Gendered Intelligence

About Gendered Intelligence

We work to improve the lives of trans people in the UK and specialise in supporting young trans, including non-binary, people.

Gendered Intelligence Description

We are a charity that places young trans people from across the UK at the centre of our work.



What did the young people at our youth groups tells us when we asked about how GRA should be changed to include young people?
⭐️ We know who we are ⭐️ Fix it and fix it now ⭐️ Make sure everyone who needs access to the process can get it
... Read more: m/…/young-people-…/
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There are only five days left to take part in this year's Quality of Life survey before it closes on Friday.
We need trans and gender nonconforming people aged 18+ from all over England to respond. It will only take around 20 minutes to complete, but you will be contributing to research that has a long-lasting impact on trans lives.
Go to the survey:


Have you seen the summary of initial findings from the Scottish Goverment's Gender Recognition Act review?
A majority of submissions support gender recognition for 16 year olds, plus two thirds for non-binary people. Find out more over on our blog.


Today's the last chance to sign up for our youth workshop with Discovery Channel on Friday! It's for young trans, non-binary and gender diverse people aged 16-30.
We'll be practicing our interview skills and making short films about each other's stories. It's a whole-day workshop and lunch is provided. We hope to see you there!
Sign up:


Where's the best place to be trans in England? 🤔Take part in our Quality of Life survey and help us find out how quality of life for trans and gender nonconforming adults compares by region.
Trans & gender diverse people aged 18+ who are living in England can take part.


There's only a couple of days left to sign up for our youth workshop with Discovery Channel on Friday! It's for young trans, non-binary and gender diverse people aged 16-30.
We'll be practicing our interview skills and making short films about each other's story. It's a whole-day workshop and lunch is provided. We hope to see you there!
Sign up:


Are you looking for some pointers to fill in your submission to the Government's GRA consultation?
If you're stuck or unsure, we're releasing some guidance to help. It gives you some tips on what we think are the key questions and how you might think about answering - read here:


Our trainer Jason Barker has shared his thoughts on the everyday frontline workers across a huge range of sectors that he meets when delivering our Trans Awareness training.
These professionals are keen to make their services and workplaces welcoming for all trans people. And guess what? It isn't an issue - it's no where near the biggest issue they face in their everyday work.


Today is World Suicide Prevention Day.
If you or someone you know feels suicidal or is taking about suicide, please don't ignore it. Reach out for support. Contact PAPYRUS Prevention of Young Suicide, Samaritans, NSPCC Childline if there's no one around who you can speak to.
You are not alone. There are people out there to support you.
... In an emergency, call 999.
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A two-day training course for therapists and counsellors in Brighton
About the Course This two-day course has been created in response to demand for more in-depth and specialist learning from therapists and counsellors themselves, and to the need of the wider trans community for a pool of trans-knowledgeable therapists and counsellors to draw on.
...Continue Reading


Would you like to fill in the government's survey on the Gender Recognition Act but don't know where to start?
Across September and October Gendered Intelligence is running two drop in sessions where you can find support and advice to fill into the consultation questions either online or on paper. At the drop in you can start or complete your response.
You will have the chance to speak to others about your answers and figure out the best way to put your experience into words.... These drop ins are for trans/non-binary people and allies.
Find out more and book your slot:
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Are you a young trans/non-binary/gender diverse person who'd like to learn how to make a short film?
We're excited to be joined by volunteers from Discovery Channel UK who are hosting a film making and storytelling workshop with us on Friday, 21st of September.
Sign up here:


We're excited to launch our Quality of Life survey for the third year running!
This multi-year project looks at what impacts the quality of life of trans and gender nonconforming adults in England. We look at a range of factors including life satisfaction, mental health, self-esteem, social inclusion and cultural participation.
By taking part in the survey, you can help us build up a picture of what life is like for trans adults across the different regions of England.
... The Quality of Life project is a collaborative study between Gendered Intelligence and Dr Jo Lloyd and Dr Vikki Chalkin of Goldsmiths, University of London.
To take part, follow this link:…/fo rm/SV_3HLQ2ylAOy4odnL
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Today booking is open for the last places at Super Camp!
Booking is open for one day only, and will close tonight at 9pm. Make sure you fill in the application form today if you want to come.
Unfortunately we are having some issues with our website but you can find the booking form here:
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There are 10 places left at Super Camp 🏕️!
Due to some last minute cancellations, you have one last chance to come to Super Camp. We're releasing 10 places on Tuesday, 7th of August, from 9am.
... It's first come, first served. We'll close the booking at 9pm. For more information and FAQs, please go to our website: -trips-2018
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We have a once in a generation opportunity to make sure legal gender recognition becomes a straightforward and inclusive process for all trans people.
It's vital that all trans people and allies take part in the government's consultation on the Gender Recognition Act. We need to tell the government how the current process disadvantages many trans people, and totally excludes young people under the age of 18 and non-binary people.
Read our guide to submitting your response:


Thank you! You raised over £10,000 for this year's trans youth camps and we're still going. Here's a message from our camping lead Finn.


For every share, for every pound - YOU DID IT. Thank you from everyone at Gendered Intelligence for raising a staggering £10,000 for our transgender youth summer camp 🏕🌿🦄. What a journey indeed ❤️.


The Transawareness training was excellent, informative & interactive and I learnt lots. The pace was good. What I learnt today is a vital part of my professional development so thank you Simon.


Thankyou to the gi team for supporting me; I always look forward to the groups!!!


Inspiring, Challenging and Empowering an excellent training session with the perfect mix of professional and personal. Thank you Finn


I love this organization they worked with City, University of London on our Trans inclusive policy which is brilliant and they are going through the process of training people at City to be more aware of trans, Intersex and gender non-conformity in our society. They are wonderful to work with and really supportive too


I just love these people.

They are all walking angels ���


Having spoken to several people who have participated, the annual camping trips offer a lifeline for some young people who have never known a safe, supportive space. It allows them to breathe and to gather their strength to face the next 51 weeks of the year, but with new found on-going support from the staff, volunteers and other young people within GI.


Gendered Intelligence are an amazing organisation which makes a real difference to people's lives.Thanks to them for all their hard work.

More about Gendered Intelligence

Gendered Intelligence is located at Voluntary Action Islington, N1 9JP London, United Kingdom