Friends Of Walton Park, Sale

About Friends Of Walton Park, Sale

Friends of Walton Park, Sale

Friends Of Walton Park, Sale Description

Walton Park is a valuable green space in Sale, Cheshire.

The Friends of Walton Park group was formed by local residents in February 2005 with the aim of restoring our park back to its former glory, after many years of neglect.

Our goal was to make the group as inclusive as possible with a view to engaging with local residents and park users to formulate a Walton Park 'masterplan'.

We carry out extensive consultations through meetings, questionnaires and by talking to people at our regular events such as our Easter Egg Hunt, Halloween Ghost Train night, and Summer Fun Day.

We hope that by delivering our vision for Walton Park we can help to promote a real sense of ownership and generate genuine community spirit.



Friends of Walton Park Update – Summer 2018
Friends of Walton Park is a small voluntary group of local people committed to improving Walton Park and encouraging its use by the whole community.
The group works closely with the Sale Area Model Engineering Society - SAMES., who run the ever popular miniature steam trains on Sunday afternoons - for details visit
... We’re looking forward to the second event of 2018, due to take place on Sunday 24 June. This is the event with something for everyone so come along to enjoy the brass band and summer atmosphere!! The Easter event was an eggeptional success, despite the un- planned lack of refreshments (hopefully not to be repeated at the summer event). It was lovely to see the park being enjoyed by so many so thank you for your support.
We have provided details in previous updates about the things that we do in the park (organise events, raise money, make improvements and recently weeding of flower beds) and what One Trafford does (maintenance, mowing, emptying bins).
This spring it has been all too obvious that the rubbish bins in Walton Park (and all over the borough) are not being emptied regularly enough. Rubbish can often be seen overflowing from bins and blowing around the park, spoiling it for everyone.
We would all like the situation to improve but have very limited powers to make this happen. However, you can help! If you see a bin that is overflowing please report it to One Trafford by calling 03330 035 865. You will need the postcode of the park (pedestrian entrance M33 4AT) and to provide your contact details.
You can also help enormously by planning in advance to take your rubbish home instead of using the park bins. This is obviously not an ideal situation but if everyone gives it a go it may really help to improve the situation.
If you feel strongly enough (either way) to contact someone officially about the level of service provided in Walton Park by One Trafford, I am sure the Brooklands Councillors will be pleased to hear from you: Chris Boyes, David Hopps and new councillor Steven Longden – for contact details just Google Trafford Brooklands Councillors.
Comments/suggestions can also be posted on this Facebook page.
All the best for a fabulous summer and hope to see you beside the circular bed on 24 June. FOWP
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We are very happy to hear from local community groups that would like to get involved in the events organised by Friends of Walton Park. However, currently we are not promoting the attendance of business/commercial stalls, since we aim to keep the events fairly low-key, non-commercial, focused on local community involvement and affordable for families. Thanks, FOWP.


Thanks for sharing this Sale Today !…/one-trafford-pr omise-review-open-t…/


Unfortunately, overflowing litter bins in the park are still an issue - this was the state of one near the scout hut BEFORE the Easter Sunday event!
The Friends of Walton Park have made One Trafford aware that the bins in the park need emptying regularly, but in the meantime, if the bins in the park are full, please think about whether you can take your rubbish home with you whenever possible!


Thanks to all those who attended the Easter Sunday Fun Day event at the weekend.
It was fantastic to see the park full of families having fun and enjoying the park. The Easter Egg Hunt was an eggceptional success - we ran out of clip boards and prizes at one point due to demand!
The next event will be on Sunday 24 June - we will have a summer treasure hunt, brass band, fair ground rides/inflatables and hopefully a range of refreshments.
... Hope to see you there. In the meantime, if anyone would like to assist with border work please contact us!
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Some dates for your diary for the rest of 2018!


The Friends of Walton Park have drawn up a six-point plan to help with the upkeep of the park throughout 2018. Please feel free to let us know what you think by commenting below.


Friends of Walton Park Update – Spring 2018
Friends of Walton Park is a small voluntary group of local people committed to improving Walton Park and encouraging its use by the whole community.
The group works closely with the Sale Area Model Engineering Society - SAMES., who run the ever popular miniature steam trains on Sunday afternoons... (
FOWP has raised money to make improvements (e.g. new benches) and applied for grants to carry out larger projects (e.g. tennis courts and play area). We continue to organise three park events per year, to bring the local community into Walton Park and raise funds (about £300 per event) to put back into the park.
However, since park furniture and plants are pretty expensive (nothing much for less than £1000) we’re also thinking of setting up a crowd funding arrangement to raise money for more substantial improvements – e.g. creating an attractive low maintenance sensory garden space in the neglected and failing rose garden.
We’ll be putting details on this Facebook page in due course for those that would like to get involved and offer suggestions.
The One Trafford partnership (Trafford Council/Amey) is responsible for routine maintenance in Walton Park – e.g. mowing and emptying bins – but they do not do much more than that.
Over the last couple of years we have noticed that this basic service has reduced in quality, so in response, FOWP has decided to provide some much needed supplementary work in the border areas to keep them looking nice.
We are limited on numbers, so if you know a bit about plants (or even if you don’t!) and would be interested in helping out, please get in touch via Facebook or come and see us at the Easter event.
Even if you are unable to offer green fingered assistance, in these times of restricted resources we can all do a small bit to help improve the park for everyone. – e.g. taking your rubbish home on busy days, respecting the bowling greens, calling One Trafford to report over-flowing bins (03330 035 865) or calling 101 with non-emergency police matters.
You can also contact local councillor David Hopps with particular gripes (e.g. loos!!).
We’re looking forward to the first event of 2018 on Easter Sunday - let’s hope the weather does not make fools of us all! Last year we received amazing support from local people for all three events, despite the rain at Easter and Halloween – thanks everyone who attended.
We hope you enjoy what spring has to offer in Walton Park and continue to cherish it over the coming year.
All the best, FOWP.
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Great afternoon at the spooktacular Halloween fair! X


Excellent local park with amenities for all ages including plenty of bushes for hide and seek or space to play football not to mention the wonderful trains plus it's right on the newly surfaced canal tow path so very easy to access from the road or from the towpath on foot or on a bike.


A great park only five minutes walk from home. The trains and the club which runs them are excellent.

More about Friends Of Walton Park, Sale

Friends Of Walton Park, Sale is located at Walton Road/Raglan Road, M33 4FG Sale, Cheshire