Govinda'S Restaurant

Monday: 12:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 12:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 12:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 12:00 - 21:00
Friday: 12:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 12:00 - 21:00
Sunday: 12:00 - 16:30

About Govinda'S Restaurant

An oasis in London, Govinda's serves freshly cooked vegetarian cuisine, All products are meat, fish and egg free, many dishes suitable for vegans.

Govinda'S Restaurant Description

We are inspired by the art of creative tasty cuisine and take much pleasure when folks benefit on a healthy and happy level from the foods we prepare.

We started our careers working across brilliant restaurants across the globe and doing non-profit catering for events like vegetarian clubs at various Universities, food relief food for life, and cooking large feasts for Krishna temples around the world, along with various cultural events.

We were fortunate enough to become the head chefs in the famous GovindasвҖҷ group of restaurants in India in the late nineties.

We are excited to be sharing global food trends, scrumptious recipes, unique and exotic drinks and lots of tid-bits about the art of food from a healthy and tasty perspective.



Agree? рҹҷҢрҹҸ»рҹҳҮрҹҘ—рҹҚҗрҹҘҰрҹҘ’рҹҢҪ . #curry #london #veggies #healthyeating #healthyliving #vegetarian #healthylifestyle #soho #foodie #diet #plantbased #plantbaseddiet #veggieworld #meatfree #mondaymotivation #wellness #consciousliving #yummy #lunch #meal #vegetable #food #goodfood #wellbeing #treat #healthyfood #delicious #vegan #wisdom #quotes


Repost @3veni__ гғ»гғ»гғ» I ate the best food at Govinda's in Soho рҹ’ҡ Govinda's Restaurant
.... We love when our special customers share their food photos tagging Govinda's Restaurant ! рҹҳҖрҹҚІрҹ“ё рҹ‘ҢрҹҸ» To feature on our social media pages, share your photos with Govinda's Restaurant food and tag us! рҹҳӢ . . #curry #london #veggies #health #healthyeating #healthyliving #vegetarian #healthylifestyle #soho #foodie #diet #plantbased #plantbaseddiet #foodphotography #foodporn #wellness #crueltyfree #happyfood #yummy #foodies #vegetable #food #goodfood #wellbeing #healthyfood #friends #vegan #eat #foodstagram #foods
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Repost London College of Vedic Studies
We highly recommend this seminar on health and diet, coming up this Sunday at London College of Vedic Studies ! гғ»гғ»гғ» Have you ever heard the phrase вҖҳyou are what you eatвҖҷ?рҹҳҖ An awareness of the digestive processes and the choices we make in eating can help us achieve physical, emotional and mental balance, bringing peace and overall well being. In this seminar next Sunday you will learn how to eat in a healthy way in order to nurture your... body, mind and soul. рҹҚІрҹҘҷрҹҘ—рҹҳҮ . рқҗ‘рқҗһрқҗ рқҗўрқҗ¬рқҗӯрқҗһрқҗ« рқҗҡрқҗӯ рқҗ°рқҗ°рқҗ°.рқҗўрқҗ¬рқҗӨрқҗңрқҗЁрқҗ§.рқҗ ҘрқҗЁрқҗ§рқҗқрқҗЁрқҗ§/рқҗҘрқҗңрқҗҜрқҗ¬/р қҗқрқҗўрқҗһрқҗӯ . . #diet #food #nutrition #healthyfood #healthylifestyle #healthybreakfast #health #healthyliving #spiritual #eat #eating #wellbeing #lifestyle #rawfood #fastfood #vegan #vegetarian #veganfood #veggies #plantbased #plantbaseddiet #vegetarianfood #veggie #foodie #foodlover #foods #body #yoga #cooking #healthylife
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рҹҳӢрҹҺӮ Treat yourself and your friends to some delicious, soft, spongy cakes! рҹҚ° This creamy sponge cake is yummmmmy... .рҹӨӨ .рҹ’“ .рҹҳӢ #curry #london #veggies #healthyeating #healthyliving #vegetarian #healthylifestyle #soho #foodie #diet #plantbased #plantbaseddiet #foodstagram #eat #desserts #wellness #crueltyfree #yummy #lunch #vegetable #food #goodfood #wellbeing #treat #healthyfood #delicious #vegan #cake #thursday #foodphotography


рқҗҲрқҗҢрқҗҸрқҗҺрқҗ‘рқҗ“рқҗҖрқҗҚрқҗ“ рқҗҖрқҗҚрқҗҚрқҗҺрқҗ”рқҗҚрқҗӮрқҗ„рқҗҢрқҗ„р қҗҚрқҗ“ Due to a private function this evening, we will remain closed from 6.30pm onwards. We apologise for the short notice and any inconvenience this may cause.


ItвҖҷs lunchtime! Ready for a treat? HereвҖҷs our delicious spinach pie! рҹҳӢрҹҷҢрҹҸ» nom nom рҹӨӨ .... . .
#curry #london #veggies #eating #healthyeating #healthyliving #vegetarian #healthylifestyle #soho #foodie #diet #plantbased #plantbaseddiet #veggieworld #meatfree #yummy #wellness #mondaymotivation #eat #lunch #monday #vegetable #food #goodfood #wellbeing #foodstagram #healthyfood #foods #vegan #pie


Repost @julia_vegan @govindaslondon гғ»гғ»гғ»
We love when our special customers share their photos with food at @govindaslondon ! рҹҳҖрҹҚІрҹ“ё рҹ‘ҢрҹҸ»
... To feature on our social media pages, share your photos with @govindaslondon food and tag us! рҹҳӢ . . #curry #london #veggies #health #healthyeating #healthyliving #vegetarian #healthylifestyle #soho #foodie #diet #plantbased #plantbaseddiet #foodphotography #foodporn #wellness #crueltyfree #happyfood #yummy #foodies #vegetable #food #goodfood #wellbeing #healthyfood #friends #happymoments #vegan #eat #foodstagram
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If you want to know more about healthy eating habits and choices that can improve your overall wellbeing, then this seminar by London College of Vedic Studies is highly recommended! And itвҖҷs happening at the same building where we are рҹҳғ
гғ»гғ»гғ» We often hear the common phrase вҖҳрқ’ҡрқ’җрқ’– рқ’Ӯрқ’“рқ’Ҷ рқ’ҳрқ’үрқ’Ӯрқ’• рқ’ҡрқ’җрқ’– рқ’Ҷрқ’Ӯрқ’•вҖҷ. рҹҳҖ An awareness of the digestive processes and the choices we make in eating can help us achieve physical, emotional and mental balance, bringing peace and overall well being. In this... seminar you will learn how to рқҗһрқҗҡрқҗӯ рқҗўрқҗ§ рқҗҡ рқҗЎрқҗһрқҗҡрқҗҘрқҗӯрқҗЎрқҗІ рқҗ°рқҗҡрқҗІ рқҗўрқҗ§ рқҗЁрқҗ«рқҗқрқҗһрқҗ« рқҗӯрқҗЁ рқҗ§рқҗ®рқҗ«рқҗӯрқҗ®рқҗ«рқҗһ рқҗІрқҗЁрқҗ®рқҗ« рқҗӣрқҗЁрқҗқрқҗІ, рқҗҰрқҗўрқҗ§рқҗқ рқҗҡрқҗ§рқҗқ рқҗ¬рқҗЁрқҗ®рқҗҘ. рҹҚІрҹҘҷрҹҘ—рҹҳҮ . рқҗ‘рқҗһрқҗ рқҗўрқҗ¬рқҗӯрқҗһрқҗ« рқҗҡрқҗӯ рқҗ°рқҗ°рқҗ°.рқҗўрқҗ¬рқҗӨрқҗңрқҗЁрқҗ§.рқҗ ҘрқҗЁрқҗ§рқҗқрқҗЁрқҗ§/рқҗҘрқҗңрқҗҜрқҗ¬/р қҗқрқҗўрқҗһрқҗӯ . . #diet #food #nutrition #healthyfood #healthylifestyle #health #healthylife #spiritual #eat #eating #wellbeing #lifestyle #rawfood #fastfood #vegan #vegetarian #veganfood #veggies #plantbased #plantbaseddiet #foods #veggie #foodie #foodlover #food #body #yoga #cooking #healthyeating
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#Repost @citymunchapp гғ»гғ»гғ» HereвҖҷs our Thali! рҹҳӢ Karma free, pure vegetarian and cooked with love. @govindaslondon for one of London's best thalis рҹҚӣрҹ‘ј вҖў... вҖў вҖў вҖў #veggies #health #healthyeating #healthylifestyle #vegetarian #healthyfood #soho #london #foodie #diet #plantbased #plantbaseddiet #veggieworld #meatfree #fridaynight #wellness #tgif #friday #vegetables #vegan #vegetarianfood #veggies #healthyliving #follow #eat #curry #follower #food #lunch #weekend
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We love when our special customers share their photos with food at Govinda's Restaurant! рҹҳҖрҹҚІрҹ“ё
To feature on our social media pages, share your photos with Govinda's Restaurant food and tag us! рҹҳӢ . .
... #curry #london #veggies #health #healthyeating #healthyliving #vegetarian #healthylifestyle #soho #foodie #diet #plantbased #plantbaseddiet #foodphotography #foodporn #wellness #crueltyfree #happyfood #greens #foodies #vegetable #food #goodfood #wellbeing #healthyfood #friends #happymoments #vegan #eat #foodstagram
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Ready for a treat this weekend? рҹҳӢрҹҷҢрҹҸ» nom nom рҹӨӨ .... . .
#curry #london #veggies #health #healthyeating #healthyliving #vegetarian #healthylifestyle #soho #foodie #diet #plantbased #plantbaseddiet #veggieworld #meatfree #yummy #wellness #crueltyfree #happyfood #lunch #weekend #vegetable #food #goodfood #wellbeing #thursday #healthyfood #happymoments #vegan #pie


Have you checked out Govinda's Restaurant yet? What did you like about us? Which is your favourite dish? рҹҘ—рҹҢ®рҹҚІ . Comment belowрҹ‘ҮрҹҸ»and your feedback may feature in our next Customer Testimonial! рҹҳҖ .... . .
#veggies #health #healthyeating #healthylifestyle #vegetarian #healthyfood #soho #london #foodie #diet #plantbased #plantbaseddiet #veggieworld #meatfree #fridaynight #wellness #tgif #friday #vegetables #customer #customerfeedback #vegetarianfood #veggies #review #healthyliving #vegan #follow #eat #curry #follower
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рҹҢһ Remember to keep yourself hydrated all day рҹҳҺ Try these #refreshing flavoursome #drinks рҹҘӨ рҹҳӢрҹ‘ҢрҹҸ»Quench your thirst рҹ’Ұ in a #healthy and #tasty way this #summer!
. #curry #veggies #healthyeating #healthyliving #vegetarian #healthylifestyle #soho #foodie #diet #plantbased #plantbaseddiet #veggieworld #meatfree #wellness #crueltyfree #yummy #lunch #meal #vegetable #food #goodfood #wellbeing #treat #healthyfood #delicious


рҹ‘ҮрҹҸ»We are looking for a server. Please get in touch with us if you are interested! рҹҳҠ
#curry #london #veggies #health #healthyeating #healthyliving #vegetarian #healthylifestyle #soho #foodie #diet #plantbased #plantbaseddiet #veggieworld #meatfree #savetheplanet #wellness #crueltyfree #healthyfood #greens #meatalternative #vegetable #food #goodfood #foods #vacancy #job #restaurant #follow


How many agree with this statement? рҹҷҢрҹҸ»рҹҳҮрҹҘ—рҹҚҗрҹҘҰрҹҘ’рҹҢҪ
. . #curry #london #veggies #healthyeating #healthyliving #vegetarian #healthylifestyle #soho #foodie #diet #plantbased #plantbaseddiet #veggieworld #meatfree #mondaymotivation #wellness #crueltyfree #yummy #lunch #meal #vegetable #food #goodfood #wellbeing #treat #healthyfood #delicious #vegan #wisdom #quotes


We had a great time at the Soho Village Fete, organised by The Soho Society, last weekend! рҹ‘ЁрҹҸ»вҖҚрҹҚірҹ‘©рҹҸ»вҖҚрҹҚі Do visit us soon to enjoy our delicious meals cooked with love рҹ’•
. . .... #curry #london #veggies #healthyeating #healthyliving #vegetarian #healthylifestyle #soho #foodie #diet #plantbased #plantbaseddiet #veggieworld #meatfree #savetheplanet #wellness #crueltyfree #yummy #lunch #meal #vegetable #food #goodfood #wellbeing #treat #healthyfood #delicious #vegan #cake #lunch
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We often hear the statement вҖҳYou Are What You EatвҖҷ. Did you know that the food we eat can actually purify and elevate our consciousness? рҹҚІрҹҘ—рҹҳҮрҹҷҸрҹҸј . . .
... #curry #london #veggies #health #healthyeating #healthyliving #vegetarian #healthylifestyle #soho #foodie #diet #plantbased #plantbaseddiet #veggieworld #meatfree #savetheplanet #wellness #crueltyfree #happyfood #lunch #friday #vegetable #food #goodfood #wellbeing #healthyfood #vegan #eat #follow #tgif
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Have you ever been to @govindaslondon? How was your experience? What food did you like the most? рҹҘ—рҹҢ®рҹҚІ . . Comment belowрҹ‘ҮрҹҸ»and your feedback may feature in our next Customer Testimonial! рҹҳҖ .... . .
#veggies #health #healthyeating #healthylifestyle #vegetarian #healthyfood #soho #london #foodie #diet #plantbased #plantbaseddiet #veggieworld #meatfree #savetheplanet #wellness #happyfood #meatalternative #vegetables #customer #customerfeedback #vegetarianfood #veggies #review #healthyliving #vegan #follow #eat #curry #follower
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ItвҖҷs Friday! Treat yourself and your friends to some delicious, soft, spongy cakes tonight! рҹҚ° This vanilla sponge cake is yummmmm...
You all surely deserve this .рҹӨӨ .рҹ’“... .рҹҳӢ #curry #london #veggies #healthyeating #healthyliving #vegetarian #healthylifestyle #soho #foodie #diet #plantbased #plantbaseddiet #veggieworld #meatfree #savetheplanet #wellness #crueltyfree #yummy #lunch #meatalternative #vegetable #food #goodfood #wellbeing #treat #healthyfood #delicious #vegan #cake #friday
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Wonderful place, pure vegetarian food served with love


The food, staff, price and vibe was perfect. It's considerably cheaper than a lot of restaurants in the area and the value for money, food wise, is fantastic.


The atmosphere and food are both wonderful, such a calming oasis in the middle of a busy shopping/tourist area. Great value for money. Fantastic spinach dishes and the Mattar Paneer is out of this world. Everything we have eaten has been fresh and spiced just right. Many thanks Govinda пҝҪпҝҪпҝҪпҝҪпҝҪ


So lovely to visit again for lunch today. A very special occasion and after several decades. Delicious food. I won't leave it so long next time!


Second time visiting the restaurant, and again lovely. I traveled from Bournemouth and made my way straight to the temple, and then to eat. To eat in the city for under ВЈ10 is just amazing. I also am vegan and the signs are spot on, i know what i can eat and its delicious. пҝҪ


Restaurant is very Good!! A good variety of food available and most importantly the taste is absolutely amazing.. The people serving are very good and polite and the restaurant is always kept clean..


It is slightly expensive but the quality of the food is really worth the money. Moreover I like the whole ideology behind 'Krsna Consciousness' and I believe the money goes towards right cause.

If anyone feels that the ambience is not great in restaurant should spend 5-10 mins in the temple upstairs which will make up for it.


Incredibly tasty vegetarian food, clearly made with love! Generous portions & excellent service by very warm and welcoming staff who can't do enough to help make sure customers are happy. Highly recommended, 10/10.


I love it. Great veggie thali at a reasonable price.


I love Govinda's, very good value, lovely vibe, probably because it has the Krishna Consciousness Temple on its shoulders! The food is clearly designated vegetarian and vegan, which I love. The staff are always friendly. If you're feeling really hungry, go for the unlimited for ВЈ9.95!


I have been coming to Govinda's for a number of years. The food is no fuss Indian food, freshly cooked and with devotion. Best place to get a vegetarian or vegan meal at an affordable price. I take everybody I can to this place. Such a gem.


Great food in a nice setting. Great for vegans and vegetarians :)


Flavoursome vegetarian food..Hare Krsna!Wouldn't want to miss if you are in central London.


Fabulous vegan food, realistically priced and lovely staff. CanвҖҷt rate it high enoughпҝҪпҝҪ


Delicious food at reasonable price for Central London. I regularly eat here and they never disappoint! A Delight for Vegetarians and Vegans.


Busy, yet peace vibe with great food, and for the centre of London the prices are truly remarkable.


Been going here since the 80s. Great food at a great price. And to top it off everyone is so friendly.


tasty vegetarian food. I went for the thali so I could have a bit of everything. it is a bit on the pricier side. inside is a cafeteria feel so not the nicest ambience. but great for a quick and easy meal.


I enjoyed the place and delicious meal. I promise I will add another star when the menu turns 100% vegan. There's no need to use eggs or dairy, they are products of animal cruelty just like meat.


Wonderful place, pure vegetarian food served with love


The food, staff, price and vibe was perfect. It's considerably cheaper than a lot of restaurants in the area and the value for money, food wise, is fantastic.


The atmosphere and food are both wonderful, such a calming oasis in the middle of a busy shopping/tourist area. Great value for money. Fantastic spinach dishes and the Mattar Paneer is out of this world. Everything we have eaten has been fresh and spiced just right. Many thanks Govinda пҝҪпҝҪпҝҪпҝҪпҝҪ


So lovely to visit again for lunch today. A very special occasion and after several decades. Delicious food. I won't leave it so long next time!


Second time visiting the restaurant, and again lovely. I traveled from Bournemouth and made my way straight to the temple, and then to eat. To eat in the city for under ВЈ10 is just amazing. I also am vegan and the signs are spot on, i know what i can eat and its delicious. пҝҪ


Restaurant is very Good!! A good variety of food available and most importantly the taste is absolutely amazing.. The people serving are very good and polite and the restaurant is always kept clean..


It is slightly expensive but the quality of the food is really worth the money. Moreover I like the whole ideology behind 'Krsna Consciousness' and I believe the money goes towards right cause.

If anyone feels that the ambience is not great in restaurant should spend 5-10 mins in the temple upstairs which will make up for it.


Incredibly tasty vegetarian food, clearly made with love! Generous portions & excellent service by very warm and welcoming staff who can't do enough to help make sure customers are happy. Highly recommended, 10/10.


I love it. Great veggie thali at a reasonable price.


I love Govinda's, very good value, lovely vibe, probably because it has the Krishna Consciousness Temple on its shoulders! The food is clearly designated vegetarian and vegan, which I love. The staff are always friendly. If you're feeling really hungry, go for the unlimited for ВЈ9.95!


I have been coming to Govinda's for a number of years. The food is no fuss Indian food, freshly cooked and with devotion. Best place to get a vegetarian or vegan meal at an affordable price. I take everybody I can to this place. Such a gem.


Great food in a nice setting. Great for vegans and vegetarians :)


Flavoursome vegetarian food..Hare Krsna!Wouldn't want to miss if you are in central London.


Fabulous vegan food, realistically priced and lovely staff. CanвҖҷt rate it high enoughпҝҪпҝҪ


Delicious food at reasonable price for Central London. I regularly eat here and they never disappoint! A Delight for Vegetarians and Vegans.


Busy, yet peace vibe with great food, and for the centre of London the prices are truly remarkable.


Been going here since the 80s. Great food at a great price. And to top it off everyone is so friendly.


tasty vegetarian food. I went for the thali so I could have a bit of everything. it is a bit on the pricier side. inside is a cafeteria feel so not the nicest ambience. but great for a quick and easy meal.


I enjoyed the place and delicious meal. I promise I will add another star when the menu turns 100% vegan. There's no need to use eggs or dairy, they are products of animal cruelty just like meat.

More about Govinda'S Restaurant

Govinda'S Restaurant is located at 9-10 Soho Street, W1D 3DL London, United Kingdom
Monday: 12:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 12:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 12:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 12:00 - 21:00
Friday: 12:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 12:00 - 21:00
Sunday: 12:00 - 16:30