Freyja Pet Services

About Freyja Pet Services

No longer operating. This is where Freyja posts her musings on life.



Fantastic news. E collars are not and never will be an effective training tool. Freyja says: E collars are like E coli. No one wants either of them.




Collie fun


When you're so hungry you could eat your friend's food too...


If you don't want to go through Tailster for any reason, you can always message me for a quote.


Hi everyone! *waves paw* Mummy is now on Tailster as a pet carer. If you live in or near Manchester, and need a dog walker, dog/cat sitter, dog boarder or small animal carer, check her out! pet-care-manchester


Something very special is happening soon. Watch this space...


Which of the following pen name should my mum publish under?


Mi Bruvva is staying wiv us at de moment. Yam not happy about dis and scarfed grandad's butty to show mi displeasure. It did not go down well, but mi bruvva iz still here.


Mummi iz singing badly. Again. Sumfink about FC Kölle. It haz ay lot of laa's in it. Sumfink about Iehrefeld. Yam coverink mi ears xx


My mummy said she is picking me up tomorrow, not getting hopes up as she has said this before xD love you really mummy <3 xxx


Im sorry I haven't updated in a while but my brother keeps gaining more and more energy and I have to keep killing him off and THAT is making me tired too :P *pants*. I have been able to see my mummy this week but yet still leaves me here :) but Aunty Becky is planning something about hiding me when my Mummy comes tomorrow....hmmmm i wonder,


chasing sheep zzzzzzzzz