Gc Biosciences

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Gc Biosciences

GC Biosciences was created to fill a gap in the health and fitness industry. Our aim is to provide clients with the necessary tools to ensure they stay healthy or improve their health.

Gc Biosciences Description

Utilising GC Biosciences range of advanced laboratory testing health and nutritional programs are developed based on a client’s own biochemistry, taking the guesswork out of nutrition and reaching health goals faster. In today’s world of conflicting health and nutrition advice given by the media, how does one know which is the most effective diet and what vitamins and minerals to take? GC Biosciences reports are formulated from the clients biochemistry instruct which diet is best and what supplements will work to reach health goals.
Pioneering the health industry by facilitating real health information to everyday people

Calum Gore and Rob Corney founded the company to provide clinical laboratory tests where the information and recommendations are explained simply and more efficiently to the everyday person. This unique service bridges the gap between the medical professionals and clients.



I spent this weekend in the Peak District with the Peak District School. I thoroughly enjoyed myself and I was reacquainted with some old skills and developed a whole new set of skills. I learned seconding on lead belaying, anchor point scoring system, rigging, how to set up a top rope, retrievable abseiling and new knots. All that sounds really complicated however my instructor Stuart (the founder of the school) is very experienced and made every seemingly complicated aspec...t of becoming an independent trad climber very simple. You only need to learn four knots to rig a top rope, you don't need to learn a 100 different knots etc. The more links you have in a rigging system the more chance it has to go wrong. The time and money was well worth the experience. Being in business for over 5 years it's nice to get out again. If you want to learn how to climb and develop your skills Peak Climbing School is the place to go, it keeps it simple and safe.
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We have been lucky these last few days with the great weather, although we are still seeing blood vitamin D levels showing low and some of these people will have had sunny holidays throughout the winter and spring.
Recent research has shown the link between vitamin D and managing glucose levels. We know that an over intake of glucose can be damaging and cause inflammation leading to conditions such as type two diabetes.
This research reported that a molecule iBRD9 binds to v...itamin D to protect beta cells (important for producing insulin).
Most people will take vitamin D supplements, although absorption though the GI tract and type of supplement can affect blood levels. We all should check our levels and then tailor appropriate intake of vitamin D accordingly.
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Eosinophils are an immune marker that has long been associated with allergic disease and inflammation. These can include asthma, atopic disease, rhinitis, gastroenteritis and more. However, typical advice from the GP is to either change the washing powder or look out for foods that are causing a problem, however, how do we know which foods are causing the problem. The only next step testing process is the RAST test which looks at one extreme immune pathway, therefore it makes... sense to explore this further with a well designed re-introduction plan.
After people identify the main problem foods, which can be commonly dairy, egg, nuts etc, they can then eliminate these foods clearing symptoms very effectively.
Email us today (info@gcbiosciences.co.uk) or complete our symptoms questionnaire to find out how we can help with immune problems such as skin conditions, breathing issues, gastrointestinal problems and more.
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/86200 88
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Regular painkiller use may affect male fertility.
We all feel like we need aspirin for the next day after a few drinks or Ibuprofen for aches and pains, however recent research has suggested that taking these tablets, specifically ibuprofen may lead to hypo (low) gonadism (testosterone) a condition that can lead to depression, erectile dysfunction and loss of bone and muscle mass.
Patients/ clients overtaking painkillers should look towards other means manage pain such as e...xercise and good diet.
It is key to be on the right diet and that symptoms are discussed and managed appropriately.
Clients/ patients can try our symptoms questionnaire for free to get feedback from the GC biosciences expert team on aliments and discuss the best way to help symptoms where limited traditional medicine has failed.
https://www.gcbiosciences.co.uk/symptoms- questionnaire/
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GC biosciences has been working hard to bridge the gap between medical and personal trainers and nutritionists for over 6 years. We currently are working very closely with the team at Harley Street Healthcare to ensure that we offer a premium service at every step of our testing process. Also, openly work with nutritionists and personal trainers throughout the UK and Europe to cover gaps in knowledge or to assist them in helping their clients reach their goals faster with bes...poke biochemistry.
We have improved our service and reporting over the past 6 years from helping people in London by collecting bloods and using functional medicine software to now having a clean, bright and easily read software aimed at patients/ clients reaching goals faster by a research led approach and offering blood collections anywhere in the UK and Europe. The team get test results back in 24 h and provide feedback over the phone or in person to ensure people fully understand what supplements they need and what diet to follow. Using our comprehensive software we can provide clear instructions over a 10 page report.
We feel our service is and always has been unique. We don't offer cheap testing by finger pick and basic bloods but we provide full blood chemistry with vitamins and minerals and full health screening. This is what makes us premium.
We have not been very active on facebook and social media and the reason for this is we generate a great referral network by providing outstanding results.
We welcome all doctors, personal trainers and nutritionists to work with the company by contacting us (see below) and be part of our professional network at no charge and we openly offer the extensive knowledge and research of the team to apply to your clients.
Firstly all blood work deserves to be interpreted properly with a nutritional integrative perspective.
For this reason we would like to offer anyone who sends their patients/ clients (must have approval) or their own raw blood chemistry data to info@gcbiosciences.co.uk the team of doctors, nutritionists and health professionals will provide free interpretation to show inflammation, health and nutrient requirements using our optimal ranges and you will get the report.
https://www.gcbiosciences.co.uk/contact/< br> See More


Research by Michael et al. 2018, show that Celiacs disease can be explained by gluten causing an overactive immune response through the modification of the enzyme transglutaminase 2 (TG2) in the small intestine.
This enzyme can now be turned off. However, gluten affects 1 in 100 people and gluten free food is one of the fastest growing areas of the food industry. This means that switching off the signals that prompt the immune system may not be the answer.
At GC biosciences ...Ltd we typically see people with all sorts of digestive disorders who have been to their GP and been told that they have Celiacs disease or IBS. They then avoid gluten seeking an answer to their IBS, bloating and digestive disorders.
Unfortunately, the problems just get worse and going gluten free has not resolved anything.
Therefore it is important to understand that gluten is just a small part of the picture when it comes to helping people with digestive issues. It is also important to determine other food items that maybe affecting a persons immune response. There may be multiple food sources (egg, dairy, wheat etc) that are causing problems or their could be deeper issues (parasites, yeast or bacteria).
If you are a health professional or a person who struggle with digestive symptoms, contact us today to find out more of how we can help with our extensive knowledge and team of experts.
https://www.gcbiosciences.co.uk/symptoms- questionnaire/
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Nearly ready with our own Comprehensive Blood Chemistry Software. The whole package will be available very soon. We will be offering to all functional medicine practitioners as well as our own clients and of course heath professionals. The idea was to keep this software in house and not offer it to others however with the other CBC software programs out there being too expensive and the people in charge too reactive we decided to step in.


Could all our fans on Facebook give Martin MacDonald a 5 star review for paying libel and legal costs to Rob Corney and Calum Gore as well as his unconditional apology. He was being mature at that moment.


I would like to thank Martin MacDonald again for his unconditional apology to Rob and I. Agreeing to pay us money for libel and legal costs was a better decision than the alternative. I am proud of you for making the right choice.


A new study has shown a way to reverse the effects of alcohol on the brain.
Happy reading!😀


We can typically be asked what part genetics can play and is screening it important?
A paper I once read by Slattery et al. described genetic susceptibility as a contributor although it may conceptional just 'load the gun'. This means that although genetic factors may play their part, changes in diet and lifestyle may be the majority contributing factors in most cases.


Knowing the difference between a food sensitivity and allergy is a very important thing and can save much confusion and time when it comes to helping clients, patients or yourself.
This is a great video explaining the current evidence on a non-celiac gluten sensitivity. Also, the main points have been summarised in the post for those with less time.
Happy watching!


This is a good info graph explaining short-chain fatty acids and the importance to the GI tract.


Interesting article.


Following on from yesterdays post. This is a great short, simple, research led video explaining the importance of the right foods to balance your bacteria for weight loss.


Great meeting with Pete Edwards from Edwards Performance discussing the future of personal training studios to create a health management initiative for his corporate and private clients.
This is truly the future of health, where clients take health into their own hands with the access to private testing, easily read reports and knowledgeable experts a phone call away.
This is an example of showing to be ahead of the crowd with bespoke health indicatives for clients rather than bog standard minimal information home blood test kits that will not change the training, nutrition or lifestyle clients goals and results.


Interesting paper showing the further health benefits of apples (specifically Granny Smiths) bioactive compounds to help prevent metabolic disorders of an altered microbiota in obesity. The study found that the fibres and phenolic compounds can change gut microbiota balance to resemble that of lean mice.
Take home point: An granny smith a day keep the gastroenterologist away.


In 2015 a paper was published to report the advances in screening the gut bacteria pattern to establish the genesis of obesity. Several studies have reported short-chain fatty acids (SCFA's), bacterial fermentation products and liposacharides as being important in weight regulation.
Specifically, the main three SCFA's are butyrate, propionate and acetate with butyrate and propionate have been found to be the key players in keeping weight down by ensuring the correct balance of Fimicutes: Bacteroidetes. Overweight individuals have been found to have an increased Fimicutes level compared to Bacteroidetes compared to lean individuals.
Take home point: Eating the correct level of SCFA's through a range of vegetables and legumes increases the correct ratio of Fimicutes to Bacteroidetes to keep weight down.


Huntington's disease is a neurological illness with devastating consequences. This condition is caused by a protein called huntingtin of which mutates and doesn't fold correctly. This will set off a cascade of events which lead to loss of cognition, motor function and eventually death. It is not known what causes this incorrect folding of the protein huntingtin but when it does it creates a bubblegum like cluster in the brain of which causes toxic consequences.
Researchers a...t University College London (UCL) have been focusing on a way to decrease the protein huntingtin in the bloodstream.
From 46 subjects all had an early onset of Huntington's disease and were injected with a drug called IONIS-HTTRx. The results showed levels of the mutant protein huntingtin, measured in the spinal fluid were lowered and the drug was safe and well tolerated.
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Thanks again Martin MacDonald.


Working with gore bioscience is the most sensible move I've made towards my health goals, after suffering with Ulceritive colitis and pursuing a fight career, there's no room for messing about. I got my individual testing done and now I'm back on track to feeling like I used to. Calums there when I need any advice and he explains why, what and when which makes my life less stressfull.


Working with Gore bioscience has hugely changed my life. I have suffered from Crohns disease for 5 years and have been on constant medication during this time, with little success. i have struggled to reach my training goals despite good training and what i had thought at the time was good nutrition. Within a week of having the MRT test and starting my new diet I began to notice the effects on my body. I have visibly reduced inflammation and lost 5kg. I now sleep through the night and experience improved mood. i am stronger, leaner and have more energy than ever before. Most importantly I have now been medication free for 2 months, with no return of previous symptoms. Where doctors have failed, Gore Bioscience have achieved something I did not think possible. If you are prepared to put your trust in Calum and Rob, you are guaranteed to see excellent results, whatever your goals.


Well informed information provided on this page. I have found excellent references, guidance and advice. Exceptionally knowledgable! Thank you.


Thanks for all your help and support you have so much knowledge to share.


Since working with Calum personally, he is one of only a handful of practitioners that I trust to refer clients to from all around the world. His wealth of knowledge, passion to help others and ability to gain exceptional results, puts him at the top of his field. In my opinion Calum should be the first point of call for anyone looking to improve their health status, he takes out all the guess work in what you need to do, which in return saves you much more time.


I’ve followed this page for a while now and really appreciate what they do.

Although, the main reason I’ve chosen to give this review right now is to (hopefully) slightly balance out a number of 1* reviews that have been left by bitter, offended people who are jumping to the defence of another fitness professional who Calum has ‘called out’. I happen to follow this other person too and since I don’t know the full situation, I don’t have any grievances towards either party.

I’m all for honesty, transparency and professionalism. These 2 professionals obviously have their differences, whether large or small. I don’t think it’s helpful to leave petty 1* reviews to someone you don’t know and have never worked with, ONLY to ‘get them back’ for speaking out...

We’re all adults and I expect better from people who follow these pages.


It might sound dramatic to some but the Gore team saved my life. I had been facing numerous mystery illnesses for two years with a very serious decline end of 2013. The knowledge held by Calum and the team has been invaluable in my diagnosis and recovery. After testing using industry leading methods we identified the root causes and I'm finally getting well!! I cannot thank them enough for not only taking personal interest in my health and wellness but for giving me my life back.


I was recommended to Calum by a very knowledgable friend as I had been suffering from very bad IBS and GERD (reflux) symptoms for some time and it was really starting to take a strong hold on my life, it ruined my lads group trip to Vegas and was also effecting my start at university in the hope to become a PE teacher.

When I first spoke to Calum he explained my problems in more detail and recommended I get the food sensitivity test and also advised I get a couple of different supplements to start me off, all the advice which he didn't charge for.

I eventually got the test done and the results where very shocking in regards to the foods I can't eat which I ate most days (black pepper, potatoes, oats etc). So I went on the first diet and supplement plan. Which were both altered at different phases of the plan.

My reflux was already getting much better within the first month of using the HCI supplement and after 2/3 month mark, I started noticing serious positive changes with my gut (first normal stool in a long time, no pain in my stomach which was 24/7). Before taking this on, I was so sure I was doomed and IBS/GERD was something I would have to live with, but I was so happily proven wrong.

What I was specifically impressed with Calum was his approachability in that he offered to speak on the phone or meet up in person to discuss what we are going to do next or to talk about a problem I had etc. Baring in my mind I was only ever charged once for the food test during my whole time working with Calum

Also his confidence helped me in regards to the psychological aspect, after having a ruined Vegas trip, my brother had offered to take me again which I didn't want to accept as I didn't want to waste his money if I wasn't well enough. Calum assured me that by that time I would definitely be better. This turned out to be true and I ended up having the best time, drinking until the early hours every night and not eating the best food but because my gut was so strong through sticking to the course I had no problems. I sent him a personal message when I got back thanking him for all his help. 2 years later I'm as good as I've ever been, i would recommend GC to anyone with digestive issues, can't say enough how glad I am to have come across them.


Highly recommended Excellent company �����


Gore Bioscience offer a very impressive service delivered by the extremely passionate Calum and Rob. The results from the MRT have helped me to take some of the guess work out of my nutrition and subsequently improved my health and body composition. I would highly recommend Gore Bioscience to anyone ready to take it to the next level.


Excellent knowledge. A real thought leader.


Ever since working at GC Biosciences with Calum Gore my confidence has grown and I have become an indispensable person of the the company.


Calum is an extraordinary biochemist. I have had chronic sinusitis (with at least 5 sinus infections a year which required antibiotics each time) and 12 years of a thyroid disease. Calum centered my problem down to a toxicity loading of metals, mostly mercury. I had a complicated situation where it just wasn't easily apparent what would solve these lifelong issues. After perseverance and much research, he got down to the bottom of the issue and we started mercury chelation. Since then, I have had no sinus

issues, am NOT taking a daily dose of allergy medicine anymore AND am off my thyroid medication after 12 years. Truly remarkable! I was told I would need to take allergy medicine and thyroid medication for the rest of my life.


Calum and Rob put out thought provoking work and ideas, and are always interesting and educational to chat with.


Calum Gore is genius. He got my diagnosis 100% right before I even got tested. He has answered all the questions I had in amazing depth. His knowledge and understanding put Calum amongst the best in the world.

Can't thank you enough Calum.

Great job!!


Always had great results for clients using both Calum and Rob for consults and testing. Well worth taking too, just check out all the videos of my clients testimonials on this page.


Working with gore bioscience is the most sensible move I've made towards my health goals, after suffering with Ulceritive colitis and pursuing a fight career, there's no room for messing about. I got my individual testing done and now I'm back on track to feeling like I used to. Calums there when I need any advice and he explains why, what and when which makes my life less stressfull.


Working with Gore bioscience has hugely changed my life. I have suffered from Crohns disease for 5 years and have been on constant medication during this time, with little success. i have struggled to reach my training goals despite good training and what i had thought at the time was good nutrition. Within a week of having the MRT test and starting my new diet I began to notice the effects on my body. I have visibly reduced inflammation and lost 5kg. I now sleep through the night and experience improved mood. i am stronger, leaner and have more energy than ever before. Most importantly I have now been medication free for 2 months, with no return of previous symptoms. Where doctors have failed, Gore Bioscience have achieved something I did not think possible. If you are prepared to put your trust in Calum and Rob, you are guaranteed to see excellent results, whatever your goals.


Well informed information provided on this page. I have found excellent references, guidance and advice. Exceptionally knowledgable! Thank you.


Thanks for all your help and support you have so much knowledge to share.


Since working with Calum personally, he is one of only a handful of practitioners that I trust to refer clients to from all around the world. His wealth of knowledge, passion to help others and ability to gain exceptional results, puts him at the top of his field. In my opinion Calum should be the first point of call for anyone looking to improve their health status, he takes out all the guess work in what you need to do, which in return saves you much more time.


I’ve followed this page for a while now and really appreciate what they do.

Although, the main reason I’ve chosen to give this review right now is to (hopefully) slightly balance out a number of 1* reviews that have been left by bitter, offended people who are jumping to the defence of another fitness professional who Calum has ‘called out’. I happen to follow this other person too and since I don’t know the full situation, I don’t have any grievances towards either party.

I’m all for honesty, transparency and professionalism. These 2 professionals obviously have their differences, whether large or small. I don’t think it’s helpful to leave petty 1* reviews to someone you don’t know and have never worked with, ONLY to ‘get them back’ for speaking out...

We’re all adults and I expect better from people who follow these pages.


It might sound dramatic to some but the Gore team saved my life. I had been facing numerous mystery illnesses for two years with a very serious decline end of 2013. The knowledge held by Calum and the team has been invaluable in my diagnosis and recovery. After testing using industry leading methods we identified the root causes and I'm finally getting well!! I cannot thank them enough for not only taking personal interest in my health and wellness but for giving me my life back.


I was recommended to Calum by a very knowledgable friend as I had been suffering from very bad IBS and GERD (reflux) symptoms for some time and it was really starting to take a strong hold on my life, it ruined my lads group trip to Vegas and was also effecting my start at university in the hope to become a PE teacher.

When I first spoke to Calum he explained my problems in more detail and recommended I get the food sensitivity test and also advised I get a couple of different supplements to start me off, all the advice which he didn't charge for.

I eventually got the test done and the results where very shocking in regards to the foods I can't eat which I ate most days (black pepper, potatoes, oats etc). So I went on the first diet and supplement plan. Which were both altered at different phases of the plan.

My reflux was already getting much better within the first month of using the HCI supplement and after 2/3 month mark, I started noticing serious positive changes with my gut (first normal stool in a long time, no pain in my stomach which was 24/7). Before taking this on, I was so sure I was doomed and IBS/GERD was something I would have to live with, but I was so happily proven wrong.

What I was specifically impressed with Calum was his approachability in that he offered to speak on the phone or meet up in person to discuss what we are going to do next or to talk about a problem I had etc. Baring in my mind I was only ever charged once for the food test during my whole time working with Calum

Also his confidence helped me in regards to the psychological aspect, after having a ruined Vegas trip, my brother had offered to take me again which I didn't want to accept as I didn't want to waste his money if I wasn't well enough. Calum assured me that by that time I would definitely be better. This turned out to be true and I ended up having the best time, drinking until the early hours every night and not eating the best food but because my gut was so strong through sticking to the course I had no problems. I sent him a personal message when I got back thanking him for all his help. 2 years later I'm as good as I've ever been, i would recommend GC to anyone with digestive issues, can't say enough how glad I am to have come across them.


Highly recommended Excellent company �����


Gore Bioscience offer a very impressive service delivered by the extremely passionate Calum and Rob. The results from the MRT have helped me to take some of the guess work out of my nutrition and subsequently improved my health and body composition. I would highly recommend Gore Bioscience to anyone ready to take it to the next level.


Excellent knowledge. A real thought leader.


Ever since working at GC Biosciences with Calum Gore my confidence has grown and I have become an indispensable person of the the company.


Calum is an extraordinary biochemist. I have had chronic sinusitis (with at least 5 sinus infections a year which required antibiotics each time) and 12 years of a thyroid disease. Calum centered my problem down to a toxicity loading of metals, mostly mercury. I had a complicated situation where it just wasn't easily apparent what would solve these lifelong issues. After perseverance and much research, he got down to the bottom of the issue and we started mercury chelation. Since then, I have had no sinus

issues, am NOT taking a daily dose of allergy medicine anymore AND am off my thyroid medication after 12 years. Truly remarkable! I was told I would need to take allergy medicine and thyroid medication for the rest of my life.


Calum and Rob put out thought provoking work and ideas, and are always interesting and educational to chat with.


Calum Gore is genius. He got my diagnosis 100% right before I even got tested. He has answered all the questions I had in amazing depth. His knowledge and understanding put Calum amongst the best in the world.

Can't thank you enough Calum.

Great job!!


Always had great results for clients using both Calum and Rob for consults and testing. Well worth taking too, just check out all the videos of my clients testimonials on this page.


Working with gore bioscience is the most sensible move I've made towards my health goals, after suffering with Ulceritive colitis and pursuing a fight career, there's no room for messing about. I got my individual testing done and now I'm back on track to feeling like I used to. Calums there when I need any advice and he explains why, what and when which makes my life less stressfull.


Working with Gore bioscience has hugely changed my life. I have suffered from Crohns disease for 5 years and have been on constant medication during this time, with little success. i have struggled to reach my training goals despite good training and what i had thought at the time was good nutrition. Within a week of having the MRT test and starting my new diet I began to notice the effects on my body. I have visibly reduced inflammation and lost 5kg. I now sleep through the night and experience improved mood. i am stronger, leaner and have more energy than ever before. Most importantly I have now been medication free for 2 months, with no return of previous symptoms. Where doctors have failed, Gore Bioscience have achieved something I did not think possible. If you are prepared to put your trust in Calum and Rob, you are guaranteed to see excellent results, whatever your goals.


Well informed information provided on this page. I have found excellent references, guidance and advice. Exceptionally knowledgable! Thank you.


Thanks for all your help and support you have so much knowledge to share.


Since working with Calum personally, he is one of only a handful of practitioners that I trust to refer clients to from all around the world. His wealth of knowledge, passion to help others and ability to gain exceptional results, puts him at the top of his field. In my opinion Calum should be the first point of call for anyone looking to improve their health status, he takes out all the guess work in what you need to do, which in return saves you much more time.


I’ve followed this page for a while now and really appreciate what they do.

Although, the main reason I’ve chosen to give this review right now is to (hopefully) slightly balance out a number of 1* reviews that have been left by bitter, offended people who are jumping to the defence of another fitness professional who Calum has ‘called out’. I happen to follow this other person too and since I don’t know the full situation, I don’t have any grievances towards either party.

I’m all for honesty, transparency and professionalism. These 2 professionals obviously have their differences, whether large or small. I don’t think it’s helpful to leave petty 1* reviews to someone you don’t know and have never worked with, ONLY to ‘get them back’ for speaking out...

We’re all adults and I expect better from people who follow these pages.


It might sound dramatic to some but the Gore team saved my life. I had been facing numerous mystery illnesses for two years with a very serious decline end of 2013. The knowledge held by Calum and the team has been invaluable in my diagnosis and recovery. After testing using industry leading methods we identified the root causes and I'm finally getting well!! I cannot thank them enough for not only taking personal interest in my health and wellness but for giving me my life back.


I was recommended to Calum by a very knowledgable friend as I had been suffering from very bad IBS and GERD (reflux) symptoms for some time and it was really starting to take a strong hold on my life, it ruined my lads group trip to Vegas and was also effecting my start at university in the hope to become a PE teacher.

When I first spoke to Calum he explained my problems in more detail and recommended I get the food sensitivity test and also advised I get a couple of different supplements to start me off, all the advice which he didn't charge for.

I eventually got the test done and the results where very shocking in regards to the foods I can't eat which I ate most days (black pepper, potatoes, oats etc). So I went on the first diet and supplement plan. Which were both altered at different phases of the plan.

My reflux was already getting much better within the first month of using the HCI supplement and after 2/3 month mark, I started noticing serious positive changes with my gut (first normal stool in a long time, no pain in my stomach which was 24/7). Before taking this on, I was so sure I was doomed and IBS/GERD was something I would have to live with, but I was so happily proven wrong.

What I was specifically impressed with Calum was his approachability in that he offered to speak on the phone or meet up in person to discuss what we are going to do next or to talk about a problem I had etc. Baring in my mind I was only ever charged once for the food test during my whole time working with Calum

Also his confidence helped me in regards to the psychological aspect, after having a ruined Vegas trip, my brother had offered to take me again which I didn't want to accept as I didn't want to waste his money if I wasn't well enough. Calum assured me that by that time I would definitely be better. This turned out to be true and I ended up having the best time, drinking until the early hours every night and not eating the best food but because my gut was so strong through sticking to the course I had no problems. I sent him a personal message when I got back thanking him for all his help. 2 years later I'm as good as I've ever been, i would recommend GC to anyone with digestive issues, can't say enough how glad I am to have come across them.


Highly recommended Excellent company �����


Gore Bioscience offer a very impressive service delivered by the extremely passionate Calum and Rob. The results from the MRT have helped me to take some of the guess work out of my nutrition and subsequently improved my health and body composition. I would highly recommend Gore Bioscience to anyone ready to take it to the next level.


Excellent knowledge. A real thought leader.


Ever since working at GC Biosciences with Calum Gore my confidence has grown and I have become an indispensable person of the the company.


Calum is an extraordinary biochemist. I have had chronic sinusitis (with at least 5 sinus infections a year which required antibiotics each time) and 12 years of a thyroid disease. Calum centered my problem down to a toxicity loading of metals, mostly mercury. I had a complicated situation where it just wasn't easily apparent what would solve these lifelong issues. After perseverance and much research, he got down to the bottom of the issue and we started mercury chelation. Since then, I have had no sinus

issues, am NOT taking a daily dose of allergy medicine anymore AND am off my thyroid medication after 12 years. Truly remarkable! I was told I would need to take allergy medicine and thyroid medication for the rest of my life.


Calum and Rob put out thought provoking work and ideas, and are always interesting and educational to chat with.


Calum Gore is genius. He got my diagnosis 100% right before I even got tested. He has answered all the questions I had in amazing depth. His knowledge and understanding put Calum amongst the best in the world.

Can't thank you enough Calum.

Great job!!


Always had great results for clients using both Calum and Rob for consults and testing. Well worth taking too, just check out all the videos of my clients testimonials on this page.

More about Gc Biosciences

Gc Biosciences is located at Harley Street, W1G 7 London, United Kingdom
Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -