Global Integration

About Global Integration

We inspire and enable people to succeed in increasingly connected organizations. Specialists in matrix management, virtual teams and global working.

Global Integration Description

We inspire and enable people to succeed in increasingly connected, matrix, virtual and global organizations.



"If you don't fix your corporate culture, digital will either break it or lock it in by automating your existing dysfunctions." Read our very own Kevan Hall's thoughts on the new obsession with digital.


Digital transformation is front of mind for many senior executives, but too often security is left behind. Here’s how to ensure your security isn’t lacking.


Digitisation and tech-enabled learning is transforming the role of L&D as we know it. To help you, here’s a closer look at how L&D should approach and enable digital transformation.


Before your organisation goes digital, we highly suggest you streamline your way of working. We detail as to why here.


Allowing your employees to work remotely could be really beneficial to your business. Not convinced? Here’s a closer look at some of the benefits.


As well as the business benefits of increasing collaboration across the traditional silos, better resource allocation and flexibility to deal with competing goals, working in the matrix may also be one of the best things that can happen to you as an individual. Here are five reasons why:


Really keen to share our article with you about understanding how information flows across your global organisation. Let us know what you think.


Do you manage remote employees? These tips will keep you on the right track to avoid communication breakdown. >> We developed the world’s first virtual teams training programme in 1994. Get in touch to see how we can help.


If you read one article today, make sure it's this one


Interviewing for a new remote employee can be tricky. To help you, here are five interview questions for identifying whether they will be an effective remote employee.


Want to ensure your remote workers are truly engaged? Here’s an indepth look at the positives and negatives of remote working, along with advice to help you negate the downs and boost the ups.


To ensure remote working success, your company needs a strategy. To help you, here are 7 tips from Michael Prynor, founder and CEO of the task management software Trello.


The behaviours of senior leaders and middle managers make or break the success of a matrix implementation. How they inspire, communicate and support the structure is critical. We help prepare them through training and more.


Don't miss our #webinar as we explore the key challenges in the journey for leaders, teams and corporate culture when leading the change from virtual to matrix & digital teams. Register your place here:


Want to reduce workplace negativity? Of course you do. Here’s how:


Digital transformation is creating many opportunities for CIOs. Learn what they are and how to advance your career as a digital CIO. > Struggling to communicate an inspiring and compelling change journey? Get in touch to see how we can help.


Even a strong, skilled leader can send their team into a tailspin of self-doubt — and at worst, fear — just by being unaware of the emotion or lack of it present on their face. Are you communicating the right messages?


Want to ensure your remote employees are engaged and effective? Start with clear expectations and a culture of accountability. Here’s how:

More about Global Integration

Global Integration is located at 2 Wellington Business Park, Dukes Ride, RG45 6LS Crowthorne
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