free-from recipes which make "safe" foods taste great!
(nø eggs, nø dairy, nø soy, nø gluten, nø nuts. . . but full of flavour & YUM)

Free 2 Bake : Allergen-Free Recipes Description

Sharing our allergen-free recipes which are great for people living with severe food allergies, anaphylaxis, EoE and other medical conditions related to food.
Making "safe" food taste great!
(egg-free, dairy-free, soy-free, gluten-free, nut-free. . . )
Truly nutritious food that tastes delicious.



Last year I learnt that most condoms have dairy in them! This year another cheery fact... dating with severe food allergies and anaphylaxis is gonna be a nightmare😳


This makes sense of our experience... I hope the research continues and ultimately that they find a cure!


We have had a few difficult months loosing more foods to both allergy and silver birch pollen cross-sensitisation, which seems to have triggered more EoE symptoms. So I have been busy trying to create safe food which is gluten-free, corn-free, potato-free, egg-free, dairy-free, soy-free, nut-free.... Yesterday eve finally succeeded in a pancake recipe which worked and this morning I was nearly crying tears of relief seeing this...




Apparently it's Eosinophil Awareness Week! So to try and raise a bit of awareness...


Pretty cute film for boys who like starwars and have to carry around their AAIs constantly.


Today's post is all about scrummy & subtle wild-garlic... foraging & free-from recipes, like vegan & gluten-free gnocchi and courgettie... galore/


It's allergy awareness week and this year it's all about travelling with allergies. I share a little about our approach to adventuring safely with anaphylaxis. Everyone is different and I don't believe that there is "The One and Only Way to Travel with Allergies".
You and your child are unique and on your own unusual adventure surviving allergies and anaphylaxis. This is about our approach to expanding the boundaries and Aars' travel horizons safely! Starting with our initial... holidays in Lyme Regis to the point were we lived on a boat in the Bahamas for a week and swam with wild sting-rays...
It's all about building confidence and slowly expanding your comfort zone.…/allergy-awarenes s-week-all-about-tr…/
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Super simple wild garlic and basil pesto coming up... (for drizzling over a tomato salad with accompanying drizzles of tahini) happy sunny Saturday to you x


Wild garlic is at the peak of its season! If you can go foraging this weekend do, I went foraging with friends this morning and there was a rich bounty of perfect wild garlic ripe for the picking. it thrives in damp woods around streams and rivers, just follow your nose 😜Pick the bigger leaves and flowers with stems and pop them in a jar of water when you get home so they don't wilt. I have simple and scrummy recipes on my blog ld-garlic/


...finally... k/


Aars is 14 today!!! But it is being a bit overshadowed by hospital... an op last week under general and tomorrow we return to the Royal Free Hospital to get the biopsy results.
Hopefully they will show that the steroids Aars has been taking for the last 3 months have impacted the EoE and we will be able to create a sustainable management plan with his consultant.
This is a very honest post reflecting on living with the constant shadows of EoE, Eg and Anaphylaxis.
...…/aars-14-little-o vershadowed-hospital/
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For those of you living with EoE and Eg as well as anaphylaxis like us, this is an interesting read. X


Happy flipping pancake day ;D! We make pancakes most mornings so have perfected a mass of different free-from recipes. Our pancakes are free-from gluten, eggs, dairy, soy, nuts (except the baklava ones). We have thin crepes, fat drop scones, scotch pancakes, pancakes with fruit in, pancakes with chocolate in and even savoury ones - the consistency theme is that they are all SCRUMMY, YUMMY & great for free-from tummies. ake-day/


If you would like to contact Sony regarding the allergen bullying in Peter Rabbit this has a link.


grrrrrrr... feels very disappointing... anaphylaxis is not a joke or a game, it's life-threatening... contact allergies are not a joke or a game they take months of steroids to recover from... I don't understand why people think it's acceptable (let alone amusing) to use an allergen as a weapon. How do we help people understand anaphylaxis, severe food allergies and contact allergies?


Train your child from a young age to remember and carry their AAIs so that by the time they're a teenager it's second nature to them.


This weeks newsletter was filled with edible goodies you can make for your loved ones (if you're into valentines day)! We have child-friendly chocolate truffles (which are free-from gluten, eggs, dairy, soy, nuts...) full of fab-for you ingredients & YUM! Check them out on or sign up to our newsletter and I will forward this weeks newsletter on to you!…/vegan-nut-free-s oy-free-chocolate-t…/

More about Free 2 Bake : Allergen-Free Recipes

Free 2 Bake : Allergen-Free Recipes is located at 4 Spital Heath, RH4 1QD Dorking