Fusion Well-Being Holistic Services With Sprouting Mindfulness

About Fusion Well-Being Holistic Services With Sprouting Mindfulness

Welcome Sprouting Mindfulness, This page is dedicated to Mindfulness and Well-Being. We are based in Lancashire and have been delivering Mindfulness now for 3 years, in schools, community groups and businesses.
Thank you for your support xx

Fusion Well-Being Holistic Services With Sprouting Mindfulness Description

My name is Debbie and I live in Blackburn, Lancashire

​I am a trained and accredited mindfulness Teacher, working in and around Lancashire. ​

I have worked within the public sector since 2003, starting in the local housing office and then working for BWDBC. Alongside my vocational qualifications and various amounts of training over the years. I started to practice Mindfulness 6 years ago. And in 2016 took the plunge to train to teach.

​I have completed a year long training course with Youth Mindfulness 2016-2017. This course was just amazing and really brought my own Mindfulness practice to life, alongside, providing me with the ability to deliver Mindfulness Courses, with integrity and authenticity. I have also trained as a Relax Kids Coach, and children's Mindfulness Teacher.

​In 2018 I undertook further training to integrate Compassion withing my teaching style, while this was an area I was already guiding from. The further qualification provides me with the freedom to develop and deliver my own work. This externally accredited qualification by British Counselling Central Awarding Body (CPCAB)

​I have delivered a range of Mindfulness Courses, in schools, Blackburn Council Staff, and community settings. Working with individuals from all age groups.

​Mindfulness Practice isn’t just for people suffering from emotional stresses. Mindfulness helps us to slow down, pause and respond to life with clarity and open awareness.

​Life is so fast paced and often we are caught up in our daily lives, 'doing' but in the process we are missing out on so much that is happening around us.

By learning to 'Just Be' with what is happening, in the present moment. By embracing the good and the bad and being accepting of our current situation. We can learn to live more fully in the moment, with whatever is present, opening up to more happiness, while also nurturing the difficult times we experience.

​You know the script something happens and we get locked in a battle of over thinking, creating scenarios in our mind, worrying about that meeting, or ruminating over the conversation you had last week.

We can become so stressed and frustrated, with how we perceive situations, when in fact it is the automatic thinking in our minds that create the very stress we are experiencing.

Our Mind and Body connects to make situations seem real. We worry and our bodies respond to the thought, by then experiencing the sensations that then confirm our thoughts.

Which are just that, our thoughts.

Our thoughts are based on our perceptions, which in turn are based on our life experiences.

They are not always accurate, but throughout our life they become entrenched.

We believe our thoughts and therefore we create our own stress.

Mindfulness, creates the space between that thought and our reaction!

​It is scientifically proven to strengthen the grey matter in our brains that helps to calmly respond to situations. It helps us to self soothe and supports our well being.

​By learning to be truly present in the here and now, we can start to enjoy life more fully, with intention and clarity.

I have found mindfulness practice to be wonderful in learning to slow down, to uncover limiting thinking patterns, and to cultivate more ease and spontaneity in my everyday life.

​My passion is to bring a Mindfulness Practice to children, young people and adults, in the area where I live.




Are you busy and struggle to find time for your self? Do you always find yourself saying, ‘I’ve no time’ or ‘I have so much to do’
Being busy is quite often seen as being proactive and driven. Yet being busy, usually leads to burnout and exhaustion.
... So if you live local to Tockholes, I’m bringing a new mindfulness and connection class on Thursday evenings, it will be at Tockholes village hall.
Come along and enjoy the opportunity to just be still. Still in mind and body. Giving yourself the permission to be at ease.
Each week I will deliver a meditation, focusing on various aspects of mindfulness and life. Following on with refreshments and a matter with like minded souls. To connect and recharge 🙏🏻💜🌱
Each session is donation based. And will start at 6.45pm
Please bring with you a mat, blanket and maybe a cushion to support your head. 🙏🏻💜🌱
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‘Even with my flaws I am inherently good and okay’ 🌱 Allow space for a little self compassion, repeating this mantra. When you feel lacking or unworthy. Perfection is in the eye of the beholder. Not one person is perfect.
... See the good in your intentions and value. Choosing your heart, mind and body in the here and now to be assured of your Value Worth Love 🌱
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Data from the 2017 World Happiness Report suggests that variations in individual school and teacher quality can affect the emotional health and well-being of the children they serve.
“With younger kids, much of the learning and messages you’re actually transmitting to them is from your own well-being as an adult and your own embodiment of calmness. Most interactions aren’t about what you’re saying but what you’re embodying."
How often when assessing a child do we ask... ‘What is their trigger? What makes them tick’?
How often to we ask that of ourselves?
Children in our care, whether it’s in school, home, clubs, care homes...
They pick up on our well-being, on our output.
Taking care of your own well-being is important to ensure the young people in our care are sent messages of hope, calm and ease. If you are triggered then the child will also be triggered.
Check your way of being. Take notice. And
Take care of YOU to support those around you xx 🌱
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Thoughts are like clouds and can disappear just like clouds. Or with attachment we can hold onto a thought, turn it over, make it bigger. Creating stories and ideas of situations and people that live only in the mind. Notice the thought and let it go! That’s the power of mindfulness. To live in the present moment. To not get carried away with the illusions of the thinking mind.... It’s life changing. 🌱 x
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Mindfulness for me…
If we look clearly at the definition of mindfulness, we can see that it is within all of us. Simply put, mindfulness is a way of being aware of our ongoing present-moment experience with an attitude of non-judgmental acceptance. It is the opposite of being on autopilot, yet after enough practice it becomes automatic, through conscious awareness. Meditation as a practice supports mindfulness, but meditation alone is not mindfulness. Meditation trains the ...
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We can get dragged back into the past, which can lead to depression, or we can become anxious about the future, which can lead to fear. Conscious breathing returns us to the here and the now, where we really belong.


😂 correct !


This is a story written by my 7 year old daughter. What vision lies in the heart and mind of a child!
With such purity and openness, without the restrictions of mind, indoctrinated by ideals. This story I read this morning, written and shown to me by my daughter was thought provoking and we had dialogue around how the story could be interpreted, into real life.
We came to the decision. That despite expectations, Wolf chose his own path, he chose to be different, even thoug...h this resulted in him being mocked and alone. However in his plight too chose, he made an unlikely friend in an 'enemy' a normal target for his greed, his desire.
Then we talked loosely (Nella is 7) about a world where people are free to choose their path, free to be happy, free to be comfortable in their skin, be friends with all beings. Without fear of judgement and connections are possible.
We talked about people living together in peace and harmony. How fear creates separation and even the pig in this story saw behind the teeth and could see the wolfs warm heart.
We all have the potential to be the wolf, we all have the potential to be the pig. In this story the wolf chose compassion and in turn gained a true friend.
Open your heart. Open your mind. Be Mindful. Don't be afraid to choose your own path, who knows what amazing things can happen. When we chose love, we open up so many new possibilities. That break down fear and barriers.
Be kind today, Be compassionate. Show warmth, show care. Make that phonecall, smile at that person CONNECT We are hardwired to do so, we are social beings xx
"The Story of the lonely wolf- written by Nella Redhead
Once upon a time there was a very lonely wolf, it had lost it's pack and had no friends. He was made fun of being called names because he was a vegetarian. But one day he saw a pig and it said,
'What's wrong little wolf?' asked the pig. 'I have no friends, because I am a vegetarian' replied the wolf. 'What's wrong with being a vegetarian?' responded the pig.
'I can help you find your pack' said the piglet.
It took them days and days, but one day he got back to the pack. And the piglet came a part of the pack.
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The 8 week course has been fantastic and Debbie’s delivery is honest, passionate and easy to understand. The course has helped me to be more in control, and move out of being in my head and my own worst enemy! I’m finding mindfulness helps me at work, with family and even sleeping-rather than wake up and worry about unnecessary things, I’m focusing on breathing and getting back to sleep. Definitely worthwhile attending to get you started, and the monthly meet ups are going to be a great help in keeping that focus going. I still have the busy, hectic life but how I see it and cope is very different. Would recommend to anyone-if you’ve wondered whether this would help I can definitely say yes it would-thank you!


I did the 8 week course before Christmas and really enjoyed it. I still miss meeting up on a Monday night! I would definitely recommend x


Freddie really enjoyed the taster session & has come away practicing some of the things he learnt at the session. We are really looking forward to starting the course in September 🙂 x


The 8 week course has been fantastic and Debbie’s delivery is honest, passionate and easy to understand. The course has helped me to be more in control, and move out of being in my head and my own worst enemy! I’m finding mindfulness helps me at work, with family and even sleeping-rather than wake up and worry about unnecessary things, I’m focusing on breathing and getting back to sleep. Definitely worthwhile attending to get you started, and the monthly meet ups are going to be a great help in keeping that focus going. I still have the busy, hectic life but how I see it and cope is very different. Would recommend to anyone-if you’ve wondered whether this would help I can definitely say yes it would-thank you!


I did the 8 week course before Christmas and really enjoyed it. I still miss meeting up on a Monday night! I would definitely recommend x


Freddie really enjoyed the taster session & has come away practicing some of the things he learnt at the session. We are really looking forward to starting the course in September 🙂 x

More about Fusion Well-Being Holistic Services With Sprouting Mindfulness

Fusion Well-Being Holistic Services With Sprouting Mindfulness is located at Preston Old Road, BB2 2ST Blackburn