Gearbox Theatre Company

About Gearbox Theatre Company

Emma Sheppard is the artistic director of Gearbox Theatre Company and is a freelance theatre director based in Leicester and Peterborough.



Dear Friends, I would just like to express our thanks to those of you that came and supported our production of 'Twelfth Night' at Peterborough Cathedral. We have had excellent feedback from our audiences (with the exception of some difficulties with the acoustics in the building). We sincerely hope that you enjoyed the show and hope to see you at our next production of a new adaptation of Joseph Conrad's 'The Secret Agent'. Dates and venues are yet to be confirmed but it will hopefully start its tour in Peterborough in late summer. We will, of course, keep you updated. With kind regards, Emma.


Twelfth Night. 3 performances down. 2 to go. Friday at 1.30 and 7.30. Great feedback so far from the audience. Buy tickets online or on the door.


Introducing Feste ... Twelfth Night at Peterborough Cathedral. 13th-15th February. night


Not sure what to do for Valentine's Day? How about the Twelfth Night Valentine's Day special? Renew your vows, afternoon tea and tickets to Gearbox's production of Twelfth Night - all at Peterborough Cathedral.❤️


Introducing the twins - Viola and Sebastian. Twelfth Night at Peterborough Cathedral. 13th-15th February. night


Twelfth Night at Peterborough Cathedral. 13th - 15th February. Buy tickets from night


Currently sitting in the waiting room at BBC Radio Cambridgeshire. On air at 2.15pm. How exciting!


Twelfth Night, Peterborough Cathedral and a live 60s skiffle band ... what more could you wish for for the New Year. Buy your tickets now at night


Tickets are now on sale for Twelfth Night. Buy now from night


Directed by the super talented Helen McCay who will also be starring in Twelfth Night in February.


Hello lovely people. Rehearsals are well underway for Twelfth Night and it is coming on a treat. We're very excited. Yesterday we went into the cathedral to get a better sense of the space etc. The organ was playing and then the choir came in to practice and the space was filled with music. The atmosphere is incredible. It is quite amazing. What a venue to perform in.


Hello friends, We have an exciting new production coming soon. We can't yet reveal the play or the location but keep checking in with us to find out more.


Hello all. Well, it’s been an awfully long time since we posted a comment. We don’t know if you have heard but the company (PAV- Performance Art Venues) that has been running The Broadway Theatre, Peterborough has ‘gone under’ and have been ‘removed’ from the venue. PAV has a massive outstanding debt with them owing thousands to the council, utility companies and, most upsettingly, production companies. Unfortunately, we are one of the many companies that have been ‘stung’ by... The Broadway having not received any payment for all of the incredibly hard work that we put in for The Tempest or any compensation for the money that we spent on set, props etc. This has left Gearbox Theatre Company in the red, which for our very first venture has been incredibly damaging, particularly as it is looking highly likely that no-one is ever going to get their payment from PAV. However, we are ploughing ahead. We are hoping that, over the coming weeks, we will be able to start on our next project which will be a new adaptation of Joseph Conrad’s The Secret Agent, written by our artistic director, Emma Sheppard. It is an exciting new play that will use innovative approaches to live theatre and sound. We can’t wait to start rehearsals but, of course, are having to wait for funding/sponsorship and permissions for some space to rehearse in etc. If you can help us with this, we would be extremely grateful to hear from you. Keep watching this space to find out more. We will keep you updated with our progress and will share our creative ‘journey’ with you. You can also find us on twitter @gearboxtheatre and instagram @gearboxtheatre as well as on our website
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