Graceland Piwc District Youth

About Graceland Piwc District Youth

A vibrant & talented Youth Ministry, who know & love God, where future leaders are raised to serve the Lord & bring Christ's Good News to this generation.



Hearts on fire ready to possess the nations! #familyoflions It’s about to go down from the 5th-10th August in Nottingham! What’s happening? “BREAKOUT19”, the biggest youth conference in the U.K. 🔈🔈
... 1500 youth will descend upon Nottingham and turn it upside down ‼️ Early bird discount £175 till 17th March 2019 Visit to take advantage of this discounted rate! READY! SET! GO!!! #ittsabreakout! #breakout19
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#BreakOut19 Youth Conference! 5th to 10th August, Nottingham Early bird fee: £175! Head over to and REGISTER NOW!!!!!
... **Become a BreakOut19 Sponsor and put your product/service in front of 1500 young people. Contact us at for more info** 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
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The purpose of equipping the Church is for doing ministry. True ministry is not limited to the fivefold ministry or pulpit ministry. In the COP the clergy is less than 0.1%, leaving 99.9% not actively engaged in active ministry. The purpose of pulpit ministry is to help people discover their God-given abilities and be equipped to be effective in their own sphere of influence. As part of the vision 2023 agenda, dubbed POS...SESSING THE NATION, We want to encourage our members to venture into voluntary chaplaincy areas such as Hospital and hospice, workplace chaplaincy, schools, sports, etc. We thank God our members who are health workers and those in the media have started forming guilds. Let us take it serious and start working immediately.
health workers, teachers, tomatoes sellers, hairdressers, importers, exporters, taxi drivers, media practitioners, broadcasters, bankers, public servants, parliamentarians, business people, etc. are encouraged to come to get at the local, district and area levels to help push this agenda.
The areas, districts and local assemblies are to set chaplaincy committees to oversee the various chaplaincy outlets.
Eld Dr Ing Daniel Oben Attuah, I charge you to start mobilizing those of us in the buiding and construction industry.
Aps Ing A N Y Kumi-Larbi.
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For if by the one man’s offense death reigned through the one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ. Romans‬ ‭5‬:‭17‬ NKJV
THE ABUNDANCE OF GRACE This year you’ll experience the anointing of “much more” in your life as never before! ... The grace of God is creating a space for you to rule and to dominate. - I declare that by the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness, creation will bow to you. They may not like, but their rejection of you is God’s direction into your wealthy place! Like Joseph, abundance of GRACE will pick you up from the PIT into POTIPHAR’s house into PRISON and the same RELENTLESS GRACE will bring you into the PALACE OF the PHARAOH and finally into your POSITION of honor, glory and ELEVATION. The God of all GRACE will lift your head up. GRACE is the natural consistent character of our God. It is a divine endorsement of God. GRACE is the LOGIC of GOD and GRACE is the undeserved favor of our HEAVENLY FATHER. Receive grace in place of grace! May your life be full of grace and may your going out and your coming be graceful! Beloved in Christ, GRACE is a PERSON and HE lives on the inside of you and HIS name is JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD. God bless you.
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You’ll experience God’s goodness as never before in the superior name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I declare that the Creator of the universe who is your Heavenly Father will cause His creation to favor you!You’ll experience God’s goodness as never before in the superior name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I declare that the Creator of the universe who is your Heavenly Father will cause His creation to favor you!


PENSA BCU & UOB* are excited to present to you our biggest event yet *PENSA BIRMINGHAM WORSHIP NIGHT.* This is an event which has been carefully thought out and the theme of *LAY YOUR CROWNS* has been laid on our hearts, it would be great to see many of you come from far and near to make yourself vulnerable before your maker and lay everything before him that he may take care of it on your behalf. It's due to be an amazing time before the presence of God amidst anointed ministers. *YOU* do not want to miss out on the blessings that are about to be poured out. Let's all come together and *PROMOTE* this event as best as we can, with all of friends and friends of friends. God bless you all🙌🏾🔥


Today's Word
“You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows” (Psalm 23:5 NIV).
... Trust Your Defense to God
Our civilization is losing its civility. The world is getting ruder! The internet plays a part in this, because it allows people to hide behind the screen and say things online that they would never have the courage to say to others face-to-face.
People who do this reveal the smallness of their hearts. Great people make people feel great, but small people belittle people. People who belittle others have a little knot for a heart, and they make fun of others because they think it will make them feel better.
How do you handle rude people? You don’t. You let God handle them. You let God be your defender.
King David was a pro at this. He knew what it meant to be attacked emotionally, verbally, and physically. As a young man, he was anointed by Samuel to be the next king of Israel, but David was chased by spent two years running from his predecessor, King Saul, who wanted to kill him. He hid in caves while being criticized constantly behind his back.
Yet David never said a bad word against the king. He never retaliated, because God was preparing him to be the king after God’s own heart.
David says in Psalm 23:5, “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows”(NIV).
David was recognizing God’s goodness to him. God anointed his head with oil, which says to the world, “This is my guy! Back off! He is going to be the next leader.” David’s cup overflowed, which meant God kept blessing him and blessing him, even when others attacked him.
Does it sound like David was stressed out? No! He didn’t have to use up all his energy defending himself because he trusted God to be his defender.
It takes a lot of faith and humility to rest and trust God when you’re under attack, when you’re misunderstood, when rumors are spreading about you, and when people are saying untrue things about you online. When that happens, everything in you wants to rise up and do something about it.
But you are most like Christ when you remain silent under attack. Jesus was constantly attacked, yet he never retaliated, even on his way to the cross. He remained silent before his accusers because he had entrusted himself to the care of the Father.
“If you are suffering in a manner that pleases God, keep on doing what is right, and trust your lives to the God who created you, for he will never fail you” (1 Peter 4:19 NLT).
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Grab your ticket


Deuteronomy 1:30 “ The LORD your God, who goes before you, He will fight for you,..........” As you go through the pages and chapters of the new month( October), remember the LORD our God has already gone ahead of you to level mountains and to make all crooked ways straight in the superior name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Receive new grace for the journey ahead and you receive fresh oil for the challenges in October. We declare that unusual help will rise for you! We tear ever...y garment of mourning from you in the superior name of Jesus Christ. Those who mocked you and looked down on you will be looking up to you soonest in Jesus name. Whatever good thing your hand begins, you’ll finish it. Your life will bring souls to Christ Every opposition against your progress, promotion and prosperity is removed through the power of the Holy Spirit. May the LORD do you good and may you become a reference point of God’s goodness and favor. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. 🙏 Have a blessed month🤗🤗🤗
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You’re a product of the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Hence you’re more than a conqueror through Christ who first loved us!


You can’t afford to miss this year’s.


Calling ALL (13-19yrs), the most controversial topics will be dissected on 27th October, 2018: ‘SEX & EVOLUTION’. #TBC18 #TeensBreakOut18


A night of worship🙌 Live from the Beautiful gate

More about Graceland Piwc District Youth

Graceland Piwc District Youth is located at 328 Yardley Road, B25 8LT Birmingham, UK