Gonville And Caius College Chapel

About Gonville And Caius College Chapel

This page has up-to-date information on services and events that are happening in the Chapel of Gonville and Caius College Cambridge.

Gonville And Caius College Chapel Description

The Chapel was built for the worship of God, in a time when Christianity was the norm in the city and university. This religious tradition remains part of the College’s historical identity. In today’s multi-faith, multi-cultural society, all members of the College, whatever their religious beliefs, are welcome to use the Chapel for quiet and reflection, or to attend Chapel services and events.

No-one should feel excluded. It is not necessary to be a committed member of any branch of Christianity, or any other religion, to attend Chapel—and enjoy the music or the silence—with integrity. It is always open during the daytime and evening.

Students at the College assist in the day-to-day running of the Chapel as clerks and can be contacted for more information. The Senior Chapel Clerk is Ruxandra Rogojinaru. The Junior Chapel Clerk is Cyryl Gierynski. The Additional Chapel Clerks are Alastair Ward-Booth, Henry Mitson and Matt Coote.



Sacred Space An opportunity to pause, reflect and pray in the busyness of Easter term Tuesday 21st May and Thursday 23rd May – 1.15pm Tuesday 28th May and Thursday 30th May – 1.15pm Tuesday 4th June and Thursday 6th June – 1.15pm... Service last approx. 10-15 minutes All are welcome
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All are warmly welcome to the following services and events in chapel this week. It promises to be an exciting week, with this term's first TEDS, compline sung by the Caius men and Lord Lloyd-Jones, Justice of the Supreme Court delivering Dr Purse's sermon on Sunday.


All are warmly welcome to the following services this week. Our choir magnificently performed Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco's "The Word" on Tuesday evening and the anthem this Sunday is eagerly awaited. We hope to see you as the week progresses.


The installation of Dr Phillipa Rogerson as the 43rd Master of Gonville and Caius will take place this evening at 18:00 in the chapel. All members of the College are welcome to attend


All welcome!


Leavers’ Evensong & Graduands’ Sermon
This Sunday, 10 June, there will be a special service for all Caians graduating this year. The Dean will preach a Graduands’ Sermon and there will be blessings for leavers at the end of the service.
As always on Sunday evenings, the service will start at 6 pm and there will be refreshments afterwards in the SCR.
... Even if you have never attended chapel before, you are welcome to join us for the service and get a leavers' blessing. The Choir will be singing The Blues Service.
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Our last TEDS of term is TOMORROW evening and all interested are welcome to the Junior Parlour for the Dean's talk, discussion, drink and dessert.


Our last TEDS (The Ecumenical Discussion Society) meeting of term will take place this Thursday, 7 June.
The Dean will talk about ‘Theology and Personality’. Everyone is welcome to the Junior Parlour after Formal Hall (around 8:15 pm). There will be dessert, drink, discussion, and debate, followed by sung Compline at 10 pm.
No set level of religious knowledge, or indeed belief, is necessary to attend TEDS, just a willingness to explore new ideas and an openness to having your views challenged.


Join us this Thursday, 31 May, for our Corpus Christi Solemn Mass, a chance to hear the choir sing Josquin des Prez's Missa Pange lingua. The service will start at 6.15 pm.


Our Precentor, Dr Geoffrey Webber, will lead a seminar tomorrow on 'Towards 50/50: programming new liturgical music by women composers' as part of the London Festival of Contemporary Church Music. This will take place from 2 pm in the Bateman Auditorium.
Also part of the Festival, our Choral Evensong tomorrow will start earlier, at 6:15 pm.
http://www.lfccm.com/whats…/lfccm-cambr idge-2018-seminar-pm/


There are still some places left, so sign up on mealbookings if you would like to attend Corporate Communion tomorrow!


You are warmly invited to this term’s Corporate Communion, on 10 May, Acension Day, at 6.30 pm. The service is followed by free dinner in the Fellows Dining Room, for which you have to sign up on mealbookings.
... Corporate Communion (a.k.a. Corpers) is a great social event and College tradition – the Chapel is full of people (occasional and regular chapelgoers) and the food after the service is as wonderful as the music during it. Both the Service and the supper in the Fellows' Dining Room (by kind permission of the President and Fellows) are open to everyone regardless of denomination.
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Our second TEDS (The Ecumenical Discussion Society) meeting of term will take place this Thursday, 3 May.
Our Additional Clerk, Matt Coote, will give a talk on 'GO TO JAIL: "Good" in the nick?'. Everyone is welcome to the Junior Parlour after Formal Hall (around 8:15 pm). There will be dessert, drink, discussion, and debate, followed by sung Compline at 10 pm.
No set level of religious knowledge, or indeed belief, is necessary to attend TEDS, just a willingness to explore new ideas and an openness to having your views challenged.


An unusual week in Caius Chapel:
On Tuesday, 1 May, there will be no evening service.
On Saturday, 5 May, there will be a Choral Evensong... with members of the Choral Awards Open Day, at 6 pm.
On Sunday, 7 May, there will be no morning service. Instead, we are going to have a service of Confirmation with Holy Communion in the evening, at 6 pm.
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Our Easter Term Card, which will also be available in print in Chapel.
You can find all Chapel services and events in the college calendar on the Venn (college intranet): http://intranet.cai.cam.ac.uk/chapel/chap el-services
To add them to your calendar app, use this link:... https://calendar.google.com/…/gjihvb56s 2bq…/public/basic.ics For Google Calendar, use Calendar ID: gjihvb56s2bqliaih5997rnkl4@group.cal endar.google.com
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More about Gonville And Caius College Chapel

Gonville And Caius College Chapel is located at Gonville and Caius College, CB21TA Cambridge, Cambridgeshire