Georgina Lynch

About Georgina Lynch

Transformational 1: 1 life coaching & workshops to help you heal yourself from the inside out and live a medication free life you love!

Georgina Lynch Description

Georgina offers transformational workshops, self-development programmes and 1-2-1 coaching all designed to help you end mental illness through learning to love your self!



This yoga workshop is designed for you if you're struggling with depression, feel stuck and experience negative thoughts.
Come and discover natural ways to be kinder to yourself.
A beautiful fusion of energising sun salutations, yin and restorative yoga with soothing mindfulness meditation and relaxation to help you feel happier and energised.
... We will also enjoy scrumptious herbal tea and cake from Harbour House cafe.
No yoga experience is necessary just a willingness to feel happy.
Mats, props and everything else provided.
Please wear warm and comfortable clothing.
To book a space please contact me directly.
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Hello Beautiful people
Following on from my last FB Live I will now be residing over here: /
... This page will be taken down in a few weeks time. If you would like to continue following me, please come and find me and like my new page. I look forward to seeing you over there!
I will also be creating a Private FB group so we can get raw and real together - somewhere to feel safe and feel heard. Details to follow...
For now deep thanks to you all for being here and taking the time to tune in.
Much love and gratitude Georgina xxx
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You're honestly not going mad!! I promise. It's simply all part of the process ✨❤🙌🏻 Also a call for your help with some beautiful changes I'd like to make to this page 🦋xxxxxx


It’s National Stress Awareness day!
Please read my blog if you’re struggling with stress 🙏❤️
#loveyourself #loveyourlife


Stop beating yourself up! Start loving yourself ❤️😍


I’d like you to consider what your block is?
How are you getting in your own way?
Once we’re able to feel into this pain and release the stuck energy, that’s when change can happen ✨
... It’s not until we get out of our own way, show up for ourself and do the work are we able to feel free.
We have to shift the emotional blocks and beliefs that keep us stuck.
It’s a non negotiable!
If you’d like to shift your blocks and live a happier life you love then let’s talk.
Visit my website to book a call:
Much love Georgina ❤️ xx
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What’s your block? How are you getting in your own way? 😍


There is so much TRUTH in this. It's our beliefs that hold us back, get to the root of these and you create freedom and the life you were here to live!


A message of love and encouragement to you all beautiful souls ❤️


Today is #worldmentalhealthday.
For me this represents the struggle I once had with my mind and emotions.
It’s a reminder that we are not our thoughts, but that the mind can be powerful and if you let it the mind (ego) will take over!
... My journey to embrace the mind has led me back to my self and back to love. First I had to take responsibility for my mental health.
I healed the root core beliefs for all associated self sabotaging emotions (guilt, shame, anger) and behaviours that perpetuated my mental illness.
I had to heal and I had to allow love to outshine the darkness of my torment.
It took Self Care, self acceptance, self compassion, self awareness, self forgiveness and above all Self Love to do this.
So today I have gratitude for Self Love and emotional peace and happiness 🎉💗
I believe this is possible for every single one of us 🙏
#selflove #loveyourself #selfdevelopment #loveyourlife
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If you’re trying to help yourself. Amazing well done 🙌🏻
If you’re not seeing change I want to reassure you that change doesn’t just happen overnight.
Nope. You have to work a little deeper. I mean do the inner work, not just all the obvious external things like exercise, thinking positive and journaling etc
... I have a sneaky feeling that’s why you might be stuck?
Because you don’t know where to start with the inner work and if it’ll even work?
Well let me reassure you if you’re feeling scared and overwhelmed by this prospect, it’s OK.
Again it’s that fear. Simply fear of the unknown, your beliefs and the subconscious mind that keep you stuck - because that’s what it thinks you want!
Let me lovingly tell you you’re unknowingly perpetuating this cycle and maintaining that fear of the unknown and the what if:
I won’t be able to do it? I can’t afford it? I fail!? I can’t do it! There’s no point, because I can’t change?
Yep. I hear you!
That’s exactly what I used to think and so did most of my clients and the people that attend my workshops.
You’re not alone.
Let me reassure you: You CAN do it.
In fact it’s your birthright to be happy and at peace with who you are and living a life you love.
So never give up on yourself!
I see your light.
I see what’s possible for you.
I love and believe in you.
If you want to know how the hell to do this, I can guide you. All you need to do is ask ❤️
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A new season is upon us. Autumn is here 🍂
My question to you: Are you ready for your new season?
... The moment I knew I was ready, I dusted myself off and went for it!
The reason why I hadn’t done it sooner?
I was fearful, not knowing what to do or what to expect, not believing I was worth it. Allowing my ego mind to run the show!
Stuck in a victim mentality that got me no where and only attracted the same old crap!
Despite the anxiety and worry I struggled with, I began to see the world through new eyes and my life began to transform.
I discovered new ways of thinking and new ways of being.
Eventually I removed all the internal blocks that were causing me to keep coming back to the same old stories of emotional distress and past pain.
As soon as I committed to this process, beautiful changes began to occur:
My confidence grew I felt good about myself I felt happier I trusted myself Relationships improved Life became peaceful and calm I began to live in the now I embraced the love from within myself My purpose was illuminated I felt free to be me 😍
Life miraculously began to change!
As a result of surrendering to fear and embracing love I started to live my life as myself.
Note: this just didn’t magically happen overnight.
Nope I’ve worked with therapists, read hundreds of spiritual development books, studied and learnt for the past 12 years.
I’ve released and let go of years of guilt and shame, through finding forgiveness and compassion for myself.
This journey may have taken me years, but because of everything I know, yours need take only a fraction of the time.
But it has to start somewhere...
If you’re ready to find another way and willing to trust, then let’s activate the first steps to creating a happier life for YOU too ❤️
You deserve it. Your loved ones will benefit. The world needs your light ✨
To activate your journey join me this Saturday, 29th September at Harbour House for a day of celebrating YOU and accepting the love and guidance you need to create a happier life you love!
To find out more PM me or visit my website:
Or if you’re ready to leap - book your space here: ch-17160706919
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10 years married to this beautiful man. We stood here together 10 years to this day. Happiness and fear embraced us both. Today We’re older and wiser and have the most incredible son together and my incredible daughter is with us. Our journey has been one of love and growth. Tears and frustration. But you were the trigger I needed to change. He saved me. I saved him. Now we respect each other’s growth and evolve as our own independent souls, together. I love you David, thank you for being you ❤️ #weddinganniversary #10yearstoday #love #happy #tears #frustration #joy #beyourself #always #real #goingpublicwithlove #togetherforever #ilovethistree #iloveyou #mylove

More about Georgina Lynch

Georgina Lynch is located at TQ7 1AX Kingsbridge
07495 735778