Geography At University Of Liverpool

About Geography At University Of Liverpool

Official facebook page for Geography at the University of Liverpool.



Surveying glacial geomorphology, soils and slopes and fluvial dynamics in Far Easedale


Peat-lake transitional muds uncovered by our 1st year Physical Geographers on the fringing Carr woodland at Grasmere


Day 1 of the Grasmere first year Physical Geography fieldclass - sunshine and all is well....


New blog: A trend of ŌĆśbrownificationŌĆÖ identified in surface waters across the UK, North America and Northern Europe has been a growing concern, with the transfer of organic carbon from catchments to lake basins and water courses increasing. To explore this problem, in 2012-3 graduate teaching assistant Fiona Russell began PhD research investigating whether the sedimentary records preserved in lake basins provided new information on the longer term onset of this trend, the nat...ure of any previous events in the last 11,500 years and the causes of browner surface waters. At this time, the award winning state-of-the-art Central Teaching Laboratories (CTL) at the University of Liverpool expanded the Infrared Spectrometry capabilities adding a Near-infrared Diffuse Reflectance machine. The Bruker MPA Diffuse Reflectance Fourier Transform Near Infrared Spectrometer (FT-NIRS) was added to the teaching facility to enable the rapid and non-destructive characterisation of powders including soils and sediments. NIRS has proven to be a valuable tool for quantifying the components present in lake sediments, such as type and quantity of organic and mineral matter. The technique development embedded in this research ( 7/s10933-019-00076-2) showcases the importance of integrating teaching and research at the University of Liverpool. The methodology is now being used routinely by colleagues, undergraduate and postgraduate students to characterise materials in their learning and independent research.ŌĆ”/char acterising-lake-sedŌĆ”/
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UserŌĆ”/prescrib ed-burning-not-as-dŌĆ”/ New research by the University ( has found that prescribed burning, a controversial technique where fires are intentionally used to manage vegetation, is not as damaging to peat growth as previously thought


Reflections on the Year 3 Iceland field trip 2018 Blog by Kathryn Ashton (BSc Geography Year 3) Over the summer myself and 11 fellow students, along with lecturers James Lea and Rich Chiverrell, spent two weeks in Iceland for our 3rd year field course......ŌĆ”/refl ections-on-the-yearŌĆ”/


MSc Fieldclass of 2018-19 kicks off in style sampling the late glacial sediments at Hawes Water, and exploring the management strategies enhancing the margins of the carbonate lake and landscape.....


Interested in studying Geography at university? Come & visit us on our Open Days on Sat 22nd Sept or Sat 20th Oct 2018. Meet our friendly staff, ask our current students what it's like to study at Liverpool and try out some of our innovative teaching activities!


It is nice to win prizes.... Congratulations to Alex Lord, Michael Mair, John Sturzaker and Paul Jones of Geography and Planning / Sociology, Social Policy and Criminology Departments on winning the John Stewart prize for best paper in Local Government Studies for 2017.....ŌĆ”/full/10ŌĆ ”/03003930.2017.1288618


Abstract submissions are now open for our session at IPA-IAL 2018 Joint Meeting: Unravelling the Past and Future of Lakes June 18ŌĆō21 2018
The fluxes of macronutrients (e.g. carbon, phosphorus, nitrogen) and associated minerals from catchment to lake, key regulators of ecosystem functioning, have been undergoing change. Examples include:- millennial scale stepped increases in the release of nutrients from terrestrial landscapes; increases in anthropogenic sources of P to lakes... particularly over the last century; and increases in concentrations of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in global surface waters over recent decades. Actors affecting or regulating the system include external drivers, e.g. climate change and human activities in the catchment, and biochemical process pathways within lake and feeder hydrological pathways. Globally there have been numerous parallel projects analysing and simulating long-term and large-scale interactions of nutrients including carbon nitrogen and phosphorus in land, freshwater and atmosphere systems. Within these researches paleo-records often offer differing perspectives than long-term monitoring on the fluxes of these materials and the responses of the aquatic ecosystem. This session invites contributions from across (paleo)limnology spanning the range of researches that address the nature, processes and long/short-term dynamics of macronutrient cycling. Contributions are encouraged in particular that attempt to link/bridge the process-monitoring domain with the myriad timescales of paleolimnology.ŌĆ”/nutrient-cy cling-and-fluxes-in-ŌĆ”
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Been made an offer of a place to study Geography at Liverpool and invited to one of our Applicant Discovery Days? Our admissions tutor, Andy Davies, explains what you can expect if you come along in this short video: s4


Our University of Liverpool Award Winners 2017 - Hoorah!!


A wonderfully successful night at the University of Liverpool 'Celebrating Success Awards' - Kim Peters wins the Pilkington Teaching Award, Mark Green wins the Early Career Researcher of the Year, and Mark Riley wins the Lecturer of the Year. Now onto the after-show party at Elton's


Some additional photos of Open House in Roxby - taken by our very own Suzanne Yee


Stunning photos in here - so many lovely recollections and re-connections in evidence!


Some fabulous photos from Saturday's Centenary Celebrations! What a wonderful day!ŌĆ”/livunialumni/s ets/72157687116043064


I think the crowd enjoyed it...


More rafting loveliness. Sadly there won't be a raft race at today's Centenary celebrations... but it's a thought for future reunions! Enjoy today everyone, whether your here corporally or spiritually.

More about Geography At University Of Liverpool

Geography At University Of Liverpool is located at Roxby Building, Chatham Street, L697ZT Liverpool
0151 794 5927