Gillian Devine - Photography Success Mentor

About Gillian Devine - Photography Success Mentor

My mission is to help female photographers be rich in life, happiness and business.



Last weeks event for photographers has been FABULOUS 📸😍
So now we are busy PLANNING THE NEXT ONE ...😉
Kind words from participants of the last event.....
... ✨”You are so ACE!!! Thank you so much for this week. You have helped me beyond belief! I feel focused and have clarity on where I am going and most importantly you have made me see that it is bloody achievable, and how to achieve it”✨
🌟”Awesome” 🌟”The best challenge I have ever done” 🌟”Better than some of the paid workshops I have done” 🌟”So much content” 🌟”Learnt so much” 🌟”Enquiries and leads coming in already”
Working with other photographers and business owners... helping them and inspiring them to achieve their dreams..... is what I love to do 😍
Want to join us next time? 💖
Register here for the next event ....DON’T MISS OUT ..... to-bootcamp
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"Moral of the story for this week...listen to your mentor GILLIAN DEVINE. She kinda knows what she is talking about! For ages I've trying to start a new marketing strategy Gill talked me through but have been letting the fear get the better of me big time. But this month, after having a big pep talk from Gill I finally fought the fear and went for it. I managed to get 3 meetings booked over last week and this week. But then the fear of the meetings crept in and so I needed a... Gillian pep talk. On Thursday I had my 121 with Gillian which gave me the motivation I needed, Saturday had my first meeting and it couldn't have gone better, and by Monday I had three new clients! Absolutely over the moon! I should have done this months ago!"
LOVE getting messages like this on the members page for my mentees!
If having a mentor is something you think will help you achieve your goals and dreams...then click here to apply for a free discovery call...…/ 066B0B3B4E3A91B04537…
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"You truly are amazing, I can't thank you enough for all you've already done and the advice you have given me"
More gorgeous words from a lovely photographer I have been talking to.
Need my help in your business....I am a Photography Success Mentor..I want to help you make the money you deserve.


👊🏼Let’s Do This!!!! 97 photographers ready to join in the fun!
Facebook Group opens THIS EVENING ready for the challenge to start on MONDAY!!!
... Photographers - are you joining us?📸
Competition this weekend - prize worth £250!
Challenge Competiton Prizes worth £1000!
Register here if you haven’t already ...
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Come and join me for a FIVE DAY CHALLENGE to show you the starting steps to SUCCESSFUL BRAND PHOTOGRAPHY BUSINESS!
... This FIVE DAY CHALLENGE is for you if you are... - already a photographer... - want to learn more about Personal and Business Brand Photography as a genre - want to learn how to move into this genre to make good levels of profit on week day shoots...
come and join is the link to register 🙂 xxx. see you in there!
PRIZES worth £1000 in giveaways and competitions during the challenge week..... you snooze you loose, register now!
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"Doubled my average sale in just over a month! and just achieved a £905 sale!" This from one of my lovely mentoring clients!
LOVE helping other photographers succeed in business.
... Message me for details of my mentoring programmes...The Rich Tog Academy.....summer enrollment open soon.
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“Boom!!!! Average sale of £766! So happy! Thanks Gill”
More wonderful news from a member of the Rich Tog Academy! 📸
... Need some help in your photography business? Grab my free guide to £6k months here ....
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Calling all photographers... DON’T MISS OUT😍


"LOVING the new morning routine strategy we have put in place! Its definitely having a positive effect on my business"
Love getting good news from my mentees! A solid morning routine has a dramatic effect on how you feel through the day and the results you get from it.
... Are you a photographer and need some guidance to achieve more in your business?
complete this application form for a free discovery call with me to find out about the mentoring package options I have available....…/ 066B0B3B4E3A91B04537…
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Come and join me for a FIVE DAY CHALLENGE to show you the starting steps to SUCCESSFUL BRAND PHOTOGRAPHY BUSINESS!
... This FIVE DAY CHALLENGE is for you if you are... - already a photographer... - want to learn more about Personal and Business Brand Photography as a genre - want to learn how to move into this genre to make good levels of profit on week day shoots...
come and join is the link to register 🙂 xxx. see you in there!
PRIZES worth £1000 in giveaways and competitions during the challenge week..... you snooze you loose, register now!
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Photographers .... are you coming to join us ....???
Click on the link to learn more 😍📸
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giving a premium level of service, creating a memorable experience , ensuring I am always there for them, giving 100 percent ✨
This is what I am known for in my business 😍... And it makes my heart sing It’s my purpose in life to help entrepreneurs create amazing brand presence And to help other photographers create the business of their dreams 💙📸
What makes your heart sing?
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"This week I have learn to listen to my mentor Gillian Devine! She kinda knows what she is talking about! For ages I've trying to start some collaborations with other business's but have let fear get the better of me big time and procrastinated. But this month, after having a big pep talk from Gill I finally fought the fear and contacted a few people. I managed to get 3 meetings booked over last week and this week. But then the fear of the meetings crept in and so I needed ...a gillian pep talk. On Thursday I had my 121 video call with gillian, Saturday had my first collaboration meeting and it couldn't have gone better, and by Monday I had two new clients! Absolutely over the moon!"
Moral of the story...don't procrastinate. Just do it. You'll be amazed at the results :-)
Want to learn more about my mentoring programme...message me for details. :-)
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LOVING my Brand Photography shoots.... FULLY BOOKED NOW for the next two months! Just one more space left for the end of August! This genre is definitely keeping me busy, but as its all week day work and I have my evening and weekends for my family, its all GOOD! Photographers...if you would like to learn more about this genre and how to get into it, click here to join my FREE FIVE DAY CHALLENGE...... /
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🌟🌟🌟Special Thanks!!!!🌟🌟🌟
Now that the paper back is out it feels real!!!! Can’t actually believe I am an author 💙
Can I thank a couple of very special people who helped me, read and re-read my writing and gave me tonnes of support 😍
... Clare Tebbett my fellow snorter and horse impressionist who is always my first go to girl. She can probably dictate my chapter in her sleep. Love you x Sharron Goodyear my lovely new friend who polished and helped sprinkle magic glitter on my efforts Miranda Lever my wonderful sister in law, who gave me the benefit of her editing expertise very late at night during a last minute panic
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Come and join me for a FIVE DAY CHALLENGE to show you the starting steps to SUCCESSFUL BRAND PHOTOGRAPHY BUSINESS!
... This FIVE DAY CHALLENGE is for you if you are... - already a photographer... - want to learn more about Personal and Business Brand Photography as a genre - want to learn how to move into this genre to make good levels of profit on week day shoots...
come and join is the link to register 🙂 xxx. see you in there!
PRIZES worth £1000 in giveaways and competitions during the challenge week..... you snooze you loose, register now!
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Come and join me for a FIVE DAY CHALLENGE to show you the starting steps to SUCCESSFUL BRAND PHOTOGRAPHY BUSINESS!
... This FIVE DAY CHALLENGE is for you if you are... - already a photographer... - want to learn more about Personal and Business Brand Photography as a genre - want to learn how to move into this genre to make good levels of profit on week day shoots...
come and join is the link to register 🙂 xxx. see you in there!
PRIZES worth £1000 in giveaways and competitions during the challenge week..... you snooze you loose, register now!
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Calling all my lovely photographer friends and colleagues....
COME JOIN OUR FREE FIVE DAY CHALLENGE! The Business of Brand Photography.....
... Want to know how to crack into this fabulous genre? Weekday shoots? High levels of profit? Wonderfully varied clients who want to invest in your services
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More about Gillian Devine - Photography Success Mentor
